Disguised code in Drosnin's Bible code

Re: re : disguised part of the Bible code

Originally posted by Daniel
God knows the future. God knows possible
knock-on effects on the future. There is a concept
of time that we do not understand yet. God knows
the detail of what we see as the future as if it has
already happened.
I knew the future, and I can predict it with 100% accuracy. However, if I tell you the future, my action will have an impact effect on the future I am telling. This might or might not change the future I am predicting. To ensure 100% accuracy, I can write the future down in an encoded format. Then after the future becomes the past, you can decode the message and see it as 100% matched.

How is that sounded?

God knew which number would be used.
As long as the number works as a marker that
is what matters, whether there are digits after
the number 666 or even if the number had to be
rounded up does not stop it working as a marker.
Generally code for a computer needs to be precise.
A code that transmits information to people just
needs to do that job, sometimes it does not have to
be precise or pretty.
Although human brain is well known for fault tolerance, imprecise information is the root cause of many famous accidents.
Deadwood ...

Also, Tiassa, what do you mean at the ballot box. I've heard you say that but never really been sure what ballot box means. Prehaps this could be explored in another topic?
It's a simple idea best expressed by Lysander Spooner, that if the Moralists would look to their own affairs, they would find that they have great work to do at home. In the long run, yes, we can expect a topic on it at some point, but I have before thought to have this notion nailed down, only to find myself unable to communicate it.

A common experience: Walking down the street you may or may not pass change along to the panhandlers seeking a meal or perhaps the satisfaction of vice. A distinction of conduct exists 'twixt Christians and "other people" in a certain sense. The absolute morality or immorality of either giving change or not to a panhandler is equal for all people; but those who choose to adopt Jesus' blood as their crest and standard have willingly accepted additional moral burdens. By the choice of Christianity, to not pass some change, a smoke, an apple, or whatnot along to these outstretched, hungry hands is to imperil the Christian salvation (Matthew 25; whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren ...).

Perhaps as an inner response to guilt, these failing faithful often begin to first externalize their fear--that is, project its fearsome attributes onto something worldly--and then enact a desperate ploy for salvation through the brutalization of the externalized fear.

You know, Shoot 'em Down by Twisted Sister has never made me want to walk into a roomful of churchies and "shoot them down with the f---ing gun". Yet for this baseless fear, the album the song was on was banned from sale in the US. The whole of the censorship movement in the 1980's looked like this. Reagan apparently wouldn't say the words, "AIDS" or "HIV", and locked his surgeon-general into policy that promised only to augment the HIV crisis; our government sold weapons to our enemies in order to buy drugs to sell on the streets to Americans; warfare became the standard ambition of American society. And yet, strangely, these problems were apparently caused by musicians. Or gay people. Sometimes both. Maybe a photographer in Cincinnati.

Protested books, banned albums, felonious photographs. How many people ever actually saw Serannos' (I believe was his name) Piss Christ? There was more Freudian dysfunction at play in the Frohnmeyer hearings for the NEA than can be described. Senators were demanding the criminalization of things they could not pronounce, and of words they were incapable of reading.

A friend of mine further notes the political decision (by a California actor turned politician) to release psychiatric patients from federal institutions. Anyone wonder why we have so many homeless? It was an act of love to send these people forth without food, shelter, or compassionate families to care for them, and then to criminalize them for living on the street.

What was the result of the 1980s Drug War? Statistics note that per-household use of drugs was on the decline when Reagan took office; furthermore, the statistics noted that while drug use was declining, more and more arrests were taking place. Propaganda spread, creating all sorts of myth and misinformation. The result of this has been a travesty: 1995 DoJ statistics show that of 2,400 people prosecuted under the federal crack cocaine sentencing standard (100 times more aggressive than powdered cocaine, despite the fact that the drugs are chemically identical), eleven were not black, and three were white. Same-year stats from over at HHS assert that 65% of the nation's crack smokers are white.

It is such that the police force in my own town is now under pressure for targeting blacks in the Drug War. Women are victimized in ridiculous judicial dog-and-pony shows. The inability of European-descended culture to handle their intoxicants has resulted in the widespread suspension of the right of personal conduct, and a wholesale abandonment of judicial due process. (In what other legal structure do we find such a de facto assumption of guilt, and a burden of proof upon the accused?)

Never should we measure an effort solely by its intent. A consideration of the consequential weight of failure is imperative: Prohibition of alcohol was repealed because the result of prohibition was less desirable than an alcoholic society.

I understand compassion; I understand the compulsion to piety. But if one's Christian compassion and piety motivated someone to act on behalf of the whole society, should not that piety and compassion strive toward a pious and compassionate goal? To wit: Having recently dissolved my last conjugal relationship, I can say that had someone told me when I was 18 that my standards would lead me to the state of this last relationship, I would have been horrified and offended. In a like manner, as one goes forward with pious compassion to save, redeem, or otherwise influence another soul in the name of Christ, should not that pious and compassionate one seek a pious and compassionate result? It sounds good: Just say no to drugs. Would one, however, vote to Suspend Constitutional liberty; focus police action against gender and racial distinctions; create a growth-industry for human incarceration; lie, lie, and lie some more; demand that the downtrodden declare themselves guilty of imprisonable felonies before achieving help breaking their addictions ...? Would one seeking to create a pious and compassionate society vote to reduce bedspace to house sexual and child predators in order to house more potheads?

And the 1990s brought a new campaign against sexuality. Neurotically obsessed people, in the name of religion, throw holy gasoline on the fires of a perceived crisis in order to extinguish it. Sure, reducing teen pregnancy sounds good. But would one vote to Educate children with falsehoods; deny protection against bad decisions; frighten children into sexual bondage (marriage has been accused of being legalized prostitution by some of our most left-leaning feminists, and with reasonable rhetorical data); encourage children to submit to sexual acts they do not desire (essentially, encourage children to submit to rape); endanger children's health; and ultimately increase the child-pregnancy rate?

We have tried, as a culture, to blame all manner of ideas for sexual "immorality" among youth. Music, television and movies, books. Teachers, politicians .... These parents who insist that it is the responsibility of the family to teach sexuality also do an intentionally poor job of it. Children grow up paranoid of displaying their bodies; they make the flesh a tool of rebellion. I point to Spooner again, who noted that those parents who would keep their children ignorant of vice in order to protect their virtue are, in fact, practicing coercion:
The attempts of parents to make their children virtuous generally little else than attempts to keep them in ignorance of vice. They are little else than attempts to teach their children to know and prefer truth, by keeping them in ignorance of falsehood. They are little else than attempts to make them seek and appreciate health, by keeping them in ignorance of disease, and of everything that will cause disease. They are little else than attempts to make their children love the light, by keeping them in ignorance of darkness. In short, they are little else than attempts to make their children happy, by keeping them in ignorance of everything that causes them unhappiness. (Vices Are Not Crimes, Lysander Spooner, 1875)
And then there is the issue of homosexuality. In the most recent OCA measure, sponsors noted that homosexuality was a "divisive issue" that therefore had no place in the classroom. As I noted to Bowser in our long debate last autumn, it is entirely possible that the notion of homosexuality is so divisive in Oregon because a cadre of religious zealots ask Oregonians to vote on the legality of homosexuality every damn year. I'm sorry, but homosexuality has existed since the beginning of humanity, at least. We see it in primates and other mammals as well. Are these zealots seriously telling me that society will be better off without homosexuals? That teen pregnancy and sexual immorality among youth will disappear? So far, that seems to be the assertion. Yet as the culture continues to alienate homosexuality on many levels, the same Christians who feel poorly about perceived "anti-Christian" sentiments in society cannot extend their compassion to other human beings long enough to realize that the most part of the alienation a homosexual might feel comes from anti-gay sentiments in society. Perhaps if the gay-haters stopped hating gays, the gays would not be on the defensive, and subject to the massive concerns of being in the closet and feeling compelled to lie to one's family.

Christianity has abused the political system in the name of securing its "rights". It is not about the preservation of Christian tradition, but about the authority of Christian dogma. It is not about salvation, but about dominion. And all of this in an effort to glorify God and make the world a better place for you and me.

Personally, I think a little bit of human empathy, or the change in your pocket, or even a cigarette, can start that process of spreading kindness. The other factor there is to do it genuinely; when I give to a homeless person, it's as a favor 'twixt humans. It is not charity. It is not "helping out." Rather, it is, "Yeah, actually I do have fifty cents." Or, "No you don't need to pay me for a cigarette." Sometimes something simpler works: Beautiful day today. How about those Mariners? To give this infinitesimal degree of oneself is really as simple as choosing not to hate someone simply because they're not you.

And even I stroll past an outstretched hand sometimes. And even I will look away, when my heart cannot carry the burden for a day. But two things separate me from what my experience tells me about Christians:

* When I do pass that hand without giving, I do not, as I have heard so many people do in my lifetime, criticize the wretched state of the least of my brethren whom I have refused.

* I have no doctrinal obligation toward anyone to the degree that Matthew 25 sets out.

This is part of the reason why I am not a Christian: it lets me do more positive work in the world.

Thus I submit, as an answer to the question at hand, an excerpt from the paragraph following my reference to the ballot box: What's more important to God, then? That Mars is a signpost to redemption, or that we treat the least of our brethren--and therefore God itself--properly?

It's all in the context.

Tiassa :cool:

Edit: contextual changes from typo; removal of the word not in relation of statistics.
Last edited:
RE: Daktaklakpak

There is a lot of code that has not been seen yet. A
prediction in advance of an event that will happen may
be waiting for us in the near future. A reliable
earthquake prediction system would be very useful to
us. The accuracy issue you have mentioned in code we
have not seen yet of events to happen could be handled
event x will happen unless action y is taken.

An earthquake will occur at place A on date B,
many will die unless they are evacuated.

behind the scenes work
One of the evacuated people will go on to become
a mass murderer unless a " chance meeting " with
an old friend changes their outlook on life.
The " chance meeting " will be arranged by God by
the influencing of someone's or some people's
non-moral decision(s).

God knows the minds of the people who will be decoding
the code. How they think and there attention to detail
etc. God knows the future and possible future so He
knows how code would be interpreted. The code can be
encoded ' taylor-made' so that it will be decoded
correctly, an 'error correction ' system second to none.

Code can de designed so that, as in the film BAT *21,
it can be decoded by certain individuals and not others,
personal code branches. The key to this code could be
a previous event in someone's life that means
something to them but not others.
The thing I keep thinking

is this: Should Bible "code" be deemed to be true, and there are additional clues from God encrypted in the text, doesn't that shoot the feet from under the Christian claim that God is accessible to all? In addition to reading, you now need to employ mathematical processes which were not recognized or practiced--and therefore did not exist in any practical terms--at the time of the writing of the various books of the Bible?

I mean, how many Christians at Sciforums alone have claimed that the Bible is clearly defined with a simple message? Theoretical mathematics is simple for the common superstitious dolt?

Also, I am curious about this, which I extract from my 5/23 post in this topic. Even a citation from Drosnin's introduction or text will suffice, but I am wondering why nobody's considering:
What I'm after here is that I'm not sure the extraction of anything but a coherent discourse from God will suffice to demonstrate the authenticity of what appears to be theological fancy. 26 letters repeated in a finite number of combinations, the total number of letters in the Old Testament, and the total number of equations you can ask a computer to scan by. If they pull a hundred-thousand suspect words from the Judaic Junior Jumble of OT codes, they still have achieved a minute fraction of the potential of the whole. Consider this: If I dump three cans of alphabet soup into a pot, stick my spoon in (for this probability can be described by much better mathematicians than I) and, in one spoonful, receive the word "Jesus", have I enjoyed a miracle or witnessed a demonstration of probability? What is the difference of probability, then, that I would pull out the five characters spelling, "Joint"? (Yes, I realize that you must account for one repeated letter; it changes the probability minutely compared to the greater illustration.)

If you extract "Jesus loves me" from textual code, you have achieved no greater miracle than if you extract "Xyznz amgyz jy". The probability of finding a string of relevant characters is exactly equal to the probability of finding a string of unintelligible nonsense; until you start tweaking the probability calculations and exscinding data in order to cause a favorable outcome.

Tiassa :cool:
A curious consideration:

Code can de designed so that, as in the film BAT *21, it can be decoded by certain individuals and not others, personal code branches. The key to this code could be a previous event in someone's life that means
something to them but not others.
This seems to present the possibility that God designed some people so that they will never be able to interpret the code, and never receive the fullness of his word.

And they will be punished for this failure?

TIassa :cool:
Re: RE: Daktaklakpak

Originally posted by Daniel
God knows the minds of the people who will be decoding
the code. How they think and there attention to detail
etc. God knows the future and possible future so He
knows how code would be interpreted. The code can be
encoded ' taylor-made' so that it will be decoded
correctly, an 'error correction ' system second to none.

Code can de designed so that, as in the film BAT *21,
it can be decoded by certain individuals and not others,
personal code branches. The key to this code could be
a previous event in someone's life that means
something to them but not others.
Does the code exist in old bible? Does the code exist in new bible? Is the code preserved across all translations? Also, why all the decoded examples were the events that occurred in Europe and North America? What about other continents? Is it because the code is hiding so deep that you can't find it?
Only the wise will survive

Originally posted by tiassa
This seems to present the possibility that God designed some people so that they will never be able to interpret the code, and never receive the fullness of his word.

Yup looks like only mathematicians and those with powerful computers will be the ones to inherit the world. See I always knew I was going to live forever. :)
re : disguised part of the Bible code

The personal code branches I suggested would not be the bulk of the Code. The purpose of these branches would be to provide information ( not initially for the public release )of a sensitive nature possible that would help in someone's healing. This would not neccessarily mean it would aways be keep from the public eye, maybe once the person was ready the code could be released. I have already come across this and if I keep that information from the public it will be to protect others. There is a massive amount of code ready to be uncovered so I do not think people will feel left out. By influencing non-moral decisions all though history all sorts of mediums contain code. Lyndale stated the Hebrew language. I state the English language, some names of places, planets, stars, constellations, books, streets, people etc. I believe billions of non-moral decisions have been influenced. The Code is for everyone. It is designed to reach out into people's hobbies, interests etc. Up to now the Code may have seemed to be for people with some academic ability. It is also for people who are not academic. Anyboby's non-moral decisions can be influenced. This includes the people who choose props for films. On those props are sometimes numbers. God can influence which pan shots, locations, numbers at locations eg. house numbers, numbers used in scripts and the scripts themselves, vehicle numbers eg. road vehicles, airplanes,boats. Code can be used to give a new meaning on top of the one in films, this can include humour. ' Field of Dreams ' and 'Apocalypse Now ' contain code. Reminder to readers - I am an electronics engineer. ps. I do not take hallucinogenic drugs of any kind.
More information about myself
I am the seventh child in a large Catholic family. In September 1974 I started attending a Grammar school run by Christian Brothers little knowing that gratuitious violence was part of the curriculum. Experiences in class 2B were a foundation for a Multiple Personality Disorder which took hold by the 4th or 5th year. During some stage in the latter part of the 1970's, in a school, where for me, logic appeared to be turned on its head and in a classroom with a crucifix on the wall, a Bible in my desk and a will to communicate with God I came up with the idea, prompted by the number of the beast 666, to use code. This idea, the knowledge and development of it has been stored within a personality, 'the philosopher ', for over two decades. After studying science A' levels I was in and out of work for four years until moving into a bedsit in June 1986 and starting an engineering course in September 1986. After the course, in the summer of 1989 I received counselling. Luckily for the Code development I kept the bedsit and in the spring and summer of 1990 I experienced a whole series of psychological attacks. Nearly as soon as each attack started and finished there was a personality change which made it very difficult to get away and stay away. The encoding done in 1990 was substantial. The room number of that bedsit was 8. I left that house ( house number 92 ) in November 1990. An example of the degree of memory problem, I returned to that house of bedsits, room 6 this time, in 1991. Going by what I remember now the attacks / battle was nowhere near the severity of 1990. I finally left that house in the Autumn ( fall ) of 1992 and have been living back at home ever since. My healing has gone well. In Feburary 1997 I started going though an experience which at times must have looked similar to a mix of Schizophenia and an Anxiety disorder. It was a mixture of real and false memories returning with feelings of regrets, anxiety, fear etc. By working though this in the summer of 2000 memories of encoding returned to me. I began decoding the disguised code in Michael Drosnin's book that summer and have been decoding and posting on the internet since. I chose the internet as I am still experiencing flashback of violence and very mild, intermittent anxiety. The Apocalypse is a code which includes details of attacks on me, a story that has been turned into a drama-comedy. The Final Battle referred to in The Revelation to John is about bedsit Room 6, Armageddon. Symbolic and exaggerated language has been used as cover and for healing.
You have just seen a small amount of code so far.The Code does intentionally include literature and events from China, Russia, the Arab World, South America etc. The encoded quote to represent the moon landing is also to be used to represent the Code, ' Done by mankind, done by a man '. ( The Bible Code p.20 )

The history book I am using, which has been influenced by God, does have a bias towards Western history. My survival and fight against evil acts was greatly assisted by influences of both World Wars and also Vietnam war films. The quote in the film Platoon " a grunt can take anything " was of great help. The North American quote " In God we trust " was also a great help in my Christian soldiering. The Great Britain / North American special relationship is strong in this story as well as other international connections. A world code.

God is accessible to all. The bulk of the Code will be decoded and distributed freely. Much of the Code is fairly easy to understand
Example autobus a u tob us
a you 2B us

Some code is designed with neat tricks, to be fun to decode.

For proper statistical analysis of Michael Drosnin's code now my work should be included. So in relation to what you said about cans of beans I would say the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

With regard to Daktaklakpak's point the question could be changed to " where isn't there code ?" I have seen code in the plain text of the Bible a lot. Although I am the encoder I do not know all the code that is out there but I do have the key to the Code, decoding is ongoing.

What about people with slide-rules ?
Flight of the Phoenix
" The men with the slide-rules and computers will inherit the Earth. "

whO iS hE ? President, but He was kicked out
resident ?

Another piece of the Bible code which could provide more code
is " five futures, five roads ". The Bible code has illustrated God
knows the future in all its detail. This includes everything including
names of films.

There are a series of films starring Bob Hope and Bing Crosby,
seven in all.
Road to Singapore 1940
Road to Zanzibar 1941
Road to Morocco 1942
Road to Utopia 1945
Road to Rio 1947
Road to Bali 1952
Road to Hong Kong 1961

The code may have used the method of naming Shakespearean plays
to highlight years when no play was presented. Using a similar principle
' five roads ' code could be highlighting the names of two of the " Roads.. "
films. Seven roads minus ' five roads ' = two roads.

The two " Roads.. " the code could be pointing to are :-
1) Road to Utopia
2) Road to Zanzibar

Joseph Bar.....
See also ' presented on stage ' code
Baro ( 1607 AD )
Barents ( 1596 AD )

Einstein science
They prophesied a brainy person
a new and excellent understanding
He overturned present reality
theory of relativity
Add a fifth part

For the builders Add a fifth part --> concrete
con crete
con science

crete Many years in history book index, last one 1908

1908 AD Hermann Minkowski elaborates four-dimensional geometry,
the mathematics of relativity.

God gave us freewill. God lets us choose between right and wrong ie. moral
decisions. God's power is great. God has the power to influence all our
decisions, He choose not to influence our moral decisions. God has not said
that He will not influence our non-moral decisions. God has been
influencing a great number of non-moral decisions of many people
throughout history, including writers ie. the titles of books and when the books
were published.

a few more comparisons

Sealed before God Deuteronomy 12 : 12
1212 AD Parzival ( Middle High German epic on the Grail theme )

for you the hidden secrets Daniel 11 : 40
1140 AD The St. Gothard Pass now open as a
commercial route; a bridge had been made.
(* the code is a bridge *)
Ode to Zion; Hebrew poem
Kitab al- Khazari ( dialogue in Arabic defending
revealed religion from philosophy )

The same word that means ' code ' also is a verb, so the full phrase
can also be read, ' He encoded the Torah, and more'. The additional
words ' and more ' appear in Numbers 20 : 20 to Deuteronomy 28 :8.
( The Bible Code p.194 )
Numbers 20 : 20
The numbers 20 , 20 are often connected to the word ' vision'.
20 / 20 vision

God knows the future in all its detail. God knew along time ago I would
write this piece of work, including the following. Would God put code
where I am about to suggest if it was not going to be there because of
another reason ? Maybe.

A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, D = 4, E = 5, F = 6, G = 7, O = 0 etc.
Add a 1 1704

1704 AD Sir Issac Newton publishes Optics, which defends the corpuscular theory of light.
Beau Nash becomes master of ceremonies at Bath.

Jonathan Swift, A Tale of a Tub and The Battle of the Books

' Swift ' is encoded from Leviticus 15 : 19 to Leviticus 23 : 29.
( The Bible Code p. 191 )
This refers to the comet Swift-turtle but I believe the word ' swift '
is used by the code for another purpose, a codeword for the full
decoding of the Bible code.

For the Bath, England connection see also Macbeth Leviticus 7 : 29
and ' presented on stage ' code.
Bartholomew ......... twice ( 1612 AD )

The word annexed is in the Bible Code and, I believe, refers to the code
itself, the words and phrases can be used for more than one purpose.
eg. ' Av ' as a date but also an avenue ( road ). A very efficient code.

annex add or append as subordinate part
append attach, affix ; add.
affix 1. attach, fasten ; add in writing
2. thing affixed ; prefix or suffix

prefix 1. verbal element placed at beginning of word to
qualify meaning
2. join as prefix ( to word )
suffix 1. verbal element attached to end of word in
inflexion or word formation
2. add as suffix

annexe supplementary building

Five roads

Shakespeare , Av , second , third , five roads are all in the code.

In Bath, England there are a row of five avenues.
1 Bruton Avenue
2 Shakespeare Avenue
3 Kipling Avenue
4 Milton Avenue
5 Longfellow Avenue

Shakespeare Av second
Kipling Av third

Third = Kipling More code about The Battle of Waterloo ( Bristol )
link from Kipling - History book index.

Kipling, Rudyard 1888, 1894, 1899, 1901, 1902

1902 AD Waterloo Bridge, Claude Monet
' The Entertainer ' rag, Scott Joplin
the encoder I the landlord
me anagram
T. Olpin

Waterloo Bridge = the Code

The Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad
The Path to Rome Hilaire Belloc

Just So Stories Rudyard Kipling

( Please do not approach Terry Olpin, an amazing cosmic tumbler )

Diagrams that may help to illustrate how to encode
the Bible from the 20th century working with God

God ----------------->------------>---------------------
knowledge of all the future

This is the same effect as words travelling back in time.

God---------------------<----------<------- the encoder

For those who are familiar with the concept of
electricity this comparison may help

--------- electron flow----->
<-- conventional current------

A feedback loop across time

God--------------------------------------the encoder
I -------------------- I
I I The I I
I-------------I Bible I-------------I

the encoder
who is he ?
His name is Joseph Bar........
of Bath, England
re : disguised part of the Bible code

The personal code branches I suggested would not be the bulk of the Code. The purpose of these branches would be to provide information ( not initially for the public release )of a sensitive nature possible that would help in someone's healing. This would not neccessarily mean it would aways be keep from the public eye, maybe once the person was ready the code could be released. I have already come across this and if I keep that information from the public it will be to protect others. There is a massive amount of code ready to be uncovered so I do not think people will feel left out. By influencing non-moral decisions all though history all sorts of mediums contain code. Lyndale stated the Hebrew language. I state the English language, some names of places, planets, stars, constellations, books, streets, people etc. I believe billions of non-moral decisions have been influenced. The Code is for everyone. It is designed to reach out into people's hobbies, interests etc. Up to now the Code may have seemed to be for people with some academic ability. It is also for people who are not academic. Anyboby's non-moral decisions can be influenced. This includes the people who choose props for films. On those props are sometimes numbers. God can influence which pan shots, locations, numbers at locations eg. house numbers, numbers used in scripts and the scripts themselves, vehicle numbers eg. road vehicles, airplanes,boats. Code can be used to give a new meaning on top of the one in films, this can include humour. ' Field of Dreams ' and 'Apocalypse Now ' contain code. Reminder to readers - I am an electronics engineer. ps. I do not take hallucinogenic drugs of any kind.
More information about myself
I am the seventh child in a large Catholic family. In September 1974 I started attending a Grammar school run by Christian Brothers little knowing that gratuitious violence was part of the curriculum. Experiences in class 2B were a foundation for a Multiple Personality Disorder which took hold by the 4th or 5th year. During some stage in the latter part of the 1970's, in a school, where for me, logic appeared to be turned on its head and in a classroom with a crucifix on the wall, a Bible in my desk and a will to communicate with God I came up with the idea, prompted by the number of the beast 666, to use code. This idea, the knowledge and development of it has been stored within a personality, 'the philosopher ', for over two decades. After studying science A' levels I was in and out of work for four years until moving into a bedsit in June 1986 and starting an engineering course in September 1986. After the course, in the summer of 1989 I received counselling. Luckily for the Code development I kept the bedsit and in the spring and summer of 1990 I experienced a whole series of psychological attacks. Nearly as soon as each attack started and finished there was a personality change which made it very difficult to get away and stay away. The encoding done in 1990 was substantial. The room number of that bedsit was 8. I left that house ( house number 92 ) in November 1990. An example of the degree of memory problem, I returned to that house of bedsits, room 6 this time, in 1991. Going by what I remember now the attacks / battle was nowhere near the severity of 1990. I finally left that house in the Autumn ( fall ) of 1992 and have been living back at home ever since. My healing has gone well. In Feburary 1997 I started going though an experience which at times must have looked similar to a mix of Schizophenia and an Anxiety disorder. It was a mixture of real and false memories returning with feelings of regrets, anxiety, fear etc. By working though this in the summer of 2000 memories of encoding returned to me. I began decoding the disguised code in Michael Drosnin's book that summer and have been decoding and posting on the internet since. I chose the internet as I am still experiencing flashback of violence and very mild, intermittent anxiety. The Apocalypse is a code which includes details of attacks on me, a story that has been turned into a drama-comedy. The Final Battle referred to in The Revelation to John is about bedsit Room 6, Armageddon. Symbolic and exaggerated language has been used as cover and for healing.
You have just seen a small amount of code so far.The Code does intentionally include literature and events from China, Russia, the Arab World, South America etc. The encoded quote to represent the moon landing is also to be used to represent the Code, ' Done by mankind, done by a man '. ( The Bible Code p.20 )

The history book I am using, which has been influenced by God, does have a bias towards Western history. My survival and fight against evil acts was greatly assisted by influences of both World Wars and also Vietnam war films. The quote in the film Platoon " a grunt can take anything " was of great help. The North American quote " In God we trust " was also a great help in my Christian soldiering. The Great Britain / North American special relationship is strong in this story as well as other international connections. A world code.

God is accessible to all. The bulk of the Code will be decoded and distributed freely. Much of the Code is fairly easy to understand
Example autobus a u tob us
a you 2B us

Some code is designed with neat tricks, to be fun to decode.

For proper statistical analysis of Michael Drosnin's code now my work should be included. So in relation to what you said about cans of beans I would say the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

With regard to Daktaklakpak's point the question could be changed to " where isn't there code ?" I have seen code in the plain text of the Bible a lot. Although I am the encoder I do not know all the code that is out there but I do have the key to the Code, decoding is ongoing.

What about people with slide-rules ?
Flight of the Phoenix
" The men with the slide-rules and computers will inherit the Earth. "

whO iS hE ? President, but He was kicked out
resident ?

Another piece of the Bible code which could provide more code
is " five futures, five roads ". The Bible code has illustrated God
knows the future in all its detail. This includes everything including
names of films.

There are a series of films starring Bob Hope and Bing Crosby,
seven in all.
Road to Singapore 1940
Road to Zanzibar 1941
Road to Morocco 1942
Road to Utopia 1945
Road to Rio 1947
Road to Bali 1952
Road to Hong Kong 1961

The code may have used the method of naming Shakespearean plays
to highlight years when no play was presented. Using a similar principle
' five roads ' code could be highlighting the names of two of the " Roads.. "
films. Seven roads minus ' five roads ' = two roads.

The two " Roads.. " the code could be pointing to are :-
1) Road to Utopia
2) Road to Zanzibar

Joseph Bar.....
See also ' presented on stage ' code
Baro ( 1607 AD )
Barents ( 1596 AD )

Einstein science
They prophesied a brainy person
a new and excellent understanding
He overturned present reality
theory of relativity
Add a fifth part

For the builders Add a fifth part --> concrete
con crete
con science

crete Many years in history book index, last one 1908

1908 AD Hermann Minkowski elaborates four-dimensional geometry,
the mathematics of relativity.

God gave us freewill. God lets us choose between right and wrong ie. moral
decisions. God's power is great. God has the power to influence all our
decisions, He choose not to influence our moral decisions. God has not said
that He will not influence our non-moral decisions. God has been
influencing a great number of non-moral decisions of many people
throughout history, including writers ie. the titles of books and when the books
were published.

a few more comparisons

Sealed before God Deuteronomy 12 : 12
1212 AD Parzival ( Middle High German epic on the Grail theme )

for you the hidden secrets Daniel 11 : 40
1140 AD The St. Gothard Pass now open as a
commercial route; a bridge had been made.
(* the code is a bridge *)
Ode to Zion; Hebrew poem
Kitab al- Khazari ( dialogue in Arabic defending
revealed religion from philosophy )

The same word that means ' code ' also is a verb, so the full phrase
can also be read, ' He encoded the Torah, and more'. The additional
words ' and more ' appear in Numbers 20 : 20 to Deuteronomy 28 :8.
( The Bible Code p.194 )
Numbers 20 : 20
The numbers 20 , 20 are often connected to the word ' vision'.
20 / 20 vision

God knows the future in all its detail. God knew along time ago I would
write this piece of work, including the following. Would God put code
where I am about to suggest if it was not going to be there because of
another reason ? Maybe.

A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, D = 4, E = 5, F = 6, G = 7, O = 0 etc.
Add a 1 1704

1704 AD Sir Issac Newton publishes Optics, which defends the corpuscular theory of light.
Beau Nash becomes master of ceremonies at Bath.

Jonathan Swift, A Tale of a Tub and The Battle of the Books

' Swift ' is encoded from Leviticus 15 : 19 to Leviticus 23 : 29.
( The Bible Code p. 191 )
This refers to the comet Swift-turtle but I believe the word ' swift '
is used by the code for another purpose, a codeword for the full
decoding of the Bible code.

For the Bath, England connection see also Macbeth Leviticus 7 : 29
and ' presented on stage ' code.
Bartholomew ......... twice ( 1612 AD )

The word annexed is in the Bible Code and, I believe, refers to the code
itself, the words and phrases can be used for more than one purpose.
eg. ' Av ' as a date but also an avenue ( road ). A very efficient code.

annex add or append as subordinate part
append attach, affix ; add.
affix 1. attach, fasten ; add in writing
2. thing affixed ; prefix or suffix

prefix 1. verbal element placed at beginning of word to
qualify meaning
2. join as prefix ( to word )
suffix 1. verbal element attached to end of word in
inflexion or word formation
2. add as suffix

annexe supplementary building

Five roads

Shakespeare , Av , second , third , five roads are all in the code.

In Bath, England there are a row of five avenues.
1 Bruton Avenue
2 Shakespeare Avenue
3 Kipling Avenue
4 Milton Avenue
5 Longfellow Avenue

Shakespeare Av second
Kipling Av third

Third = Kipling More code about The Battle of Waterloo ( Bristol )
link from Kipling - History book index.

Kipling, Rudyard 1888, 1894, 1899, 1901, 1902

1902 AD Waterloo Bridge, Claude Monet
' The Entertainer ' rag, Scott Joplin
the encoder I the landlord
me anagram
T. Olpin

Waterloo Bridge = the Code

The Heart of Darkness Joseph Conrad
The Path to Rome Hilaire Belloc

Just So Stories Rudyard Kipling

( Please do not approach Terry Olpin, an amazing cosmic tumbler )

Diagrams that may help to illustrate how to encode
the Bible from the 20th century working with God

God ----------------->------------>---------------------
knowledge of all the future

This is the same effect as words travelling back in time.

God---------------------<----------<------- the encoder

For those who are familiar with the concept of
electricity this comparison may help

--------- electron flow----->
<-- conventional current------

A feedback loop across time

God--------------------------------------the encoder
I -------------------- I
I I The I I
I-------------I Bible I-------------I

the encoder
who is he ?
His name is Joseph Bar........
of Bath, England
RE : duplicate

sorry about the duplicate post. I tried to delete one
unsuccessfully. While I'm here, a correction
Cans of spaggetti, not beans.
The feedback loop diagram did not come out very well
Daniel ( Joseph )
Since you create your own key to decode as you see fit with no logical reason, such as "A=1,B=2,...,O=0", what's the difference between your method and my way of picking the letters "JESUS" out of a bowl of alphabet soup?

Using your method of decoding, I can match all known historical events with a dictionary.

I am still wondering how could the code say that Jesus is and is not the Messiah? Has your research found an answer to this yet? I myself do have an idea of how the bible code works but I do not understand how the matrix is set up. To my knowledge the matrix can be set up in pretty much infinite ways. Even after the matrix has been constructed you then have to find thw words. Are you doing your research in Ancient Hebrew?

Also, as I stated before that there is code again about Jesus being and not being the Messiah in Moby Dick. This is because Moby Dick is a reasonably large book. I am not arguing the validity of the code, but whether it is from God or as I believe the words come up by chance, simply because there are a large amount of words and letters in the Old Testament to make that so.

I must admit I do not understand fully how you encode and decode the bible. I am also wondering what you mean by encode the bible How can you encode what has already been written?

Also, I am in no way offended by your research. If you wish to research go ahead, not everyone is going to agree with you. It does however, give you a chance to prove them wrong, me included. I don't actually get offended at very much if anything.


I think sometime there will have to be another topic about the ballot box. I think it is too far off topic to discuss here. If you had made one previously I must have missed it.
RE : Deguised part of Bible code

I am claiming to be the encoder. Choosing keys for code is what encoder's do hence it is logical. A = 1, B = 2 etc. is a very well known basic code. I am putting forward the idea that certain relevant words convert to numbers which in turn convert to Gregorian years which is part of the Code ( Apocalypse ).
Examples God, Almighty, Jesus
words in the Bible code Pisgah, Amir, Jaffa

God has influenced language, names so that they can interact as code
.......................Salem witch trials 1692 AD
......................................................16 92
House number 92 Room 6 Armageddon

Revelation 16 : 16 The Final Battle
Revelation 18 : 18 A sea port Bristol

a u tob us
a you 2B Us

The Code includes where words are located in the dictionary in relation to other words and in relation to page numbers.

Major code numbers
29 and 92
36 and 63
88 and 66

The dictionary I use most frequently is :-
The Little Oxford Dictionary, Sixth Edition 1986
Reprinted 1986, 1987 ( twice ), 1988
ISBN 0-19-861188-9

associate join

astonish amaze, surprise
asunder apart, in pieces


First word on p.129 Christianity
Starting on p.128 the word Cross covers over half the page of 129. ( This could indicate to look at the other page next to a page that includes ' X29 '
where X = 0,1,2 etc.

p.128 Crime cross

First word on page explosion

'autobus' is encoded from Numbers 9:2 to 14:35.
Bombing or explosion appears in the same place.
note chapter and verse number 9:2

expose reveal

Gestapo Nazi secret police

p.228 genesis

job piece of work

Starting on p.228 Manifest reveal itself
Manifold Many and various, having various forms or applications or component parts
mantis kind of predacious insect
many numerous,great in number/many people or things
Mar abbr. March

p.328 manger
mango ( see Apocalypse Now )

patrimony property inherited from father or ancestors
pawn chess-man of smallest size and value.

First word on page ' program '
proclaim announce publically and officially
proctor ( see The Crucible ie Salem witch trials )
prodigious marvellous, enormous
profess claim openly to have

p.428 probability processor

scribble ( colloq. sign on dole )
scripture sacred book, the Bible

SOS international code-signal

p.528 solve, song, soon, soothsayer, sophisticate

toll (of bell) cause (bell) to strike, announce
tome large book or volume
tommy-gun ( see Rocky 5 )

vice versa

p.628 very


Bros Brothers

dart small pionted missile esp. used as a weapon
dash strike with violence, Morse code

doodle scrawl ( sounds like scroll )
doom fate, destiny, doomsday Last Judgement
doss doss-house
dot shorter signal of two in Morse code
double twice

Other numbers in code
339, 88, 66


chess a game for two players

bullet missile
bumber unusually large or abundant
bunch cluster of things fastened together
bunker ( see Platoon )
buoyant light, cheerful

p.136 dash p.163 dot Morse code

p.292 job ( Job ) p.392 patience

pause p.392 screen scroll p.492 ( computer keyboard )


Room 8, 92 Chesterfield Road, Bristol.

p.88 ' The Bible Code ' by Michael Drosnin
The encoded words Murrah building, killed, torn to pieces, desolated, slaughtered, death, appear to be encoded in the shape of two J's interimposed on each other.
Turning the page, Armageddon chapter six, the next page number printed is 92. Page 63 shows the encoding
of ' atomic holocaust ' and ' in the end of days ' which looks to be in the shape of a '7' without the corner.
p.163 Joseph

' The Bible Code ' ISBN is
0-75280 9326
God has influenced non-moral decisions concerning the writing and publication of ' The Bible Code ' book by Michael Drosnin.

The Concise Oxford Dictionary, Fifth Edition
banshee Spirit whose wail portends death in a house
banter good-humoured personalities
bar ( see other code )

dickens colloq Devil
dictionary Book dealing with words, lexicon
dido Antics, caper

The Holy Land in Colour by Sami Awwad
p.92 Megiddo
p.88 The Mount of the Beatitudes
p.66 The Mount of Temptation

When an 8 is on an end you decode with and without,
1's are added on the ends after the first phase of decoding and years within the string of numbers count as well, in this case 1391 AD and 1931 AD.

1931 AD 'atom-smasher ' cyclotron devised
film M ( director, Fritz Lang )
film Frankenstein

'Atomic weapon ' is encoded once in the Book of Isaiah, from 32 : 1 to 65 : 18. ' Jerusalem ' and ' scroll ' and ' He opened it ' all appear in the hidden text of the last verse, Isaiah 65 : 18. In fact they overlap each other.
The ' M ' in ' atomic ' is also the ' M ' in 'Jerusalem', and the same ' M ' is the ' M ' in ' Megillah ', the Hebrew word for scroll, and overlapping scroll are the words ' He opened it ', which in Hebrew begins with the same ' M '.
( The Bible Code p.189 & 190 )

1139 AD Foundation of codification of canon law

1391 AD Ferrara University founded

1818 AD Frankenstein, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
6th Symphony in C , Franz Schubert

1815 AD 18th day 6th month Battle of Waterloo

1811 AD Civil Code introduced into Austrian Empire, after 50 years.
Berthold Niebuhr, Roman History
J P A Recusat, Essai sur la langue et la litterature chinoises.

My ( the encoder ) initials are J P A B.

The Code works like an early microprocessor system with years in history equivalent to addresses in memory. ( address, date )
...' In order that you prolong thy days.' In Hebrew the same letters also spell out ' address, date.'
( The Bible Code p.45 & p.184 )
The decoding of Ferrara is like a Jump in programming.
Ret Amir
1819 AD ' Peterloo ' Massacre, Manchester.
World as Will and Idea, Arthur Schopenhauer.
1820 AD Internal Evidence for the Truth of Revealed Religion.
Illustrations to Book of Job, William Blake.

1707 AD The Beaux' Strategem ( comedy ), George Farquhar.

Magog - gog = Ma
1131 AD Apologia , 'Ain al-Qudat al-Hamadhani.

note the numbers 1131
Apollo 11 Moon landing
Apollo 13 A team working together to save a mission.

Done by mankind, done by a man.


1313 AD The invention of spectacles.
1131 AD See Magog

1411 AD Treaty of Thorn ( Torun ).
St. Mark ( statue )
1412 AD Armagnacs alliance with Henry IV
1413 AD Bishop of St. Andrew's, founds St. Andrew's University.
Revelation of Divine Love, Juliana of Norwich.

St Andrew's twice.
Room 6, 92 Chesterfield Road, St. Andrew's Bristol.

Some of the words I included are to do with the story so you may not understand every single one at present.

Deadwood ,
I am not using any computer program to extract code from the Torah myself, I am using the code from Michael Drosnin's book. This being the case the mathematics details of the extraction I do not need to know, that work has already been done.
You can not encode the Bible from the 20th Century without God's help. As God Knows all the future God heard my request for a code and some of the design of the Code before the Bible had been written and He took care of a very large part of the work.Re : previous post God prepared the Code pre- big bang.
The Code includes a wind-up, third World War, horror, desolation, plague. The yes, no yes , no you mention is part of that wind-up. See Genesis 1b- an awesome wind.

I believe at least some of the stories of the Old Testament did not happen along time ago but are based on my story and the story of the Code.
I believe Moses, Job , Joseph, Daniel and some others are based on me. Many will say this is an ego trip but many people do become famous without it affecting ego.
As I am the one suggesting it they may be more scepical. The fact that Daniel and Joseph are one and the same and alive today would solve some of the questions. It would also leave more freedom in the encoding of the Old Testament ie. the skip sequence code and the position of that code being part of the Code. I have decoded the name ' Zaphenath-Paneah ', the name supposedly given to Joseph by the pharaoh, part meaning is Bath AZ map.( the five roads and more )
Many will say this is an ego trip ...

Nah, more like delusions of grandeur. Thanks for making me laugh, Moses. :D
re : disguised part of the Bible code

Quote from ' The Bible Code ' p.136
The foremost translator of ancient Hebrew texts, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, the man Time magazine called ' a once-in-a-millennium scholar ',.............
I went to see Steinsaltz when I first heard about the Bible code. The rabbi is also a scientist, and I wanted to see what he thought about a code in the Bible that predicted the future, foretold events that happened thousands of years after the Bible was written, reported in detail a future that did not yet exist.
' In the Bible time is reversed ', said Steinsaltz, noting an odd quirk in the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament. ' The future is always written in the past tense, and the past is always written in the future tense.'
' Why ?' I asked.
' No one knows,' he said.
' We may be moving against the stream of time,' said Steinsaltz,......
He opened his Bible, looking for a passage from the first of the prophets, Isaiah. ' Here, in Isaiah, it says that you need to look backwards to see the future,' he said.

This could be referring to the plain text of the Old Testament as well as the hidden code.

The Old Testament plain text
The code in the Bible has been used in self-defence. As a Christian I believe love toward oneself remains a fundamental principle of morality. Therefore it is legitimate to insist on respect for one's own right to life. Legitimate defence can be a grave duty in certain circumstances. The potential of the Code to help and protect others is enormous. To be able to use the Bible as a self-defence tool it was important that it was written in the way it was.
1) that the Old Testament and Apocalypse were well-
2) that the element of surprise was there ie. the Apocalypse was thought to be about a major battle of traditional armies and that the Old Testament characters had already lived their lives.

This was a ' sting ' of monumental proportions. The film ' The Sting ' shows the principle very well. By using the Bible as a self-defence tool an attacker may have felt a little bit ' set-up ', but with an eventual positive outcome for everyone.

A skip sequence code has been known about for many decades. An attacker could check in a library of the possible validity of a claim of a skip sequence code in the Bible. Code in the plain text of the Bible and elsewhere, dictionary, AZ map could and was decoded and used during attacks.

Eliminate the impossible then you are left with the possible, however improbable.

Example of thought process
Is it possible that the Biblical Daniel did not live along time ago ?
Could the story be based on someone in modern times ?
Is it possible that the Biblical Joseph did not live along time ago ?
Could the story be based on someone in modern times ?

Could they be one and the same ?

If you think not then you could try to list the reason(s) and analyse logically.
Does the reason(s) stand up to logical analysis ?

Sometimes in life decisions have to be made on instinct. This is not one of them. This subject does require some deep thought due to the nature of the new ideas. Skating over this work quickly without thinking deeply could quite easily result in an inaccurate inference.

If you can not disprove the idea this does not mean you have to believe, in fact that would not be logical at this stage.The logical option would be ' an open mind '.

If you disbelieve this work then you could bring it to the attention of an independent code expert so that he/she could try to debunk it. Bring the work to the attention of an independent code expert could also be a good option if you think there may be something in what I claim.

Tales from the Crypt - Demon knight ( 1995 )

The numbers on the coach at the end of the film
........ PB 29 R8

109 gives 1+ 9 = 10 = J
......................................hence JPB 29 R8

Field of Dreams ( 1989 )

When Ray went back in time
car number plate
..GOJ 538

GO. EC.8
Go easy J
72 = GB
5+7=12 (Apostles)
The names shoeless Joe, Terry, moonlight Graham all have meaning in the Code story.

The Last Best Year ( 1990 )
Murray. Her vehicle plate number E4H 369
8pm on the clock whilst playing cards.
Next scene 29 November

Bible Code
Murrah Building
168 people killed
( using the words that describe horror to help people )

American Gigolo ( 1980 )
His phone number he wrote on someone's forehead 636 -1636
1636AD Harvard College

Cafe he was initially interviewed in
.... 10975
me and me
Julian's car number plate 963 ORE

Compare the above two number plates
E4H 369
963 ORE

Bullitt ( 1968 )
car number plate JJZ 109
car near end of film Walter Chalmer's got in EGB 826
Hotel Daniels 226 Bakersfield Road Room 634

Two J's on number plate

Contact ( 1997 )
Numbers and letters on helicopter H N 388 JC

Radio frequency of signal R.F. 8.9247 GigaHertz

Apocalypse Now ( 1979 )

Air strike
Almighty 0926 4712

0 9 2 6 4 7 1 2


O.........D.G..................gives GOD


...................ODG 612
add the M from the extracted Bible Code
ODG 612M During the 1980's I owned a Ford Cortina Mk3 with this registration number. Photo exists.

Another car I owned in the early 1980's had the registration number
FAB 593J. Photo exists.

93 gives IC gives Integrated Code
5 gives E

Almighty 0926 4712

.LIF add the E

Quote in the film ' IF are the two middle letters of life.'

Also 593 in reverse 395
395 - Miami I am both ways, ma I, I am

612 gives FAB. In reverse BAF , sometimes pronounced Bath.
They told the future in reverse. Number plates. ie. back to Bath, twice.

Beneath the Planet of the Apes ( atomic weapon )

Lawnmower Man
The names Jobe, Terry

Deep Impact
Leap of Faith
Back to the Future
Sea of Love

Pharaoh's dream--Joseph translates
seven fat cows, seven lean cows
7 x 7 = 49 add 1
149 dimensions of the monolith 2001 / 2010

First skip sequence Torah code 50 ( 1 + 49 )

add 1's both sides 1491

1491AD ?seamen from Bristol discover Newfoundland.
Ferdinand and Isabella sign their contract with
Christopher Columbus concerning his proposed voyage of discovery.

ODG The G goes to the front ( Apocalypse Now code)
1491 The 1 goes to the front giving 1149

1149AD Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, dedicated.

We encoded DNA
DNA 4141 gives 1414AD, 1141AD

1141AD Encyclopedia of knowledge.
Treatise on Noah's Ark.

1414AD The Ocean; Arabic dictionary.
Public fountain.

A C G T 13720 gives 1372AD, 1137AD, 1027AD.

1137AD Merlin & Co.

1372AD Author's travels to Jerusalem and island utopias.

Biologists can check for any of The Code in the DNA chain.

2001 and Contact POD 1604

Code number 339
The public transport bus between Bath and Bristol via Keynsham is the 339.
339 in reverse is 933

933AD Henry I defeats Magyars at ' Riade '. (* They will ride, *)
935AD Tosa nikki ( diary of travels )
936AD King Henry I of Germany is succeeded by his son, Otto I ( 973 )

973AD Edgar crowned at Bath ; went to Chester, where 8 kings rowed him on the Dee.
Essen Minster ( 1002 ) west choir and tower survive.
1002 is 2001 in reverse.

We encoded Crime scenes, disasters, survivors

survivors Leon Greenman, Auschwitz survivor, number on arm 98288.
Truddi Chase, child abuse survivor, 92 separate

All three numbers 3, 6 ,9 occur as part of major code numbers. My year of birth is 1963, that was why I choose 63 as a Code number.

These numbers work as Code in various combinations like a fruit machine with only these numbers and zero on with a 1 sometimes added. Looking though the history book these combinations give interesting results

1066 Halley's comet
1639 Transit of Venus observed for first time.
1693 Last Salem witch trial, also Halley compiles tables for calculating the distance from the sun ( 92-94 million miles )
1963 President Kennedy assassinated, the encoder born, Zanzibar becomes independent.
1966 First soft moon landing
1969 Man on moon
1993 Shoemaker-Levy spotted, film Philadelphia
1996 Comet, lights in sky, Phoenix, USA
1999 Total solar eclipse, Cornwall, GB.
Um ... help?

Can I ask for a Hooked on Phonics reference? Anyone? Anyone?

I'm aware that there is only a certain number of sounds the human mouth can make, with variations from person to person depending on the dynamic structure of the body. I do not recall what this number is, but believe it to be below sixty base phonetic sounds.

But, really, set any number you like.

* As I do not understand the method, I've started wondering if what Daniel's posting are just notes scribbled down; at any rate, what compels me not to rush out and read the inspiring book is that one of the first things floating to the surface here is an unconscious detailing of the limitations of human spoken language. Music is a more dynamic language than speech; mathematics is a written language far more precise than written speech.

But as it is we're looking at the written version of the spoken word; I see nearly playful interactions 'twixt author and words, explorations of finite values, such as the bits about Jerusalem and autobus. It's difficult to put it lightly, given the weight we sometimes put onsuch terms, but this does appear child's play in the sense that a child might do this very thing, though without devoting the amount of brain electricity to the meaning of it all.

But I don't understand the method; it's obvious to me that I don't. The notes look either incomplete, assumptive, or, frankly, lunatic. To be honest, I just spent a few minutes going back through the thread, and, frankly, the harder I try, the less sense it makes.

Maybe I'll pick up the book in case I'm ever inclined to take more LSD; it might help, because when I see things, I see geometric things. And no, I'm not being sarcastic.

Tiassa :cool:
re : disguised part of the Bible code

Here's to the crazy ones, they change things, they push the human race forward,
the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones that do.

Field of Dreams Film number 29682

..68............92 6 The Final Battle
..................92 8 The Main Battle

British and American Citizen Band radio


note..29..88....The Main Battle - House 92, Room 8


3 + 3 = 6


note..29..6.....The Final Battle - House 92, Room 6

TEN CODE Used by CBers

10-9 Repeat message
10-66 Cancel message

Theme here is message and yes, no, yes, no.

10-29 Time is up for contact
note- only occasion the word ' time ' is used in Ten Code
Contact (1997) Film about a code

10-92 Your transmitter is out of adjustment
Quote from the film Contact
' Retune to 8.9247 GigaHertz '.

Reference book used
The Big Dummy's Guide to British C.B. Radio
1st Edition August 1981

Gain p.58

dB Gain Multiply


Code in the Book itself

Top of page 92

zone where communication is not normally possible. On other occasions it is possible to talk into this " no skip zone ".

....with frequent periods of low skip activity that can last for days or weeks on end.

End of page 92

(The Bible Code covers skip sequence code in the Bible.)

International codes- Telephones

00 972 then

Jericho 2
Jerusalem 2
Kfar Saba 9
Nablus 9

Raanana 9
Ramalla 2

Bari 080 ( I Bar )
Pisa 050 ( first Bible code skip sequence 50 )
Vatican City 066982
........8.................The Main Battle
.66......................The Final Battle

00 962 then

Amman 6
Aqaba 3

Madaba 8

00 86 then

Xiamen 592 ( x marks the spot, I am, Amen )

00 269 then

Moroni 73 ( I ron note. not I moron )

Faroe Islands
00 298

00 30 then

Thassos 593 See Apocalypse Now code 593

00 36 then

Zalaegerszeg 92 ( za twice )

00 229

00 218 then
Benina 63

Marshall Islands
00 692 then
Ebeye 329 ( eye , also I be ( I am ))

Mexico ( x marks the spot )
00 52 then

Reynosa 892

00 92 then


Where's the ' N ' and ' O '
Apart from the gap at ' N ' the alphabetical order continues until Sukkur
A = 1 etc J = 10, k = 11
1111 AD Guibert of Nogent, History of the First Crusade

00 1 then

Battle creek 616

00 61 then

Cocos Island 9162
303 ( another code number see later )

Darwin 8

00 297
( ur Ba, you are Ba..)

00 263 then

Juliasdale 29
Triangle 33 ( 3 + 3 = 6 magic )

National dialing code for the City of Bristol used to be 92


' Ariel ' the ancient name for Jerusalem, appears in the hidden text of Deuteronomy 4 : 28. The Bible Code p.101

Ariel is also the name of one of the planet Uranus' satellites ( moons)

...........distance from planet km.............diameter km

....................Mean Synodic Period
moon............29....12.....44.....(02.9) Earth's moon

These are the only moons in the solar system which have a 9 and 2 together in their Mean Synodic Period values.

hour 12.....12.....21

1212 AD Parzival - Grail theme
The Childen's Crusade wrecked off Sardinia
- survivors captured.

1811 AD Civil code
Berthold Niebuhr, Roman History
J P A Recusat

1812 AD
L van Beethoven 7th ( op 92 ) and 8th Symphonies
Lord Byron, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage ( 1818 )

Astronomical data from
' Astronomy in Colour ' by Peter Lancaster Brown, Revised Edition 1975
ISBN 07137 0729 1

....................0729 1 in reverse 19270

1927 AD
Lindbergh flies from New York to Paris in 37 hours.
Rich discoveries found at the site of ancient Ur.
Bertrand Russell, The Analysis of Matter.
Eric Gill , Mankind.


1713 AD
The Scriblerus Club ( including Jonathan Swift )
Joseph Addison, Cato

If you think decoding ISBN numbers is going too far God has the power to put code there if He wants to. The Code makes reading the phone book a lot more fun.
Does anyone actually read the like 2000 word posts this Daniel guy keeps making, or is that what he's relying on ?

what about the 'encoding/decoding' method ? where is that ? is it the same for all the messages, cos it seems to me like your posts dont actally show a easy to follow method. Its pretty easy to decode messages when your making up the encryption method yourself.

Anyway, if theres some 'secret' message that predicts the whole history of mankind - what the hell is the point of encoding it? I mean wtf is the point? some sort of 'challenge' for humankind set by the 'creator' ? Does the guy who decoded it get a direct ticket to heaven or what?, or does he just get a load of money from gulliable people who buy his book when he publishes it ?

ffs - its a load of horseshit
