Disgruntled about agnostics & athiests

Re: Re: Re: Disgruntled about agnostics & athiests

Originally posted by heflores
An Atheist is one that never believes in the ideas until they are proofed. That makes the Atheist a pessimist, a hurdle in the way of improvement, a non participant in society building, a person with no vision, ect, ect...
No, that makes the person in question a skeptic, not necessarily an atheist (although the two are often linked); someone who does not believe any pie-in-the-sky notion that someone comes up with but that actually thinks for themselves, asks questions and requires more proof than their own positive emotional response. Skepticism is not pessimism; it is simply an attitude of truthfulness, it is not biased towards or against.

The skeptic tests his wings before attempting to fly.
The true-believer dives blindly from any available precipice; convinced that he is not plummeting to the rocks below but flying. Sometimes he is right but, unfortunately, he will only find out he's wrong when his head hits the rock.

I think it is important to think about things that aren't known yet. I agree with some of the religious types in that some atheists take it too far in thinking that just because something is not proven there's definately no way it could be.
BUT if you are going to think about these things than you need to accept what is known and simply build on that. Whats wrong with religions is science actually contradicts what they say so we KNOW its a load of garbage.
It would be fine to assume there is a "god" of sorts, I mean it makes sense, but it wouldn't be anything like what people in history have believed.
At this stage in scientific history the most logical conclusion as to what god is is to assume it is a non-concious, non-cognitive, innanimate. The human word for the natural process of universe creation.
I think it is also logical to assume its "motives" or "reason for being" would be incromprehensible to our human brains, a concept no living organism could possibly fathom let alone be expected to notice or "obey".
Re: Some Answers:

Originally posted by Raithere
2. I have not personally tested them, no. But I have seen the evidence
How do you know the so-called evidence was not fabricated, to make you think they came from the moon?
but those possibilities are much less likely.
While they might exist on larger meteors in space that can make it though the atmosphere, the craters would be eliminated when the comet burned it's way to Earth.
As you say, they may have been created before their entry into earths atmosphere. Or they could be made to look that way, cosmeticaly. Those cats in Hollywood are darned clever.
3. The moon rocks, for one. There are also many still photographs, telemetry data from the trips, the 'mirror' that was placed on the moon, moon dust, the space ships and other equipment that was used, etc.
Do you know what moon rocks look like? Have you been to the moon? As far as anybody knows, it could be an elaborate hoax. Do you have any proof that they landed on the moon, other than TV?
Finally, disbelief in the moon landings requires not only that one be able to refute the evidence but pose some plausible alternative explanation to both the evidence and all the Earthbound activity that went into accomplishing the task... I have seen none.
There are lots of refutations regarding moon landing, i am not going to go into them, but they are there. And apart from that, i just don't believe they went to the moon, i don't believe they have the travelling capability today, never mind thirty-odd years ago, and to be honest, i don't care, it is of no real consequence.


Jan Ardena.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Disgruntled about agnostics & athiests

Originally posted by Raithere
The skeptic tests his wings before attempting to fly.
The true-believer dives blindly from any available precipice; convinced that he is not plummeting to the rocks below but flying. Sometimes he is right but, unfortunately, he will only find out he's wrong when his head hits the rock.


He couldn't be testing his wings....Because to test his wings, he must strongly believe that he can fly to begin with. An Atheist is one that throws away his wings all together because flying to him is as rediculous as being told the earth is round or there is a single creator and combiner of all forces that is responsible for the universal creation and order. An Athest is not a skeptic....he/shse is an unbeliever.....Believers should all be skeptic.....otherwise, we would have had a single file belief and one church for all under a one pope....

<i>There are scriptures written 5000+ years ago, which says the sun is approximately 92,000,000 miles away from the earth</i>

Really? Interesting. Which scriptures? Can you quote the relevant passages, please?

<i>How do you know the so-called evidence was not fabricated, to make you think [the moon rocks] came from the moon?</i>

This is a common mistake that conspiracy theorists make. It is, of course, true that any single piece of evidence for a scientific claim could probably be faked if somebody tried hard enough. But you can't just look at single pieces of evidence in isolation. You need to look at the totality of the evidence. Then you ask yourself: is it all faked, or is it probably real?

In the case of the moon landings, there is simply too much evidence that the landings actually happened. The probability of a conspiracy is miniscule, and nobody has yet produced a single piece of convincing positive evidence that such a conspiracy exists. Conspiracy theories are based on a very shaky set of suppositions and (usually) fears, rather than anything concrete.

<i>Do you know what moon rocks look like?</i>

We know what they <b>should</b> look like, based on all kinds of science. And the samples which "they" claim are moon rocks satisfy all the tests. Of course, all science could be a huge conspiracy. Which do you think is the more likely explanation?

<i>There are lots of refutations regarding moon landing, i am not going to go into them, but they are there.</i>

And they've all been convincingly debunked.

<i>And apart from that, i just don't believe they went to the moon, i don't believe they have the travelling capability today, never mind thirty-odd years ago, and to be honest, i don't care, it is of no real consequence.</i>

It's just a matter of faith with you, isn't it? Your belief is actually based on nothing. Or, more likely, you've read Nexus or a few conspiracy sites on the internet and haven't bothered to actually check whether the questions raised there have been addressed by the people who actually did the work to get us to the moon.
More Answers:

Originally posted by Jan Ardena
How do you know the so-called evidence was not fabricated, to make you think they came from the moon?
Ockham's razor. There is an abundance of evidence that supporting the fact that we landed on the Moon. There is no evidence what-so-ever to support the conspiracy theory that we did not. In order to arrive at the conclusion that the Moon landings were fake one must not only be able to demonstrate how the evidence could be falsified (which I'm doubtful it can be) but invent a conspiracy involving hundreds of thousands of people and costing millions (billions?) of dollars that was entirely successful (that is; not a single piece of information was leaked) over a period of 30 years. Frankly, travelling to the Moon was easier than that would have been.

Further, I have viewed and debated the so called 'evidence' the conspiracists bring to the table and it is based entirely in ignorance.

Additionally, after working for three multinational corporations and many large companies, and getting to view their inner functioning (I use the term loosely) of their bureaucracies (which are operating out in the open with publicly declared goals). I am quite convinced that it is quite impossible for any large group of humans to carry out a successful secret conspiracy for any length of time. No, a successful secret conspiracy can involve only a handful of people at most.

Because we barely managed to scrape together the technology that got us to the Moon. These other possibilities are much more difficult and quite beyond our capabilities at that time.

As you say, they may have been created before their entry into earths atmosphere.
No. As I said, entry into Earth's atmosphere would have eliminated the micro-meteor craters.

Or they could be made to look that way, cosmeticaly. Those cats in Hollywood are darned clever.
No, the evidence is not simply cosmetic. It is physical. The only way to fake it would be to actually simulate the impact artificially. I don't believe we had the technology to do that at the time.

Do you know what moon rocks look like? Have you been to the moon? As far as anybody knows, it could be an elaborate hoax. Do you have any proof that they landed on the moon, other than TV?
But if someone wrote about it 5000 years ago you'd believe it? :bugeye: Do you realize what I kick I'm getting out of reading this?

There are lots of refutations regarding moon landing, i am not going to go into them, but they are there.
They are all crap. I can discount the main ones in just a few minutes:

Intersecting shadows (supposedly indicative of multiple light sources) - Any first year Art student can explain this one. It's called linear perspective. You might be familiar with the concept of the vanishing point for instance (the fact that parallel lines seem to converge in the distance, as with railroad tracks). One needs also to take into account the varied terrain on the length and apparent direction of the shadows which is again simply a matter of perspective (view shadows on a staircase for example, note how even a single shadow bends and twists, move and watch how the shadows change with your perspective).

No stars in the photos - This any photography buff could answer. First I will point out that all moonwalks took place in the daytime. A bright object in the foreground (such as ground reflected daylight) will obscure relatively dim objects in the background (like stars). If you don't believe me just try to see the stars through a window with all the lights turned on in the room. Further, to photograph stars at all one needs to have high speed film and use relatively long exposure times which are not what you use for taking still shots of normal lighting situations. As to the reason why they did not bring the appropriate equipment with them; there was simply no reason to. The observatories on Earth take better pictures of the stars than anything we could have fit on the lander.

Filled shadows - The theory is that because there is no atmosphere the shadows in the pictures should all be perfectly black. This however is simply incorrect. Most of the light that we see on Earth is being bounced off of objects, which is why we can see these objects. Light reflects off of the ground on the moon just like it does off of earth. In fact, the Moon's albedo is quite high which is why it's so bright in our sky. The backfill of shadows is simply due to light reflecting off of the lunar surface.

Radiation - This is deliberately misleading. While the Van Allen Belts do indeed contain lethal doses of radiation the remedy is rather simple. Most of the radiation can be blocked with a rather thin sheet of aluminum; that which cannot consists primarily of gamma rays (from which the conspiracists get their unqualified 6' of lead figure). But of course this is only a small portion of the radiation, the solution was to simply minimize the duration of exposure by plotting a trajectory through the belts that took a minimal amount of time, thereby keeping the total exposure to a relatively safe level.

No blast crater and no dust on the feet of the lander - The lander's rockets blew away all of the light dust (this is clearly visible in the videos) and the rockets were simply not powerful enough to blast a crater into the harder surface below. But you can see some of the burn marks in some of the pictures. As to the dust; well, it was blown away. As there is no atmosphere dust will not billow and cloud like it does on Earth. Each particle will act like a thrown rock and simply move in a gravity bound parabola, it will not swirl around to come back and land on the feet of the lander.

And apart from that, i just don't believe they went to the moon, i don't believe they have the travelling capability today, never mind thirty-odd years ago, and to be honest, i don't care, it is of no real consequence.
You really do live in your own little isolated world don't you? You believe these things based upon what; your intuition?

Well, I tell you what, when time comes for our race to get off this miniscule speck of nothing and explore the vast wonder of the Universe, we'll leave you and your ilk here so you can keep dreaming that you're the most important things in the Universe, that God created more stars in the sky than there are grains of sand in all the world just so that you could play connect the dots at night.
