Discussion Points for The Exorcist Movie

kula said:
Very good point

unless of course we are all god in a different physical body observing our own creation. But if thats the case, maybe he just wants to sort out his own personal good and bad aspects, eg. so his ego can manifest as men, he see's that, and destroys those aspects of himself.


I'm sure at a certain level God enjoys the entire Panarama. To God everything is One. But to us separate Souls there are distinctions.

No matter how one wishes it were not so, the Saints come back unanimous that they see a Hell and Suffering for Evil Selfish Predatory Souls.

But I question whether Hell is actually Eternal. How can a Saint come back and tell us that Hell is Eternal. How could anybody know such a thing?

I've heard several explanations for Purgatory. When a Soul dies it is stained by its sins, its selfish tendencies and its smallnesses. But there is also a Great Love for God. As the Soul approaches God -- the Light of His Divine Being shines through that which is Pure in us, but the blobs and the blots absorb the Light and it turns to Heat.

It is not as John says, "That the Light Shines into Darkness and the Darkness comprehends it not". It is the opposite! The Light hits the Darkness and it bursts into Flames! Purity of the Good Soul is like a Translucence -- the Divine Light shines through and warms but does not burn.

The Souls in Purgatory just keep on coming toward the light. The Pain is intense, but they know the impurities will eventually be burned entirely away.

Would the same deal apply to those in Hell? Perhaps with the Essentially Wicked Soul, there can be no Surviving Core. Once the "Impurities" are burned away from the Essentially Evil Spirits, nothing resembling a coherent Soul is left. And these Essentially Wicked Souls hide from the Light of God, and so their survival is assured since they prefer to hide from what would annihilate them.