Disclosure Conclusions

craterchains (Norval

What will you know tomorrow?
Registered Senior Member
Disclosure Conclusions

Disclosure about alien sentient intelligent life forms here on earth will not come from our governments. No, and it will not come from the scientists, nor the religious leaders. It most certainly will not come from any ET's here on earth at this time. Why not?

They are the ones that have the most to lose when disclosure is finally made.

Based on the precept that there are two "kinds" of aliens, good ones that you would want for a neighbor, and the bad ones. The ones you can't trust with your kids or your cows. Pretty much the same as with us humans.

Disclosure is inevitable, and I give the highest probability that it will come from "above". The chaos will be enormous to say the least

Just maybe, it is better that people don't learn about the aliens amongst us.

Or... the alternative hypothesis is: there simply are no aliens to disclose. Thus, disclosure won't be coming.

"Disclosure coming" always sounded like some religious prophecy to me.... Greer always seemed like the self-styled profit. -misspelling intended.
SkinWalker said:
"Disclosure coming" always sounded like some religious prophecy to me.... Greer always seemed like the self-styled profit. -misspelling intended.
No wonder you get so confused about the topic. :: rolleyes ::
craterchains (Norval said:
Disclosure Conclusions

Disclosure about alien sentient intelligent life forms here on earth will not come from our governments. No, and it will not come from the scientists, nor the religious leaders. It most certainly will not come from any ET's here on earth at this time. Why not?

They are the ones that have the most to lose when disclosure is finally made.

Based on the precept that there are two "kinds" of aliens, good ones that you would want for a neighbor, and the bad ones. The ones you can't trust with your kids or your cows. Pretty much the same as with us humans.

Disclosure is inevitable, and I give the highest probability that it will come from "above". The chaos will be enormous to say the least

Just maybe, it is better that people don't learn about the aliens amongst us.


Aliens here on Earth, eh?

SkinWalker said:
Or... the alternative hypothesis is: there simply are no aliens to disclose. Thus, disclosure won't be coming.

"Disclosure coming" always sounded like some religious prophecy to me.... Greer always seemed like the self-styled profit. -misspelling intended.
you know of course that so-called high rankin people got togethe and admitted tat terer was knowledge of advanced technology?
wheter right or wrong. give us your view why thy would com to gether to say all tis? whats teir agenda in yor opinion?
Wow advanced technology!!!!one

You know, there's not any chance that we could have invented all this "advanced technology" ourselves? We are pretty smart you know.
Squeak22 said:
Wow advanced technology!!!!one

You know, there's not any chance that we could have invented all this "advanced technology" ourselves? We are pretty smart you know.
if you hve been following the discussions you'd know that i suggested man-made origins for advanced technology....?
Gosh, Craterchains, that's a lot to swallow all in one post. Please allow me to ask a few questions:

What are you waiting to be disclosed, and why is it inevitable?
Why do you think ETs are on Earth?
Do you really think that humans fall into such distinct and easily definable 'good and bad' groups?
Why do you assume that aliens do?
Laika said:
Gosh, Craterchains, that's a lot to swallow all in one post.

Well, Norval likes us to swallow lots of stuff. Bullshit mostly. Let me answer on his behalf.

Please allow me to ask a few questions:

What are you waiting to be disclosed, and why is it inevitable?

That there are good and bad ETs on earth, and the revelation is all wrapped up with some Judeo Christian mythos he's spun.

Why do you think ETs are on Earth?

Because he thinks there was an intergalactic war, and there are visible bomb craters on otherplanets to show this. They are actually strikes from tidally disrupted comets and meteors, like SL9, but Norv ignores the facts and jumps straight to conclusions without any facts.

Do you really think that humans fall into such distinct and easily definable 'good and bad' groups?

He does, because he's basically a warped christian. So Christian = good, non christian = bad.

Why do you assume that aliens do?

Because of the war, silly! One side was good, you know, like the good christian allies in WWII, and the other side are evil, like Darth Vader and his cronies. Sorry, I meant Nazis. No, Viet Cong. No the Koreans. Whoever it was that Norv was fighting when he lost his marbles.

The guy is a loon, plain and simple.
phlogistician said:
That there are good and bad ETs on earth, and the revelation is all wrapped up with some Judeo Christian mythos he's spun.

The whole of the western world's infrastructure, including morality and the family unit, could be educed from the Christian model, with the President of the United States being its pontiff.
Meanwhile said:
The whole of the western world's infrastructure, including morality and the family unit, could be educed from the Christian model, with the President of the United States being its pontiff.

Or you could say that Judeo Christian morality was accepted so easily by the west because it's values were close to those already present in pre-christian times.
Indeed, I think that religions are just formalised justifications for moral behaviour which evolution has selected for, individual humans being so dependent on the cooperation of the larger social group. But then I'm no anthropologist and certainly no theologian.
What exact difference would the "disclosure" of the existence of extraterrestrials actually make - I mean, really?

Not this presumptive "everthing we know will be thrown on its head" crap - I mean, really. Who actually gives a cahoot if they do?
Once these aliens have come into the open there are two questions
1) will they prove to be less gullible than humans?
2) will any of them buy me a pint?
How do you you get that it's "inevitable"? Data please.
At some point in time all will discover for themselves the evidence we have.

Why not accept the preponderance of evidence that "we are not alone"?

Why are there ones that deny, deceive, and lie about this evidence?
(As if the Holocaust never happened.) :rolleyes:

These are only a few questions about the obvious cover up going on and on and on, even in the face of the amount of evidence there is today. Why?

As I stated in the beginning, and add this;
"Just maybe, it is better that people don't learn about the aliens amongst us."
What will happen when mankind finds out what these bad Et's have been doing to mankind, the Holocaust may just give a hint. :D

craterchains (Norval said:
At some point in time all will discover for themselves the evidence we have.

Or: the available evidence is already shown and it is nothing. The evidence that remains is that which is imagined to exist but held secret by the believers in alien visitation. That this 'evidence' isn't shown is consistent with the hypothesis that it doesn't exist. Humanity has demonstrated itself to be willing to accept wild beliefs and completely fabricated 'conspiracy theories' in the past. This so-called disclosure is no different. There simply is nothing to disclose and the disclosure is yet another prophecy of the religious. Fundamental xians go on an on about end times and second comings... ufo cultists go on an on about disclosure.

craterchains (Norval said:
Why not accept the preponderance of evidence that "we are not alone"?

That 'preponderance' simply hasn't preponderated. There simply is no evidence that "we are not alone" in the sense that aliens are among us from other worlds. However, it is completely fascinating on an anthropological and sociological level to observe those that believe it.

craterchains (Norval said:
Why are there ones that deny, deceive, and lie about this evidence?
(As if the Holocaust never happened.)

I thought you were referring to the alleged coverup of aliens... now you're referring to coverup of the Holocaust, too? Or are you attempting to draw a comparisson to the Holocaust and the cover up of "ETs?" You really don't expect anyone to take that comparisson serious do you? The mounds of physical evidence alone for the Holocaust far outweighs the mere anecdotes from a few mystery-mongers and significance-junkies who describe some blurry lights in the sky.

craterchains (Norval said:
These are only a few questions about the obvious cover up going on and on and on, even in the face of the amount of evidence there is today. Why?

Perhaps because that which is obvious to the deluded isn't obvious to those that rely on critical thought. Norval, you let your beliefs and perhaps your hopes and desires create a bias on what you observe. This has been demonstrated in this very forum time and again. There simply is no credible, testable evidence to suggest that our planet is visited by extraterrestrials. There are some things that invoke question and speculation... but that is where it ends. Speculation is fun... but you can't call it fact or evidence.

craterchains (Norval said:
As I stated in the beginning, and add this;
"Just maybe, it is better that people don't learn about the aliens amongst us."
What will happen when mankind finds out what these bad Et's have been doing to mankind, the Holocaust may just give a hint.

See, this is what I mean about delusion and speculation. You act as though you are giving hints to information you have, but this information is simply delusion. I don't mean delusion on the scale of mental instability, but the delusions that we are all guilty of from time to time when we convince ourselves of a "truth" we want to exist. But when examined with a critical eye, this "truth" holds no weight.

craterchains (Norval said:
There is no evidence that "ETs" are among us and certainly none that exists that these "ETs" are doing anything to us.

But if all you allow yourself to believe and understand are the mystery-mongers and significance-junkies like Stephen Greer, Linda Howe, et al, then you are going to be limited in your ability to critically evaluate.

By the way, I realize that this is the type of response in which you typically counter-respond with some inane and sneering or scornful joke... but fire away. Others have no problem seeing those for what they truly are.
Craterchains, I'm still interested in the answers to my questions, if you don't mind...

What are you waiting to be disclosed, and why is it inevitable?
Why do you think ETs are on Earth?
Do you really think that humans fall into such distinct and easily definable 'good and bad' groups?
Why do you assume that aliens do?

phlogistician said:
Or you could say that Judeo Christian morality was accepted so easily by the west because it's values were close to those already present in pre-christian times.

Or you could say that all values in human nature were once ripe and on the table but that certain maladjusted and inferior values multiplied and took advantage of a milieu and circumstance, grew asymmetrically, and, like a surfeited pig, made a handsome profit out of spirituality -- somewhat like capitalism and the marketing department, I think.
Interesting thread, even more interesting the responses, consistent lack of curiousity and spontaneity.

Skinwalker, fixated with book writing, profit and his lack there of.
Phlogger, doing the same old, same old, STDD.
Plus, the lackeys.