Disasters Predicted by Alan McDougall

If you claim something in one post and then deny it in another what are we to call you?

Yet in that post you stated you were in a coma. Which you denied in a later post.

So "all NDEs are experienced in a comatose state"?
So explain your comment

I just went to bed puzzled by what we have been arguing about,I thought you were referring to my out of body experience and during that episode "I WAS NOT IN A COMA"

During the near death experience "I WAS IN A COMA" and somehow the two events got mixed up during our debate, Sorry for not clearing that especially myself in not taking careful notice exactly what we were referring to, you were speaking about my NDE and you were correct "I WAS IN A COMA THEN",

I wrongly thought we were discussing my "out of body experience" and during that event "I WAS NOT IN A COMA":confused:

Hopefully we can put this sorry mistake in communication behind us now :)
My heart stopped on the operating table when I was a boy of 15 and I had a profound near death experience after nearly cutting my arm off in a suicidal rage

Then clearly, while your heart stopped, it was not sending blood to your brain, hence your brain was in a state in which you're completely unable to control or comprehend, let alone attempt to diagnose.

I am a manic depressive and have tried to commit suicide by more than one method over the long years I have suffered from this demonic illness.

I think we may have discovered your problem and your cause for belief. You were a manic depressive and you're going to try and convince us you had control over your state of mind to make such a diagnosis? Hilarious.
Unless you experience what I experience you cannot state with any certainty what state of mine I was in at the time.

What? The manic depressive state of mind or the suicidal state of mind? Perhaps, there is still ample reason for you to continue your treatments.
What? The manic depressive state of mind or the suicidal state of mind? Perhaps, there is still ample reason for you to continue your treatments.

I am under good treatment and the mania has been under good control for nearly 15 years now, I hope the idea of having a bipolar person in this forum does not offend some sensitive soul
I am under good treatment and the mania has been under good control for nearly 15 years now, I hope the idea of having a bipolar person in this forum does not offend some sensitive soul

No offense taken, whatsoever.

The problem, Alan, is that your condition then, now, or whenever is not a condition on which you can self-diagnose what is happening to you. Whatever you think you experienced about NDE's or alternative realities was merely a result of your condition and nothing more. It was all in your head.

If you believe otherwise, then that is just your belief and nothing more, it was still just all in your head.
Hey, I dreamed that people from the future came to present day to pick up seeds before all seeds were Genetically Modified that also started killing people. In the dream, it was 3440 AD or something like that (I wrote it down). But this information is basically useless unless we mandate not to make plants intelligent in early part of 3000 AD.

By then, we all (our generation) be dead.
No offense taken, whatsoever.

The problem, Alan, is that your condition then, now, or whenever is not a condition on which you can self-diagnose what is happening to you. Whatever you think you experienced about NDE's or alternative realities was merely a result of your condition and nothing more. It was all in your head.

If you believe otherwise, then that is just your belief and nothing more, it was still just all in your head.

You are no different than me, everything we experience is in our heads, That begs the question What is realty, there are higher evolved monads to whom we are entities of their sleeping state of consciousness and monads below our level of advancement to whom we only observer in out sleeping state

Everything you experience is also in your head, name one thing in your life that you do not carry around in your brain.
there are higher evolved monads to whom we are entities of their sleeping state of consciousness and monads below our level of advancement to whom we only observer in out sleeping state
Is that wild speculation or a fact?

name one thing in your life that you do not carry around in your brain.
My underpants.
Pfft. Listen, you: what have you predicted, eh? So much as a particularly nutty fart? Them's as can't do are critics, says I. Now it's back to my wooden pitchfork and outlying farm, shaking my head in wonderment at the miracles of modern precognition. "What will them fore'ners think of next?" I might say as I stump up the hillside track, goat-skin cap on my head.
You are no different than me, everything we experience is in our heads, That begs the question What is realty, there are higher evolved monads to whom we are entities of their sleeping state of consciousness and monads below our level of advancement to whom we only observer in out sleeping state

Did you make that up?

Everything you experience is also in your head, name one thing in your life that you do not carry around in your brain.

The universe.
Did you make that up?

The universe.

If you ceased to exist, from your perspective, so would the whole universe

Oh!! Gosh I have offended the sensitivities of some gentle folk of this forum!!.

May the fleas of ten thousand camels be lodged in your bushy beards :p
If you ceased to exist, from your perspective, so would the whole universe

No, I would not have that perspective. It is I who no longer would exist in the universe.

Oh!! Gosh I have offended the sensitivities of some gentle folk of this forum!!.

The fact that many of your posts are highly offensive and insulting to the intelligence in no way suggests we are gentle folk.