Disagreeing with Dan


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
So I'm going to disagree with Dan Savage. Not that this is any big deal, but since homophobes, conservatives, and other assorted scoundrels like to pretend that liberals never disagree with one another, it seemed worth mentioning. After all, we need to go out of our way to make sure our conservative neighbors feel welcome and accepted, so no matter how ridiculous their zealotry compels them to be, we need to pretend from time to time that they have a valid point.

Otherwise, who really gives a f@ck if I disagree with Dan Savage?

But the point of disagreement seems somewhat important.

"Auntie Mame" writes:

I think my 5-year-old nephew is probably gay. Most of the reasons are superficial (he says that Zac Efron is cute), but I also have a hunch. If he is gay, it's cool by me. The problem is my brother also thinks his son might be gay and he is NOT cool with it. He's "nice" about it, but he has taken to prohibiting most of the things my nephew loves to do: putting on makeup, watching and dancing along to musicals with vampy women (like Chicago), playing dress-up. My nephew can tell that his dad thinks there is something shameful about his doing these things, but asks me in the most heartbreaking way if we can do those things when we're at my house and not tell his dad.

("Savage Love")

The letter goes on to ask two questions. The first is whether it is even possible to tell the sexual preference of a child so young. Dan Savage responds:

Answer 1: There's a 99 percent chance your nephew is gay and a 100 percent chance that your brother will one day regret his actions. He's emotionally abusing his son—and for what? Dress-up or no dress-up, if his son is gay then he's going to be gay. Your brother can't destroy his son's homosexuality, only his son's life.


I disagree. While we might colloquially admit that there is a 99% chance the kid is gay, I don't think we can objectively say the same. Now, I'm all for erring to caution, so I accept the colloquial assessment. But I must protest that, in this day in which so many people are looking for a reason, and looking for a gay to criticize and hate, we should not give the semi-literate ammunition. Normally, I would protest that such a concern represents the sad process of giving over to the bullies, but right now the bullies are pushing quite hard for their "equal" right to be bullies. So perhaps my disagreement with Dan Savage is only for their benefit. Everyone else ought to be able to figure out the point in the first place.

The second question is more delicate: "Is it wrong for me to indulge my nephew even though my brother (his parent) has told me that he doesn't want my nephew doing those things?"

Your nephew needs an adult in his life who loves him unconditionally and a space where he can express himself without fear. So tell him you love him, promise to keep his secrets, and tell him that his father loves him too and will come around one day. And yes, AM, lie to your brother. In the grand scheme of things your lies are a misdemeanor; the emotional violence he's inflicting on his son is a felony.


Because this situation involves sexuality and a five year-old, there's something inherently creepy about keeping secrets. Now, knowing that some conservatives really are so reactionary, I'm actually very careful about establishing secrets with my daughter. I get where Dan is coming from on this, but Auntie Mame actually asked the question, which suggests she's actually dealing with the potential ramifications of the answers. Now, because she needs to be reminded of the obvious ("Your nephew needs an adult in his life who loves him unconditionally and a space where he can express himself without fear"), we might also consider reminding her of the obvious thing about secrets: there are some secrets I just can't keep for you.

Savage goes on to include a third point of advice:

You didn't ask about an extra bedroom, but I wish you had. Someday—someday soon—your nephew is going to need a safe place to go when he starts running away from home. So put together a nice guest bedroom, someplace your nephew can hide when he's sick of his father and, with any luck, over Zac Efron.


I should at least note that I agree with him on this point. I mean, Auntie Mame will have to tell someone where the boy has disappeared to, but if she can't figure that one out on her own, the kid doesn't stand a chance.

• • •​

I should say that I feel for Auntie Mame, as well as the boy. In my own extended family there is a budding gay boy. At the outset, everyone dealt with it because they thought it was "cute"; once they realized this was more than just a passing fancy, they started dealing with it for real. My conservative Lutheran aunt has apparently decided to leave this one between the boy and God. The parents are to varying degrees uneasy, but they also seem determined to adjust to the circumstance.

And I do sympathize with the boy's father: looking around, the boy prefers his female cousins, who are more than happy to provide him with dresses and pretty shoes. And, facing his in-laws, the father sees his wife's sisters and aunt openly amused and fascinated with this developmental process they've never witnessed. He has no support on this one, so instead of alienating his son, he's going to get used to it. And if it becomes a serious frustration for him in coming years, he has an entire family that will help him get used to the fact that his eldest son is gay.

Personally, I think the whole situation is hilarious. But that's only because I'm so lucky that this is the family I get to watch go through this. Best of luck to Auntie Mame.


Savage, Dan. "Savage Love: The Girly Boy". TheStranger.com, October 25, 2007. See http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/SavageLove?oid=424590
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I have a thought. How about instead, they just raise the kid and see what happens? Just for laughs, I mean.
GeoffP said:

How about instead, they just raise the kid and see what happens?

Well, right. But what exactly does that mean? At some point the ideas collide. I suppose I'm lucky in that respect; I have a daughter. If she turns out to be a dyke, fewer people will notice.

To the other, can you imagine all the anguish and internal wrangling, and all for ... well, for what?

EG: Daddy, I ... I'm ... I'm gay.

T: And?

EG: I mean ... but ... I mean ... huh?

T: Well, is she nice? Is she cute? I mean, good for you. What am I supposed to say?

EG: Aren't you supposed to go nuts? Tell me, "No daughter of mine ..."?

T: Would it make you feel better if I did?​

I mean, you realize that even that could be damaging?

Okay, okay ... I'll be serious. Although, yes, that could be damaging.

But seriously, what does it mean, to "just raise the kid"?
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I think instead of focusing on the sexuality of a five year old boy, both Auntie Mame and brother Johnnybegood, should invest that interest in something more useful.
Well, right. But what exactly does that mean? At some point the ideas collide.


I suppose I'm lucky in that respect; I have a daughter. If she turns out to be a dyke, fewer people will notice.

Why? Have you even been to Berkeley? :D Ah, I kill me.

To the other, can you imagine all the anguish and internal wrangling, and all for ... well, for what?

I have three children, all boys. Why should I wrangle? It's possible - given that I'm a social Darwinist - that I could be disappointed in their probably non-reproductive status (especially since my brother and cousins have no children, the fools), but otherwise, there is really little that can be done.

I mean, you realize that even that could be damaging?

Okay, okay ... I'll be serious. Although, yes, that could be damaging.

Although you're not being really serious: not really, no. I'll be frank: any child that couldn't stand the...'damage'...that would come of their parent having no real reaction to their choice of sexuality is probably not going to survive the tumultuous period of higher education and, dare we speak it, life. Better to have a shock or two early, just to toughen up the spirit.

"OMG, daddy, you don't disapprove or approve of my personal-happiness-neutral decision? I hate you!"

But seriously, what does it mean, to "just raise the kid"?

Feed, clothe, teach, instruct moral imperative and competitive perception. Play some sports.

All right, now I'll be mostly serious: if you're looking for something more specific, I would admit to rearing boys with a male gender bias and girls with a female gender bias. That might offend some people, I suppose; but they already tend strongly in that direction, frankly, and I have to go with statistical probability.
[color=3]I think instead of focusing on the sexuality of a five year old boy, both Auntie Mame and brother Johnnybegood, should invest that interest in something more useful.

The skies darken...the moon turns to blood...

Geoff and Sam agree.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

It's Hallowe'en!
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I think instead of focusing on the sexuality of a five year old boy, both Auntie Mame and brother Johnnybegood, should invest that interest in something more useful.

I agree. They should buy him guns and knives, and take him out to a good shooting range. They should also buy lots of violent war films and violent crime films so he can see what life is REALLY like out there in the cold, cruel world of reality. It would also be nice to bring some tough little redneck kids in to tease him mercilessly when he acts like a little sissy.

Baron Max
Thankyou for that, Baron. :rolleyes: Let you out of your box again, have they?
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I agree. They should buy him guns and knives, and take him out to a good shooting range. They should also buy lots of violent war films and violent crime films so he can see what life is REALLY like out there in the cold, cruel world of reality. It would also be nice to bring some tough little redneck kids in to tease him mercilessly when he acts like a little sissy.

Baron Max

Ah I see the damage was done young :bawl:
Umm ... thbpbpbpbpbpbt!

GeoffP said:

Whatever you say.

Why? Have you even been to Berkeley?


I have three children, all boys. Why should I wrangle? It's possible - given that I'm a social Darwinist - that I could be disappointed in their probably non-reproductive status (especially since my brother and cousins have no children, the fools), but otherwise, there is really little that can be done.

Um ... never mind.

Although you're not being really serious: not really, no. I'll be frank: any child that couldn't stand the...'damage'...that would come of their parent having no real reaction to their choice of sexuality is probably not going to survive the tumultuous period of higher education and, dare we speak it, life. Better to have a shock or two early, just to toughen up the spirit.

"OMG, daddy, you don't disapprove or approve of my personal-happiness-neutral decision? I hate you!"

You're looking at it differently at least, and I would say wrongly. The damage comes from the fact that the child should have to wrestle with those considerations in the first place. And no matter how young or old we are, there's a sting when we realize we've just put ourselves through the wringer for nothing. However, your prior paragraph ("Why should I wrangle?") suggests there's a glitch in translation.

Feed, clothe, teach, instruct moral imperative and competitive perception. Play some sports.

Sounds great. It's one of those feel-good standards, though. I mean, we can all pretty much agree on that, but I'm not so naîve as to pretend that everybody agrees on what that standard means in practice.

All right, now I'll be mostly serious: if you're looking for something more specific, I would admit to rearing boys with a male gender bias and girls with a female gender bias. That might offend some people, I suppose; but they already tend strongly in that direction, frankly, and I have to go with statistical probability

In and of itself, it's not offensive.

I'll trade you on the mostly serious: Given how wrong popular culture can be, is statistical probability the best thing to go by in this case?
I agree. They should buy him guns and knives, and take him out to a good shooting range. They should also buy lots of violent war films and violent crime films so he can see what life is REALLY like out there in the cold, cruel world of reality.

Someone who's gay could never be into guns or war or dressing up in uniforms :rolleyes:
Well, right. But what exactly does that mean? At some point the ideas collide. I suppose I'm lucky in that respect; I have a daughter. If she turns out to be a dyke, fewer people will notice.

To the other, can you imagine all the anguish and internal wrangling, and all for ... well, for what?

EG: Daddy, I ... I'm ... I'm gay.

T: And?

EG: I mean ... but ... I mean ... huh?

T: Well, is she nice? Is she cute? I mean, good for you. What am I supposed to say?

EG: Aren't you supposed to go nuts? Tell me, "No daughter of mine ..."?

T: Would it make you feel better if I did?​

I mean, you realize that even that could be damaging?

Okay, okay ... I'll be serious. Although, yes, that could be damaging.

But seriously, what does it mean, to "just raise the kid"?

You need a shrink...the 500 dollar an hour kind.
Someone who's gay could never be into guns or war or dressing up in uniforms :rolleyes:

Funny... I'm a two-time vet. I did two deployments to Iraq.

I can say this now because I am no longer in. I did my enlistment and chose it was time to move on. And though Im out now, I still love the military and don't regret a minute of it. But ANYWAYS....

Who freegin cares if the kid is gay. He's 5 YEARS OLD! His family should be concentrating on his education, social skills, and other basic fundamentals to everyday life, not focusing on who he will be sleeping with in 15 years from now. Let him live his childhood, and then deal with his sexual orientation when the right time comes. How he handles it is up to him.
Whatever you say.

Of course. This is best for everyone, at all times. I am nothing if not al-insan al-kamil, you understand.

...that was a joke.

Um ... never mind.

:shrug: Whaaaatever.

You're looking at it differently at least, and I would say wrongly. The damage comes from the fact that the child should have to wrestle with those considerations in the first place. And no matter how young or old we are, there's a sting when we realize we've just put ourselves through the wringer for nothing. However, your prior paragraph ("Why should I wrangle?") suggests there's a glitch in translation.

Wrongly? I am never wrong. If the damage comes from the fact that the child should have to wrestle with those considerations in the first place, then why are you transplanting it onto yourself? Either she is or she isn't. If it's her wrangling, then just be a parent and do what you think's best. No gay woman was traumatized because dad got her Barbie instead of dumbbells and pants with an elastic waistband.

Sounds great. It's one of those feel-good standards, though. I mean, we can all pretty much agree on that, but I'm not so naîve as to pretend that everybody agrees on what that standard means in practice.

Those are the standards. Do those things. What else?

In and of itself, it's not offensive.

I'll trade you on the mostly serious: Given how wrong popular culture can be, is statistical probability the best thing to go by in this case?

It's all we have. If playin' w' axes and leapin' arf buildins' were good enough for all t' generations of me brutal, vicious bloodletting ancestors, it were good enough fer me lads as well.
Funny... I'm a two-time vet. I did two deployments to Iraq.

I can say this now because I am no longer in. I did my enlistment and chose it was time to move on. And though Im out now, I still love the military and don't regret a minute of it. But ANYWAYS....

Who freegin cares if the kid is gay. He's 5 YEARS OLD! His family should be concentrating on his education, social skills, and other basic fundamentals to everyday life, not focusing on who he will be sleeping with in 15 years from now. Let him live his childhood, and then deal with his sexual orientation when the right time comes. How he handles it is up to him.

Feed, clothe, teach, instruct moral imperative and competitive perception. Play some sports.

All right, now I'll be mostly serious: if you're looking for something more specific, I would admit to rearing boys with a male gender bias and girls with a female gender bias. That might offend some people, I suppose; but they already tend strongly in that direction, frankly, and I have to go with statistical probability.

I agree. The child is 5 years of age. Let him be who he wants to be. If he wants to dress up, let him. If he wants to play with dolls, let him. The most important thing is to love and support them, feed and clothe them and provide shelter and an education for them. That is vital to every child. To sit there and ponder about whether the child might be gay or not is wasting time that they could be pondering on more important things.

Baron Max said:
I agree. They should buy him guns and knives, and take him out to a good shooting range. They should also buy lots of violent war films and violent crime films so he can see what life is REALLY like out there in the cold, cruel world of reality. It would also be nice to bring some tough little redneck kids in to tease him mercilessly when he acts like a little sissy.
My sister in law tried to do the whole 'no guns and toys that denote violence' with her children. When her eldest was 3 years of age, he nibbled a slice of toast into the shape of a gun, pointed it at her and said "pew pew". Funny this is the boy is what most would classify as a bully and a "sissy", or as my husband refers to him "a right royal little shit". He's a brat. They came over a few weeks ago and he (now 5 years of age) belted my 2 year old in the head with my son's tonka truck when my son tried to take it to the sandpit, then screamed when my 2 year old slapped him in the head.

So my sister in law informed me that my son was too much of a boy (whatever that means) and bought him a tea set. He now has the cups on their sides and uses them to park his little cars in. As far as she is concerned, my husband and I have failed as parents because we have not allowed our child to develop properly in his manner of play in that we do not buy him "girl toys" but give him the toys he is interested in (my son is obsessed with cars).

Children should just be allowed to be children, without anyone forcing them into their 'gender roles'. If my son wanted to play with dolls, we'd have bought him dolls. Let children be who they want to be and if they turn out to be straight or gay, who cares.. love them regardless.
I agree. The child is 5 years of age. Let him be who he wants to be. If he wants to dress up, let him. If he wants to play with dolls, let him.
Fine. But the question was, what do you do if the kid's father doesn't think that way, and wants you to back his restrictions to the point of possible harm to the child ?
Fine. But the question was, what do you do if the kid's father doesn't think that way, and wants you to back his restrictions to the point of possible harm to the child ?

Honestly? I'd tell the father to sod off and grow a pair.

A child is a child is a child.. There is no harm in allowing a child to be himself. Why would you not? I would tell the father this of course.. then I'd tell him to sod off and grow a pair.:) If he does not like it, then he can decide for himself whether the child would be allowed to see me or not.
(Insert title here)

GeoffP said:

Wrongly? I am never wrong. If the damage comes from the fact that the child should have to wrestle with those considerations in the first place, then why are you transplanting it onto yourself? Either she is or she isn't. If it's her wrangling, then just be a parent and do what you think's best. No gay woman was traumatized because dad got her Barbie instead of dumbbells and pants with an elastic waistband.

Imagine that you're thirty years old. You have a degree, a nice place in the city, and a good job with a prestigious designer. You've managed to get a television show that hits the air in two weeks. Oh, shit ... the show is called Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, and you're about to become one of the most prominent gay men in the country. Maybe, just maybe, you should get around to having that talk with your folks, so they don't have to find out from the television show.

Do you have any idea whatsoever the weight of that confession? Sisyphus, stay, until I get you bigger goddamn rock to push up the hill!

Those are the standards. Do those things. What else?

Your standard is a little like "teach her to sing pretty songs". Okay, what constitutes pretty? What is the perspective of moral imperative? These definitions differ. What is the perspective on competitive perception?