Dinosaur Extinction

It's the most excepted explanation within the scientific community, is writen as such in almost all - maybe all - biology textbooks, and is supported the most in scientific journals. Who are you guys? Paleontologists? Geologists? Scientists? No! You guys are Sciforum fanatics who browse the web like pinball wizards and excell in condemning other people who proclaim to know more knowledge, then just cut them down. How immature and unscientific. This forum is called Sciforum - the Intelligent Community. The first step to be part of it should be to use the scientific method, but instead your first step is to condemn others and resort to being a "toilet mouth," rather than responding to ideas in a respectable scientific way. GET A LIFE!

Pardon me while I put my grammar patrol hat on. (Believe me, I don't do it often.)

Accepted. Not excepted.

And. Yes it is rather well accepted. Has anyone said differently? I said that it is disputed by some. Some, Valich. The overwhelming majority don't dispute it, the evidence is that good. But, some aren't quite convinced.

Do you think that these people in the field don't have the right to have their own opinion on the matter?

Who are you guys? Paleontologists? Geologists? Scientists? No!

Just some guys.
Ophiolite is a geologist though. And he's one of those who isn't completely convinced about it.
I tend to believe that it was a leading factor in the extinction event. Just because I'm saying that some aren't convinced doesn't mean that I'm not convinced.

I remain skeptical enough to say that its quite possible that the bolide impact was only the final nail in the coffin (or possible in some different order.) But, the evidence is quite strong.

You guys are Sciforum fanatics who browse the web like pinball wizards and excell in condemning other people who proclaim to know more knowledge, then just cut them down.

Not everybody. In fact, I insult only a select few. You ask for it way too much, Valich. The reasons have been given far too many times. You simply shrug it all off though. Telling yourself that we're just insulting you for insult's sake. You've said way too much stupid shit and are way too stubborn about admitting your mistakes.

I still think you do it on purpose though.

How immature and unscientific.

I'm suprised you didn't bring up my vulgarity again.
Anyway. I guess you think that scientists are all like these real polite guys and they never, ever call anybody on their bullshit?
Scientific debate gets quite heated in all circles.
Especially when someone like you gets involved.

This forum is called Sciforum - the Intelligent Community.

Do you believe everything you read? Do you have the ability to come up with your own judgement of the dynamics of this forum?

The first step to be part of it should be to use the scientific method, but instead your first step is to condemn others and resort to being a "toilet mouth," rather than responding to ideas in a respectable scientific way.

Oh. You did talk about my vulgarity.
Fuck you. I'll use all the fucking vulgarity I want. And it won't detract from my points in the slightest. In fact, it will add to them because vulgarity, used properly, is as valuable to our communications as any other facet of language. Just because you're trying to be some uptight schoolmarm doesn't mean that anyone else needs to protect your 'virgin ears'.

Anyway. As to the scientific method.
You might note that the title of the forum is 'intelligent discussion. Not strictly structured scientific protocol.

Valich. This is a debate forum.
Get it?
Nobody is here posting their scientific research (well, rarely). That's what journals are for.
We're here to debate.
We're also here to learn this and that. And to teach this and that.
You know. General all-around intelligent discussion.

You, on the other hand, have shown time and time again that you are not capable of discussion. Intelligent or otherwise. You've posted so much garbage and misunderstood bullshit that it isn't funny (well. It actually is.) And when called on it (you know. Like people do in debates. Even if we were following strict scientific protocol, you'd have to expect people to correct your mistakes. This has been discussed before with you. That's the peer review process.)

Now. Every time someone calls you on your bullshit, you don't ever accept it. Never. Not fucking once. You either a.) stubbornly try to keep repeating your bullshit. b.) Start misquoting shit you've dug up on google. c.) Start insulting the people who are disputing your bullshit.

I don't think there has been a single instance where you've ever managed to prove any point you've made that was disputed. Not ONCE. You've always resorted to a, b, or c.

In other words, Valich, you seem incapable of debating your way out of a paper bag.


Get some integrity.
I truly can't believe that you don't understand just how wrong your actions are. I can't believe that.
Either you do it purposefully.
Or you're too proud to ever back down.

Either way, you lack integrity.
You're an intellectual poser.
spuriousmonkey said:
Some of us are actually scientists unlike you.
After obtaining five degrees, and your obvious rejection of the scientific method, I think I am qualified to consider myself more of a scientist than you. Further, scientists are not "toilet mouths" like you have consistently been on these scientific forums. We, as scientists, are much more respectable in our replies and open and considerate to other people's ideas, of which you are definitely not!
What does it matter? What's it to you? What's the point? So you can continue to attack me on subjects that you would then say that I do not have a degree in? Plus two certificates in technology, okay? Why does this even matter to you? Why should this be important on an "open" forum? ALL people should be respected equally! Do you judge people by the number of degrees that they have? And you?
ALL people should be respected equally!

So. We should just ignore all your mistakes and misunderstandings?
There was a time when we were polite to you when we tried to correct you. Do you remember?
It was your constant refusal to 'surrender' that causes problems.

Why should I respect you? Do you have a right to my respect? I owe you my respect? I thought you had to earn it.
You haven't.
invert_nexus said:
So. We should just ignore all your mistakes and misunderstandings?
There was a time when we were polite to you when we tried to correct you. Do you remember?
It was your constant refusal to 'surrender' that causes problems.

Why should I respect you? Do you have a right to my respect? I owe you my respect? I thought you had to earn it.
You haven't.
That's a bunch of horse bull. I have NEVER been subjected to so much abuse in my academic career as I have been subjected with you three banded and anonomous muskateers. My opinion of you guys is that you all result to vulgarity (and that is inexcusably absolutely disgusting!), you all reject scientific methodology, and you constantly and continuosly attack anyone who you do not agree with. You try to aggressively condemn and destroy the person before he even has a chance to speak. This is inexcusable.

We, in the civilized scientific community, do not behave in such an immature ignorant inconsiderate manner. We exchange thoughts in a respectable way. You aught be ashamed of your continously obnoxious evil-intentioned detrimental behavior. This is what you are continuously projecting on "Sciforum - the intelligent community," and in the process, wasting our valuable time through your fruitless nonesense. The replies are always 95% condemnation attacks - "wrong, wrong, etc." - with absolutely no constructive criticisms or comments to build on. You guys ALL just enjoy on cutting people down - egotistic fixation and enjoyment?

You're wasting our time! You're adding nothing to academic scientific progress! You're abusing this forum for your "fun and games." Don't patronize!
Right! I've been wasting my time all these years just pretending, aye? But you guys have proved over and over again that your short academic "endeavors" have been nonsense and a waste of time. And now, afterwards, after four years of getting a single degree - if that? - you just waste your time responding with condescending, vulgar, unscientific, mickey-mouse criticisms to replys that are of a lesser worth than yours. As if you think you have reached the "peak" of education and now think that "no one knows more than I." Dah!

Now is the time that you call me a subhuman or an untermensch because I didn't go to college.

And who mentioned reaching the peak of education? Your arrogance is astounding.

Here you are resorting to ad homs rather than responding to anything of import.


He'll confess to being an anger management counselor next.
I don't know.
What do your posts have to do with dinosaur extinction?
Oh. I know. You went back in time and taught the dinosaurs science and they all became so stupid that they couldn't live anymore.
spuriousmonkey said:
You need anger therapy.
I have consistently posted from the start that you guys result to condemnation, instantly attacking others that you don't agree with, slam-banging people that you don't even know, resorting in the excessive use of vulgarity, degrading and condescending..... Here I sit, peacefully contemplating an article entitled "New Polyazaporphine Chemistry for the Origin of Life. A Porphine Solar Energy Transducer for Origin of Life Chemistry: A Possible Synthetic Patj from HCN to an Octaazaporphine via 4H-Imidazol-4-Imine [(HCN)3] Related Chemistry." And your suggesting I need "anger management"? You need to look in the mirror?

Again, what does your post/comment/inquiry have anything to do with "Dinosaur Extibnction"?
valich said:
"New Polyazaporphine Chemistry for the Origin of Life. A Porphine Solar Energy Transducer for Origin of Life Chemistry: A Possible Synthetic Patj from HCN to an Octaazaporphine via 4H-Imidazol-4-Imine [(HCN)3] Related Chemistry."

What has this got to do with dinosaurs I ask you with in front of me a little stack of papers...let's look at the author...gosh...it's me!!! how cute...

(and biochemisty is a bore)
From your posted subjective biases, condemnation of others, use of vulgarity, unopenness to other's ideas, ridicule and belittlement of others,c do you have anything worth reading?