Dimensions of consciousness

The first quote is nonsense.
The second quote is utter nonsense.

Please show that there actually are "levels of consciousness".

I can see why you posted this in Pseudosci - no one is allowed to post directly in the Cesspoool.

hmmm seems like you got insulted (hmmm easily insulted)(didn't even put anything useful?!) Ouch

for those of you who just want to force you're opinions keep posting you're just making a big fool of yourself, either provide usful information or sit and observe you may learn something!

my first quote came from a site called "dimensions of consciousness" Google: Dimensions of consciousness "multidimensions.com",I'm not here to show anything to you!(please read the post! I mean with your EYES OPEN WIDE:eek: ) and if you keep saying nonsense to anything and everything then maybe you are just full of nonsense yourself!AGAIN let me remind all of you BIG BRAINS (hmm or maybe BIG MOUTHS) that I'm here to find answers,I've read couple of articles about this subject and just want to share ideas and find answers to questions I have. I've read the Thread posted by xeno/dan (thread was : what is 6th dimension?) search it you'll find it.
and a member (Jozen-Bo) had an interesting post : levels of dimension from 0-13,
11-28-07, 05:26 AM
Let us begin...It is impossible to seperate or isolate 1 dimension from any other, they are an array of simultaneos relation. For example, a 1 dimensional string still has a left and right side of it, plus a up and a down. Even more perturbing, it has infinite curvature, meaning it inherently contains all the other dimensions and every possible phase of existence therewithin. That said and done, let us quickly go through the unfolding of creation, pretending breifly that they could be isolated and analyzed independently. I won't provide the deeper explainations, but I have devoted my life to understanding and seeing the truth of our being. So away we go...
0=void, Vacumn, non-being, singularity, unfathomable, neither empty nor full.
1=linearality, lines (curve a string and u get a plane of imaginary flatness)
2=flatness, planes (curve a plane and u get imaginary space)
3=space, spatial, xyz (curve a space and u get a static vibration)
4=static vibrations, rythmic, frequancy without magnitude, reoccurung, ether, shadow (curve a static vibration and u get light)
5=static electromagnetic patterns of spectral lines,magnitude, limitation (curve the light and u get location)
6=location relative to itself, paths, positions, a place that differs from another place (curve a position and u get a shell)
7=the middle of the middle, a shell, in between inside and out, between wave and particle (curve a wave shell into itself and u get particle guts)
8=particle filling, charge, force, quality within the geometirc shape of the wave shell, electric nature (curve the filling of a particle (that is, quantom energy---quaron bits) and u get uncertianty!!!)
9=uncertianty, probobality, possibílity, chaos (curving chaos energy into itself unfolds the crystalizations of thought!!!)
10=thought, that is, that every particle in all has its own thoughts and when those thoughts sychronize (be means of the bonds formed of the 8th dimension) our minds can operate. (curve a thought into itself and u get...Gravity callapse)
11=gravity, yes...gravity owes its nature to the thought of matter...before anyone says that electromagnetic waves or also effected by blackholes...remember that dimensions cannot be seperated in truth from each other. (curve gravity into itself and u get the center of the wave shell, the equilibruibrial center of consciousness)
12=consciousness, thought without consciousness is like us thinking and not knowing it. Consciousness is the 12th dimension, unfolding from nothing itself. (curve consciousness into itself and u get...infinity, which is also 0)
13=infinity, the polorized complement, oneness of opposites, zero, nothing (curving the polarity of opposites and u get a line...sound familair). So we are right back where we started. the 13th dimension is also the same as the zeroth dimension. the circle is complete.

But wait...there are also 26 interdimensions that unfold out of the 13 dimensions. I won't go into detail, but the difference between the two includes that which moves (interdimensional reality) and that that doe not move (dimensional reality). Think about a disco ball at a night club...it might help a little. So there u go...Xeno...the 6th dimension is the positional realm that allows u to be somewhere someone else isn't. And u are a good and wise man to ask such a question...I commend u.

As for any who contend my answer or dare to put me down...beware of self ridicule. I have access to the mind portal and a vast understanding of all subject material, especially CHAOS SCIENCE. If u don't understand what I've written...its not my fault that u are so stupid...but everyone has to start somewhere." Posted by Jozen-Bo

now my question is about interdimensions that unfold out of the 13 dimension.

and to those who just want to post *WHATEVER* keep it up:D every thread needs couple of *Special*ones to LOL @ ;)
crank internet site[/URL]* (that also makes claims with no verification) and Jozen-Bo, a known SciForums crank?
You miss the point.
If a claim is made that is outside of accepted and known "reality" then those claims should be substantiated. Merely quoting an internet site that says exactly the same thing (with equally scant substantiation) is NOT valid.

See: crank.

* As another example this site ALSO refers to

Um, how dumb (or cut off from reality) do you have to be to think we only have ["]five senses[/URL]?

Five senses? who said anything about five senses?:bugeye:

everything with you is either crank,nonsense or whatever isn't it?
I mean what proof do you have rather than being a big mouth full of well hmm let's see *Crank,nonsense,rubbish* ?( hey these are your own words) I never claimed to know these things I simply want to find out more and please if this insults you , do go on and play some hoky poky,I'm not here to proof anything and quoting it from somewhere else means that it is not an opinion that came from me! it's something that I'm interested to find out more about, hmm but what do you have reagrding proofs and evidence can you proof the claims to be crank rather than just repeating yourself? Crank...Crank...crank?? lol , sorry to burst your bubble :bawl:
Five senses? who said anything about five senses?:bugeye:
If you'd bothered to actually READ my post I stated that the site you quoted refers to 5 senses.

everything with you is either crank,nonsense or whatever isn't it?
Nope. Only crank stuff is crank stuff.

I mean what proof do you have rather than being a big mouth full of well hmm let's see *Crank,nonsense,rubbish* ?( hey these are your own words)
You don't get how this works do you?
They made these claims therefore it's up to THEM to prove them. You can't prove a negative.

I never claimed to know these things I simply want to find out more and please if this insults you , do go on and play some hoky poky,I'm not here to proof anything and quoting it from somewhere else means that it is not an opinion that came from me! it's something that I'm interested to find out more about, hmm but what do you have reagrding proofs and evidence can you proof the claims to be crank rather than just repeating yourself? Crank...Crank...crank?? lol , sorry to burst your bubble :bawl:
Yet you haven't bothered to check the validity of the site or J-B's words you simply accepted them at face value and went on to ask more along the same lines.
There is no reality behind the claims in either quote.
You're wasting your time trying to "find out more" on this forum since we deal in science not crackpottery.
my first quote came from a site called "dimensions of consciousness" Google: Dimensions of consciousness "multidimensions.com"
I did. Which why I also referred to the content of that site. :rolleyes:

AGAIN let me remind all of you BIG BRAINS (hmm or maybe BIG MOUTHS) that I'm here to find answers
Answers to what? Nonsense sites?
This is a science site.

I've read the Thread posted by xeno/dan (thread was : what is 6th dimension?) search it you'll find it.
I've posted in that thread. There's a lot crap in there.

and a member (Jozen-Bo) had an interesting post : levels of dimension from 0-13
Jozen-Bo is a crank and his posts have nothing to do with reality.

now my question is about interdimensions that unfold out of the 13 dimension.
There's no such thing as "interdimensions". get an education.
I've read the Thread posted by xeno/dan (thread was : what is 6th dimension?) search it you'll find it.
And in that the majority of people had no idea what the word 'dimension' means in physics and maths. Particularly Jozen-Bo.

my first quote came from a site called "dimensions of consciousness" Google: Dimensions of consciousness "multidimensions.com"
None of those sites have any scientific grounding.

Too many people labour under the misconception that extra dimensions in physics are things like 'energy', 'magnetism', 'thought' etc. No, they are just more 'up and down', 'left and right', 'forwards and backwards'. Things like energy are properties of objects within space and are independent of the number of dimensions of said space. 'Thought' is an emergent property of complex biochemical processes within our brains, it is not a thing in and off itself any more than 'happiness' is.

Those who come out with "The 8th dimension is love" or crap like that are dishonest or ignorant or both. Ignorant in that they don't understand what a dimension is and dishonest in that their claims have absolutely no justification or reason other than their ignorant whims.

Adding another dimension to a description of space-time is no different from going from 2D to 3D, vectors like (x,y) go to (x,y,z). That's it. There's nothing special about the new direction, as if you rotate your point of view then you get things like (x,y,z) -> (y,z,x). What was once up and down is now left and right, its all arbitrary because the dimensions aren't things like 'thought' and 'energy', which are distinct and separate concepts. What is up to someone standing at the North Pole is down to someone standing at the South Pole, which is left (or right) to someone standing on the Equator. All a matter of choice and none of them anything related to the crap Jozen Bo spewed out which you quoted. He deluded himself into believing his own crap and unfortunately he's suckered you into it too. That's why I have little patience for physics cranks here, when they present their own made up BS as fact they can infect people who don't know any better with their ignorance.

What you quote of Jozen Bo has nothing to do with actual extra dimensions in physics.
I did. Which why I also referred to the content of that site.

Answers to what? Nonsense sites?
This is a science site.

I've posted in that thread. There's a lot crap in there.

Jozen-Bo is a crank and his posts have nothing to do with reality.

There's no such thing as "interdimensions". get an education.

an education? you mean the one you've got? NO THANKS!, and if you do have any education at all enlighten me by providing useful information as an example if you say the site I've provided is a crank how do you go about proving it to be a crank? you know for so long skeptics like you didn't believe oxygen existed @ all but then now we know this little thing that helps us breath and we don't see it it does exist after all. so a scientis will go about researching and questioning everything to get @ least little bit close to the truth not to just sit and say Awww Rubbish Awwww Nonsense Awww Crank Awww this Awww that , and why do you accuse jozen-bo to be a crank? just because his posts about reality doesn't measure up to your reality? what is your reality?I rather get confused about *crackpottery* and get somewhere( it's either true or false :D )than to act like an ignorant ;) just being there like a wall and react to everything and anything it's called *CLOSED MINDED* at least i'm willing to go about it and find out if there's such thing or not :D and I don't get too fired up about it like you awwww wowww hooray It's a science site woohooo) and no wonder I've never remembered your post since you just want to prove yourself by repeating negative,negative,negative posts and screem nonsense to every single word , your posts were forgettable, after all with you it's a 1 trick pony. but I do enjoy shaking your bubble. haha
an education? you mean the one you've got? NO THANKS!
You'd prefer to remain ignorant and gullible? Fair enough.

and if you do have any education at all enlighten me by providing useful information as an example if you say the site I've provided is a crank how do you go about proving it to be a crank?
Because they can't validate or support a single one of their claims. And if you look they don't even try, they simply make statements and hope no one will question how they "know" what they claim or what evidence there is for these claims.

you know for so long skeptics like you didn't believe oxygen existed @ all
Really? And where did you learn that? Which particular crank site?

at least i'm willing to go about it and find out if there's such thing or not
Yet you evidently haven't done so. You've accepted it at face value without trying to find out how valid or not it really is.

but I do enjoy shaking your bubble. haha
Nope. You're overestimating the impact your posts have on me. Just one more fruitcake. There'll be another one along shortly, with just as much actual effect on me.
And in that the majority of people had no idea what the word 'dimension' means in physics and maths. Particularly Jozen-Bo.

None of those sites have any scientific grounding.

Too many people labour under the misconception that extra dimensions in physics are things like 'energy', 'magnetism', 'thought' etc. No, they are just more 'up and down', 'left and right', 'forwards and backwards'. Things like energy are properties of objects within space and are independent of the number of dimensions of said space. 'Thought' is an emergent property of complex biochemical processes within our brains, it is not a thing in and off itself any more than 'happiness' is.

Those who come out with "The 8th dimension is love" or crap like that are dishonest or ignorant or both. Ignorant in that they don't understand what a dimension is and dishonest in that their claims have absolutely no justification or reason other than their ignorant whims.

Adding another dimension to a description of space-time is no different from going from 2D to 3D, vectors like (x,y) go to (x,y,z). That's it. There's nothing special about the new direction, as if you rotate your point of view then you get things like (x,y,z) -> (y,z,x). What was once up and down is now left and right, its all arbitrary because the dimensions aren't things like 'thought' and 'energy', which are distinct and separate concepts. What is up to someone standing at the North Pole is down to someone standing at the South Pole, which is left (or right) to someone standing on the Equator. All a matter of choice and none of them anything related to the crap Jozen Bo spewed out which you quoted. He deluded himself into believing his own crap and unfortunately he's suckered you into it too. That's why I have little patience for physics cranks here, when they present their own made up BS as fact they can infect people who don't know any better with their ignorance.

What you quote of Jozen Bo has nothing to do with actual extra dimensions in physics.

hey hold your horses!I've never meant to use this as in physics dimensions my question has nothing to do with dimensions in physics! this is totally about consciousness , you've misunderstood my question I've pasted his post simply to show that it was an interesting to read how he put 12th dimension to be consciousness, and I don't think that besides the 3 dimension and 4th one which is time and so on space and other.... this is a complete different concept it has so little to do with physics. and I don't think he meant the 12th dimension as in reality which can be explained by dimensions in physics.
this is a pseudoscience forum and the link was to a pseudoscience
site i don't see anything wrong in that, no surprise then if there claims
are outside conventional known reality. please stop using the word
crank if you want to be taken seriously.

Thank you! :) for not insulting , maybe I'm not being totally clear about my question, after all I thought I was getting answers by scientists (open minded!)who have experienced different levels of consciousness and who will actually put effort to come up with ideas! instead just insults..how sad and pathetic.
hey hold your horses!I've never meant to use this as in physics dimensions my question has nothing to do with dimensions in physics!
You quoted Jozen Bo who obviously did try to put his nonsense in a physics context. Gravity, electromagnetism, polarisations, particles. All physics terminology.

this is totally about consciousness , you've misunderstood my question I've pasted his post simply to show that it was an interesting to read how he put 12th dimension to be consciousness
Consciousness has nothing to do with dimensions. To try and weave the two together means either the person doesn't know what both words mean or they are trying to wrap their nonsense in science terminology to make their nonsense seem a little more legitimate.

Want to talk about consciousness? Fine, but leave dimensions out of it.

and I don't think he meant the 12th dimension as in reality which can be explained by dimensions in physics.
He clearly thought what he was saying was somehow scientific. He even said its called 'chaos science', which it isn't.

If you honestly want to talk about consciousness then don't just throw in random and mostly unrelated physics buzzwords, it makes you look dishonest and/or ignorant. Its possible to have a proper discussion on consciousness without having to resort to mindless buzzword bingo.
Thank you! :) for not insulting , maybe I'm not being totally clear about my question, after all I thought I was getting answers by scientists (open minded!)who have experienced different levels of consciousness and who will actually put effort to come up with ideas! instead just insults..how sad and pathetic.
You have had answers from scientists.
"Levels of consciousness" is as much a fiction as the rest of the quotes you gave.

In short you don't have a clue as what you're talking about.
For example you stated:
I've never meant to use this as in physics dimensions my question has nothing to do with dimensions in physics!
So what do you mean by the term "dimensions"?
What makes you think "dimensions" has anything to do with consciousness?
You quoted Jozen Bo who obviously did try to put his nonsense in a physics context. Gravity, electromagnetism, polarisations, particles. All physics terminology.

Consciousness has nothing to do with dimensions. To try and weave the two together means either the person doesn't know what both words mean or they are trying to wrap their nonsense in science terminology to make their nonsense seem a little more legitimate.

Want to talk about consciousness? Fine, but leave dimensions out of it.

He clearly thought what he was saying was somehow scientific. He even said its called 'chaos science', which it isn't.

If you honestly want to talk about consciousness then don't just throw in random and mostly unrelated physics buzzwords, it makes you look dishonest and/or ignorant. Its possible to have a proper discussion on consciousness without having to resort to mindless buzzword bingo.

have you even bothered to look @ the site in question>? it's called dimensions of consciousness! Dimension has so many different meanings : dimension: I'm referring to the range over which or the degree to which something extends. this case consciousness. *my question has nothing to do with physics dimensions, when I pasted jozen-bo's postings I've specifically quoted the part where he said 12th dimension,<<<<<< so instead of getting insulted over nothing and then throw stones and insult and what is it that you're doing here?trying to prove that you're a BIG PHYSIC WHATEVER? and what is it with you physics whatevers noones trying to claim anything here I simply assumed that the consiousness has different levels and dimensions I'm not pushing anybody to believe what I do I want to get more information about it so stop acting like the other dude Dwyd something...? I thought my confusion about this subject would go somewhere but on top of it I'm just being insulted and yet no useful answers.
You have had answers from scientists.
"Levels of consciousness" is as much a fiction as the rest of the quotes you gave.

In short you don't have a clue as what you're talking about.
For example you stated:

So what do you mean by the term "dimensions"?
What makes you think "dimensions" has anything to do with consciousness?

the range over which or the degree to which something extends,one of the factors or the elements making up a complete personality or entity,A level of existance or consciousness.
have you even bothered to look @ the site in question>? it's called dimensions of consciousness!
One more time: dimensions have NOTHING to do with consciousness.

Dimension has so many different meanings
Really? Such as?

I'm referring to the range over which or the degree to which something extends. this case consciousness.
Again, really? What does consciousness extend over?

my question has nothing to do with physics dimensions, when I pasted jozen-bo's postings I've specifically quoted the part where he said 12th dimension
And as AlphaNumeric has pointed out J-B's ENTIRE post was relating dimensions in the physics sense to other (non physics things). So we were supposed to understand what YOU meant (and meant incorrectly) from what YOU gleaned from a post about something else?
Way to go...:rolleyes:

I simply assumed that the consiousness has different levels and dimensions
Ah. You assumed. Doesn't that contradict your earlier claim that you're
willing to go about it and find out if there's such thing or not
You assumed (on zero evidence) and couldn't bothered to find out.

I thought my confusion about this subject would go somewhere but on top of it I'm just being insulted and yet no useful answers.
Correction. You've had answers. And they have been useful. What you're asking about is utter nonsense. Any failure to find that useful indicates a lack on your part. They just happen to not support the specious woo woo nonsense that seems to be what you're looking for.
What you're asking has no basis in reality.
the range over which or the degree to which something extends,one of the factors or the elements making up a complete personality or entity,A level of existance or consciousness.
And again.
What do you think consciousness "extends over"?

You'll also note that it says a level of consciousness. Nothing to indicate there multiple levels...
One more time: dimensions have NOTHING to do with consciousness.

Really? Such as?

Again, really? What does consciousness extend over?

And as AlphaNumeric has pointed out J-B's ENTIRE post was relating dimensions in the physics sense to other (non physics things). So we were supposed to understand what YOU meant (and meant incorrectly) from what YOU gleaned from a post about something else?
Way to go...:rolleyes:

Ah. You assumed. Doesn't that contradict your earlier claim that you're

You assumed (on zero evidence) and couldn't bothered to find out.

Correction. You've had answers. And they have been useful. What you're asking about is utter nonsense. Any failure to find that useful indicates a lack on your part. They just happen to not support the specious woo woo nonsense that seems to be what you're looking for.
What you're asking has no basis in reality.

you don't comprehend do you?:) , like I said before I'm not here to proof anything to you or anybody , specially when you just so unpleasantly and viciously insult everything and all you do is to insult is that what you're trying to do to just point out by insulting that you're the smart one? is that what you need an attention? hmm pathetic.
you just want me to proof anything and everything I've posted but this was nor is my intensions I have questions and they are about the leves or dimensions of consciousness so you either know the answers or you don't just keep questioning oh what is conscious? and what is dimension? and what is this ?and what is that? and who are you? and you are a crank ?!it's jusy blah blah blah from you .you want to be taken seriousely stop throwing stones and acting so childish. If I had answrs or proofs I wouldn't have started the thread in the first place I'm here to find them. reality or nonsense either way there must be an answer to it and I intend to find it and if it doesn't measure up to your education or brain or reality , oh well It doesn't have to .:)
And again.
What do you think consciousness "extends over"?

You'll also note that it says a level of consciousness. Nothing to indicate there multiple levels...

I assumed (I believe) that there's such a thing as consiousness and assumed that it has levels and or dimensions, I'm not here to proof any of those to you, you want to find out go ahead! don't bother me with your BS. the part in question for the 100th of times!:D little physic genius brain is how many are they? what are they? and if they are unfold out of 12th dimension how?now again I don't ask you to believe or assume anything that I do, I simply present a question based on nonsens or sense :D , and it was as I mentioned.

answering a question with a question?! that's your best shot? now are you done insulting ? shall we move on to find out what is or isn't mayb I should give you a minute or two to cool down a little bit.:eek:
you don't comprehend do you?:)
Since you consistently fail to explain what you actually do mean (to the point of contravening the quotes you selected) then how much chance am I supposed to have of comprehension?

specially when you just so unpleasantly and viciously insult everything
Viciously insulting?
And you accuse me of being easily insulted...

you just want me to proof anything
I simply want you to recognise that what you're quoting (and asking about) has no basis in reality.

I have questions and they are about the leves or dimensions of consciousness
As has been stated MANY times, there are no levels or dimensions of consciousness.

reality or nonsense either way there must be an answer to it and I intend to find it and if it doesn't measure up to your education or brain or reality , oh well It doesn't have to .:)
You've had answers: what you're asking is rubbish.
If we said the answer is "green" would that satisfy you?
It has as much relevance as anything else on the topic.