Did you know that........

what ya doing? (I know-browsing sciforums, but you understand what I meant). I'm boooooooooored! to the bone with school and long for a long and sunny holiday.
I am sorry my latvian friend who's-avatar-rivals-my-own-in-extreme-coolness, it appears that I left moments before you posted your last reply. Back then I was doing just as you said, surfing sciforums on an extremely slow computer in massachuesetts. It appears that we are in the same situation, since yesterday I've been bored out of my mind here hoping to get a chance to surf the internet since there is nothing , absolutely nothing to do here. They have cable tv which can't hold a candle to satellite, their powerful computer convienently broke days or maybe hours before we got here, and to top it all off I'm in a suburban location so there's nowhere that I could even walk to. Before, back home, I was having fun, toying with my new RAM, writing, planning, scheming, but here, I just lie around, occasionally drawing maps and writing out languages for a new fantasy I'm working on. But that's only entertaining for so long, I spent all day today doing that and watching headline news, a channel that has only about fifteen minutes of material that just loops over and over again.

Well, now I've vented, your situation can't possibly be worse than mine. If you'll excuse me I have to listen to this computer click and whirr for several minutes while it processes this information as fast as an old powermac...
I can't beat you, my american friend:). You are really doing worse thn I do. My pc is quite old and unpowerful, but not so bad I can't work on it. and now as it is old I can allow myself to mess with it a lot, I wouldn't allow me to do it with a new one, but my old one is quite close to me (don't want smth to happen, we've become good frieds in these 3 years:D ).
I'm going to a big party tomorrow morning, our Taekwon-Do club celebrates its 7th birthday and I can allways watch Discovery Channel if n-thing else to do and net at the moment is slow.
And as soon as you can, find yourself smth interesting to do.
on backbones and licking

avatar, pollux, whoever,

yes, you can lick yourself, and no it is not even close to impossible.

I'll grant you that it takes some effort, but nothing worth doing is ever really easy.
Did You Know...

That no matter where you go on sciforums, you're always pursued by the ill informed or outright obnoxious who can't resist contradicting you?

(If proof is required, refer to the posts on page one)
Re: Did You Know...

Originally posted by esp
...no matter where you go on sciforums, you're always pursued by the ill informed or outright obnoxious who can't resist contradicting you?
No you're not. :D

well now i have a saw neck but i did it i licked my elbow

not a chance in hell of getting me to try to lick my balls

and people say bless you when you snease because it is a symptom of the plague and people thought if you sneased you were going to die so they said bless you (nursry ryme "ring a ring a rosey" is also about the plague)