Did you hear? New God!

Changelings God

I am happy to hear that Changeling has abandoned agnosticism. However, I am sad to say that the God she offers here is one of her own imagination. Her God does not reveal "it"self in creation, nor in revelation. It did not reveal itself in history, nor did it provide ample evidence for the truthfulness of its record. Sorry Changeling, but your god does not measure up to honest inquiry. You posted on another forum "where's god". I assume your conversion came some time after that post (earlier today). The God who is there is found in His Creation and he is found in His revealled word. He is also found in His people. In order to see this God you must have your eyes opened, as we are naturally born blind.
I'm not swallowing this new propaganda for the new audience.

Interesting choice of words. Does that mean you prefer to swallow the old propaganda?

Changeling “ Originally Posted by PsychoticEpisode
This is excellent work Changeling....your OP was a treat. ”

I'm honored you think so, thanks

This is sooooo good. I'm intriqued by the responses your getting. Incredible. I want to say more but I don't dare. Great idea!
And Changeling, you now have the responsibility on your conscience of any souls that you have condemned to hell through this new evil.

Wow, now I'm really honored.

Luckily, Hell has been completely disbanded by the New God so there is nothing to worry about.
Whats his name? he needs a nme. His life story is good nd all but it means nothing unless he has name. and a good one at that not like allah or brahma those stink.

PS, If I named one of my minions (children) Allah would it be clssed as offensive?.

I say we call the thing NuGod.

That way we could say -
The Universe - chock full of nuts and creamy Nugod !

It's good - and Good For You !
Ordinarily I am reluctant to resort to definitions of God, because many of the established definitions come from the Greeks, who were rather ignorant on the subject. When the definitions of God are really stupid, it makes Atheism easier than it should be. But the Sanskrit Metaphysics are much more agreeable to both the Thoughtful and the Spiritual.

Okay, God is Unitary. So there can not be two Gods. God is God. Now when people talk of Gods, what they are referring to, really, are the Demi-gods. The name is misleading. When one actually visits the Spiritual Spheres there is no difference between what we term an Arch Angel and what others call a Demi-God. Different languages and traditions simply have different names for the same thing.

But concerning God.... there can only be one God. God is Central and Unitary.

But supposing there was a change of ... not so much God... but of the Spiritual Milieu -- the Spiritual Influences that well-up from the Collective
Consciousness into our own personal Subconscious Minds (though I lean in the direction of supposing that the 'subconscious mind' is a convenient invention of Scientific Materialists who would substitute the Subconscious Mind for the Collective Consciousness). A Massive Change in the Spiritual Ambiance would change the way we think, dream... at least for those who are in touch with their deeper spiritual levels, which really are not personal at all but touch into the Universal and the Collective.
Leo Volont who were rather ignorant on the subject.

No more or less than you or any one else. You know nothing of god. Not that it is unitary, not that it is not unitary. Every word is entirely baseless speculation of the worst kind.
When one actually visits the Spiritual Spheres there is no difference between what we term an Arch Angel and what others call a Demi-God.


You have been there? You talk as if it's like a tourist attraction.



*Children must be accompanied by guardian angel​
Leo Volont who were rather ignorant on the subject.
No more or less than you or any one else. You know nothing of god. Not that it is unitary, not that it is not unitary. Every word is entirely baseless speculation of the worst kind.

I think it's entirely baseless speculation of the best kind.


You have been there? You talk as if it's like a tourist attraction.



*Children must be accompanied by guardian angel​

He should have said "I believe" rather than making a flat statement.