Did you hear? New God!


Registered Senior Member
Have you heard? There is a New God!

Recently our reality was taken over by a New God. This New God is not affiliated with Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hindu, or any existing Earth religions. All the previous gods, angels, saints, and spirits were all obliterated by His glorious arrival. The New God is now completely in charge.

Frequently Asked Questions about the New God

Is The New God the God of the Bible?

No. The New God came from somewhere else. He destroyed the God of the bible, and also Jesus and Satan, when He arrived, along with Krishna, Zeus and several other celestial beings. He didn't intend to, but they were occupying the God dimension and when the New God arrived He just squished them like bugs. The New God remains the sole deital being in our spectrum.

Does The New God require faith?

No. It doesn't make any difference at all what you believe about the New God. The New God is impervious to belief.

Is there any proof of this New God?

There is as much proof of the New God as there is of the previous ones.

Is the New God powerful?

Yes. Just to give you a sense of scale, the New God is a trillion times more powerful than the God of the Bible.

Did the New God create this planet?

No, he's just taking over the running of it. But He says that the Bible God did not create it either, he was just taking all the credit. The New God says that to learn the origin of the earth you must examine it.

Is the New God a He?

Not really, but He's definitely not a she either.

Does the New God provide an afterlife?

The first act of the New God when He arrived in our domain was to open the gateways of Heaven and Hell and release all the souls imprisoned there. All the souls moved to their proper destination, the Oneness of Eternity. Without H & H to block the natural progression, all souls from earth will now go straight to the Oneness of Eternity.

Does the New God have any commandments?

No. He says, "Figure it out yourself."

Does the New God forgive sin?

The New God has abolished all sin. All past sins are forgiven, erased. No future sin can be committed. As for how to act, He says, "Do what is good, avoid what is ill, and take the time to learn the difference."

Does the New God need or want us to worship him?

The New God does not need anything from us. Worship will not buy favors. But He's not opposed to a little ceremony here and there, some slight reverence.

Does the New God listen to prayer?

That's His specialty! The New God listens to every prayer. As a big improvement over some previous Gods, the New God never judges about sin or makes you beg for forgiveness. The New God listens to you, is there for you, and appreciates you just how you are.

Does the New God answer prayers?

The New God hears your prayers and uses the same levers that your previous God used to turn the fates of life in your direction.

How do I pray to the New God?

Just pray as you always have. The prayers will automatically go to the New God now.

How do we revere the New God?

The new God accepts reverence from any existing religion. Light candles, sing hymns, etc. All reverence is now automatically directed to the New God.
What does the New God think about Xenu? Also, do prophets like Ron Hubbard (pbuh) and Mohammad (pbhu) fit with the New God?

Oh and Buddha, has he left the karma cycle? what happened to him now that the new God is here?
"What does the New God think about Xenu? Also, do prophets like Ron Hubbard (pbuh) and Mohammad (pbhu) fit with the New God?"

The New God does not have any prophets. He doesn't play favorites.

"Oh and Buddha, has he left the karma cycle? what happened to him now that the new God is here?"

The Buddha has been dead for quite some number of years. The New God did not affect Buddha much.
Is there any proof of this New God?

There is as much proof of the New God as there is of the previous ones.
Like I said, scientists have no clue what the difference is between fact and fiction. ;)
did you hear? new God

Sounds really good I just have three questions

How much does it cost

is it sold by the gram or the ounze

and where can I get some

Oh ya norsefire going to be pissed
Changeling is my son/daughter/transwhatever in whom i am well pleased. But
I squished them like worms.
I'm not totally impervious to belief. I absolutely guarantee your life will be .00003% better if you believe I might be possible.
There is proof of me. The obvious fact that all the other gods are now gone.
I am a GOOGOLPLEXtrillion times more powerful than all other gods combined.
He & she doesn't apply to true gods.
Unfortunately a few in heaven & a few in hell refused to leave.
When I say figure it out tho I mean figure it out not pretend to or fool yourself into thinking so.
Ummmm ... gotta go for now. The wife needs me for ... ... um something
and what happen to god? god cares a lot for men and his paradise what happen to him how did they accept to withdraw what is he planning on now?
Everybody hated the old one. The difference is, the New God doesn't mind.

Interesting. I didn't, and I'm not swallowing this new propaganda for the new audience, liberal Americans who like to feel spiritual but aren't willing to accept any sort of consequences or conditions for the love/salvation provided by their former God. Anyway, I still believe in God, the God of the Jews and of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I would advise anyone else to not listen to this sacrilege that Changeling is spouting.
And Changeling, you now have the responsibility on your conscience of any souls that you have condemned to hell through this new evil.