Did you find your true love?

I hope so. As with many things though, I can only wait and see.
yeah, she left me before we met (she was due to leave two months after we met, before we met - it was an incredible two months, frickin amazing I'd say) and I found another, they're both very different but well, I feel lucky in that the only person I've married seems to be the only person I honestly think I could have a lifetime relationship with. The first true love had a different calling and broke my heart to take it. My second mended it and well, she's the perfect wife for me. It's awesome.

For me, I realized what true love was when, and this is SO gay but I swear, when she left me it LITERALLY felt like my heart was being ripped out of my body. I don't ever cry really cuz I'm rarely sad about anything but that day I cried from my depths for hours, I'm pretty sure it was a couple of days. it was the most miserable i've ever been i think, but it was kind of good too in an introspective expansion kind of way. took me a few years to get over it. (mostly cuz she was to come back from in three years and I couldn't give up until I knew for sure, met my wife about eight months after she came back and wouldn't even talk to me. All I wanted was to be released and she couldn't find the strength, she just avoided it). I'm still astonished when i reflect on how powerful it was. wow.

sorry if that was random, but altogether I've connected with three women on a fundamental level (in a relationshippy kind of mate kind of way). I'm not sure what that means about "soulmates". can there be more than one? maybe I've just got a really good looking soul? LOL
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Originally posted by man_of_jade
...true love? ...soulmate? ... twinflame?

I used to think I knew what those words meant, and that I'd know it when I found them. However, I don't believe I know what those words mean anymore... nor do I believe they mean anything. I don't believe the universe's souls are neatly divided into nice little pairs. They aren't.

In as little as a hundred years, the concept of one solidary and eternal partner for love and procreation will start to seem very "traditional," and old-fashioned.
I once had a love.:( But you know that old saying, if you love something kill it, and if it doesnt come back to you then it never loved you. So I had to beat her to death with a shovel and then bury her in the backyard, she hasnt come back yet.:(

soulmate, true love, well i guess i found mine... Was actually kinda like a movie/fairytale, it was pure chance that we met, and we both feel "warm and fuzzy" around each other... Twas when you met, you know that you could spend the rest of your life with her... Even though i broke several key elements of the guy code of conduct by doing this i wouldnt have it any other way;)
Re: my love

Originally posted by susan
I found my love. how to tell if he is my TRUE love???

In tonight's show with Jay Leno, he said if you cry during orgasm, you found your soulmate. :D

Personally I think the whole concept is superstitous.
Yes. He locked me in a closet and raped me until I reciprocated his affections.
It was so romantic. :)
Woah, you guys are pretty scary. lol

Why? Public humiliation is romantic.

/This post brought to you by my second glass of rum. Merry fucking Christmas. :)
Bah, humbug.

Love schmuve. Screw love, we're all damned anyway. Why bother looking for something "bright" and "pure" when you're going to die alone in the end? 2 dead bodies don't make 2 happy spirits.

Soulmate schmolemate. We are all alone in our minds. Every person is an island. One without coconut radios or monkey manservants. *grimaces*

On the other hand, Christmas is fun! :)
Originally posted by Porfiry
I'm not sure, and seeking to know may destroy me.

But it is quite an amazing form of destruction, if you're lucky.
heyya all
one of my fav topics...
but let me preach for a second to re-afirm my ego centric self absollusion of all who seek greed,
for they in thier haste kill love to profit from its gushing essence like blood from the cup of capitalism.

it taints all who try to control it
it illudes all who seek to label it
it repels all those who would damage it

you know not life
you know not sex
you know not
until you know love

i pitty the masses!

most people will never know what love is!
it must be sort like a hidden gem that a friend has lost and asked you to help them find it.


its all a process in some form!

peace light truth love
the path set out to achive the above.

groove on all :)