did we evolve, did god make us? or was it the aliens?

Say, don't be hard on the kid! If he's really 13, thats cool! But don't be surprised if thats just his net/persona. We can all hide behind the facade of the keyboard, what with names out of mythology, sci-fi & fantasy. Who's to know? Anyway, this is a good way of talking to the whole world, with a certain amount of anonymity.
I'm with nik and dexter on this one. Sorry trojan but you're just a loser piece of shit fag who is so taken up by religion that you can't open your mind to other possibilities. I wouldn't be so harsh to you had you not lashed out at nik, plus i happen to hate close minded religious people like you. And dexter i think that we could very well be a mix between the greys and the apes but its just that at this point there's more info pointing to just plain old evolution.
VIVE LE YOUTH! I too am a so called "kid" but its obvious i know a lot more about the world and universe than some of you, by that i am refering to you trojan and you lori. Lay off dexter about his age it just so happens that i've known him my whole life and i personally consider him a genius. My name is Corey howland Im 15 and dating a beatiful chearleader at my high school I'm athletic and popular yet I still have a brain and I still think and thats why i come here so as to be able to talk about what i think. So if Trojan doesn't have enough of a brain left in him to go on thinking then he should leave and let us talk about things instead of arguing.
Welcome Bezzle,
i can agree with the Greys but i don't buy into the apes theory. I believe for one, they started with the Greys/pre-historic humans not apes. have a personal thing against apes. I was told i came from the cow by an alien species. which to me would make sense as to why the cattle mutilations

Eric Cooper
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Give me a break!!!!

[This message has been edited by Dave (edited October 11, 1999).]
ROFLMAO excellent likeness Dave but one question: how can Black Coarse Hair+Grey Bald Head+ Long blond Hair ROFLMAO

Eric Cooper
dude,it could be just the dreams, but its things like those that make me want to beileive in god!!!!!

All of my life (I'm 24)I've known that aliens exist. I didn't know how or why that fit into my life or my spirituality until I read "The 12th Planet" by Zecharia Sitchin. Now that I've had time to contemplate human existance, here are some points I came up with.
1. If humans followed the natural path of evolution like every other organism on this planet, we would still be in caves eating berries. Or we would have went the way of the dinasour.
2. If you look back to biblical times and back to what humans knew then. YOu see why they created a God. They didn't even know how rain fell. They attributed every natural event to some mythical being in the sky. Ever wonder how humans know God came from the sky?
3. Every thing, event and person in the bible can be explained in rational scientific terms using our "advanced" knowledge without ever mentioning a supreme being. Read the book....

I could go on for hours but I won't. I just don't see how a civilization so "advanced" can still put any faith into a God created by ancient people who were so primitive rain was a miracle. What do you think? I think maybe inhabitants of another planet in our solar system (who's orbital path is sooooo long that recorded history has yet to see it) ran some interferrence in our evolutionary path. I mean why not? If 2000 years worth of civilizations can believe in some god that they have no proof of...why not this?
i totally agree, we made up a god in out minds so that it would explaine things, cause if u notice, god is always a way higher being, that knows everything, its like a kid who doesnt have any parents or friends, so what does he do? he makes them up, thats all we did, and now its kinda turning against us, were finding things out, that god doesnt explain. so, i think that were still a very primative race, seeing that we still have a make beileive daddy. and the only thing that we really care about is sex, and atrackting attention from members of the opposite sex.......... so ya

that is all i have to say

Boris I just read your post from oct,5th dealing w/ observed evolution, along w/ the verry long winded thread. I was not impressed at all. The only way for scientist to prove that evolution exists is to find a "transitional form" , and I am not taliking about archeoptrics. Even though that is the closest thing yet discovered. I have my own personal beliefs, that are far from scientific , but they are mine none the less. I believe that Plants & animals all reached todays form "Via Evolution" , but I think that MAN had to have had some help along the way be it a GOD or Alien intervention. I am more prone to beieve that it was Alien intervention. Not that I have any form of proof at all, it is just a theory, just like evolution.

LORI LORI LORI why on earth do you persist on preaching. I think it is wonderful that you are a christian. I am sure that it brings you much joy and that is gr8, but there are quite a few other religions out there that bring ohters the same joy that you recieve from christanity. I have to believe that if there is a heaven, you will find yourself next to hindu's, Buddhists, the hopi Indians , and a host of other people form all sorts of religious back grounds, some of which you may never have heard of long since forgotten. Allways remember no two people have exactly the same view on religion, not even two christians. Religions are like fingerprints no two are the same.

but to dave, the only reason i was elludeing to my age was because of my typing dissability.

Uh, what does age have to do with typing ability or disability? You supposedly attended a Christian school all your life, which usually has much higher academic standards than most public schools, and yet your spelling, grammar and punctuation resemble that of a child MUCH younger than 13 (more like that of an 8-year old child who attends public school). I'm not talking about the occasional misspelled word, typographical error, or use of street grammar (of which we are all guilty) - I'm referring to the blatant errors that you really have to work at to achieve at the level I see in your posts.

Someone else mentioned the possibility that a 13-year old kid is your net persona. I must say that idea has crossed my mind as well. I'm not making fun of your spelling, punctuation or grammar - my point is that you seem to be caricaturing a 13-year old kid by using spelling, punctuation and grammar that you perceive to be the level of a child that age, all the while using the excuse that you are only 13. Methinks thou dost protest too much.

Even if we did take the hypothesis that Aliens had a hand in our creation, it seems curious that such a presumably advanced race as they must have been, programmed us to take millions of years of development before reaching the stage we're at now.Why take so long?
I could subscribe more easily to the theory that we, are in fact the aliens.Maybe, at some point in pre-history, humans with very high technology existed on another planet in our own solar system, perhaps it was a planet very similar to Earth.Knowing in advance that their planet was going to be destroyed by some unavoidable catastrophe, they developed the technology to bring a few of them here and ensure the continuation of their species.
Arriving on Earth they discovered that the indigenous human species were of a very primitive nature and so it would have been relatively easy for them to eradicate or maybe enslave them, enabling them to establish their own strong communities.
As time passed, their technology was destroyed/abandoned/rendered unusable by ignorance and the alien humans began to spread over the world. Everywhere they went they killed any indigenous humans they found until they took over completely, having lost their technology and scientific knowledge very early on.
I don't think they would have mated with any Earth humans, simply because they were so advanced that they would have been able to create any physical changes they might have required to enable them to fine tune their capacity to survive here.
As far as the missing link theory goes, how about if these pre-humans dicovered FIRE? and they learned to WORSHIP it? and they learned to BURN their dead? giving back the body to the GOD of fire? maybe that is why we cannot find any trace of them.
Or maybe this race of prehumans lived on land that sunk into the sea. Maybe the environment was so waterlogged (like,'the water age')for a while that the few survivors had to evolve pretty quickly in order to survive, as they slowly migrated towards drier land, leaving behind a sunken and forgotten history.
And why not?

Tee-hee. I woke up from a sound sleep, in the middle of the night last night, on the couch - the television was on and some type of "Discovery" show was on.

The scientists were talking about their belief that we evolved from a reptile, called a "litho(something)'pig'" - sorry, I was a bit drousy - This pig was snorting and everything! Supposedly, it was the only species to have survived a prior period of mass extinction.

Any comments?

Your post speaks for itself. Evolution is not "just a theory", by the way; it not only describes the end results and the macro phenomena that led to them, it not only traces and explains the fossil record, it actually provides the precise mechanisms through which heredity leads to speciation. These days, it's down to DNA. So no, it's far from "just a theory". Yours, on the other hand, is not even a theory to begin with. It's an unsubstantiated (by your own admission) hypothesis. Which flies in the face of substantiated, well-developed, and thoroughly consistent theory.

But of course, everything else might have evolved from lower forms, but we humans must be oh sooo very special. But of course, we are the Kings of the World, right? How could we possibly be described as animals? No, really, how could the laws of the universe possibly apply to US?

I hope to see you back in reality before hell freezes over. But then, how could you possibly descend from your self-acclaimed center of the universe?

P.S. Before you go and singlehandedly tell the world's scientific community to shove it, perhaps you should give some thought to your own motivations. Why is it that you are so unwilling to accept evolution of humans? What is driving you to propose alternatives, ignore overabundant evidence, etc. -- anything but face the music? Perhaps, a visit to a shrink might be in order...

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited November 14, 1999).]
truestory -
Not knowing much about the data they presented, I can't make any solid conclusions, but here is my take on it.

Firstly, whatever species this may be, it is not the only species to have survived a mass extinction. Such catastrophes certainly killed many creatures, but never anywhere near enough to drive all but one, or several to extinction. Even after the Permian Extinctions(about the time when Pangaea was formed), and the Cretaceous Extictions(When the dinosaurs were exterminated), there have still been hundreds of families of species remaining to repopulate the earth.

Also, if the creature you heard about was actually a lizard, then it was indeed false, since reptilia and mammalia evolved along seperate evolutionary branches.

Sounds like pseudoscience to me :)

Boris, I see you point in the statement that My Opinion is only a hypotosis not a theory. That I will agree with, but I still would like for you to show me a transitionl form that would prove evolution. I personaly believe that evolution took place, and is continuing now. But if you ask any reputable scientist working on this THEORY he/she will sadly have to tell you that there is no proof of it AT ALL. If there is show me, and proove that it has sponed a transitional form that can be obeserved , or even one in the fossil record. You can't!!!! If it could be done there would be no debate over it at all, Aside from the religious fanatics that would say that it was SATANS doing.

PS. I fully enjoy reading your posts you are a well read person and for the most part I agree w/ the majority of you opinions. But if you are going to tell the people that read your posts that eveolutions is not a theory you will need to proove it.
Oh yea to every one that is talking about Greys/ reptilains and other aliens, what the hell are you talking about how can you even label an alien race that may or may not exist? Granted I believe that aliens are out there, and that they may have influenced our existance. I am in no way willing to label them as Grey's, reptilians, or even huminoids. For all I know the aliens are nothing more than technilogicly superior insectiods. Or is that one of you existing alien races that will be making contact may 5th 2000 when the planets align?
Good or bad, intelligent or not, with a soul or without a soul, every species originally came from God, whether it be an alien species, a hybrid species, an evolved species or the human species.

[This message has been edited by truestory (edited November 15, 1999).]