Did Nothing Create Everything?

I can't accept your apology as you have not grovelled in a fashion which indicates that you recognise how greatly you have offended me.
If you think of me as a friend you could list point by point all your sins so I can see you have thought deeply about your rude behaviour and then and only then will I forgive you.
Nothing personal it is just if you are to stop lieing you first need to publically acknowledge that you liked...anything less does not warrant forgiveness.
Nothing personal I am trying to help you act like a mature individual and get you some understanding that you need to please those real people around you rather than waffling about being a sinner in the eyes of a god that you have failed to establish exists.

So have you had your Halloween?
It has raised its ugly head here which is a terrible thing...the parents do it for the kids and because the other parents do it...pathetic mob mentality over here I am afraid.
Hope you and yours are well and I wish you a great day.

Yes, we are eating BBQ and we carved pumpkins and will be playing minute to win it games in a little bit and playing Halloween music.

For me, life is what you make it. And we only celebrate Halloween in a warm family light hearted way. Nothing dark! Costumes can be really fun and even cute. One of my dogs is a submarine and one of them is in a hotdog costume.

I am so sorry to have offended you!!!

I wish you great day as well!

You are an amazing person Alex!!! And you have a warm heart!!!
This artist impression is incorrect as there was considerable top soil gardens with many plants and life size gold statue s which of course have been removed..it is believed that although very technically advanced the lost civilization could only use gold and used to call free copper dirty gold and only used it for children's toys unfortunately none of these have survived proving these ancient folk did not think enough of them to bury them with their dead.
Play with them till they break.
And these folk if they are saved on the operating table never thank the doctors but oh yes god.
And miracles...god saved this child falling off a building they never ask why doesn't god save the thousand who die daily..
And what is worse they just don't see their problem.
I liked your comparison of worlds.
Do you hate God or God as a concept?
Yes, we are eating BBQ and we carved pumpkins and will be playing minute to win it games in a little bit and playing Halloween music.

For me, life is what you make it. And we only celebrate Halloween in a warm family light hearted way. Nothing dark! Costumes can be really fun and even cute. One of my dogs is a submarine and one of them is in a hotdog costume.

I am so sorry to have offended you!!!

I wish you great day as well!

You are an amazing person Alex!!! And you have a warm heart!!!
You can't eat BBQ. BBQ is an indirect method of cooking.
You can't eat BBQ. BBQ is an indirect method of cooking.
Can't understand barbecues. I planned a barby, weeks preparation. I'll not go to deep, basically it rained. But my point is we managed to get some sausages done, nice... left barby. loads of sausages left no barby, straight in the oven and they were nicer then having to fart on with flames? Cavemen? You not got a cooker like?
Can't understand barbecues. I planned a barby, weeks preparation. I'll not go to deep, basically it rained. But my point is we managed to get some sausages done, nice... left barby. loads of sausages left no barby, straight in the oven and they were nicer then having to fart on with flames? Cavemen? You not got a cooker like?
Are you writing in English?
Do you hate God or God as a concept?

I don't hate anything actually.
Although I do hate to be late and I do hate people who lie and think you are so stupid they can fool you...perhaps dislike would be a more suitable term.

I think hate is a toxin that destroys you whilst the object of your hate has no idea...It is like most emotions pointless. Acceptance takes away the desire to hate..I accept that many folk believe there is a god so I don't hate them...

I like truth.
I like justice.
I like cats,..and dogs and horses...I would like people to realise that the JC thing is a myth (and there is real evidence that shows there can be no other conclusion) and that today's scientists are much more reliable than ancient folk who did not know where the Sun went at night and if they insist upon there being a god to provide something other than some work of literature as authority for science (their science( and to concede morality does not come from the Bible other than by a cherry picking process that ignores the horrible stuff and claiming a book full of errors and disgusting morality could be inspired by a god without admitting he got most things wrong.

I would like those people who thank god and not the doctors and the science they employ next time they are I'll or in need of repair to go to the church and get fixed there.. hypocrites.

I would like to see the human race move to the next level where superstition is a historical curiosity and people accept personal responsibility for their actions rather than resorting to a mythical character to explain what they don't understand and above all for them to be capable of saying that they really don't have an answer and admit they do not know rather than making up unsupported superstitious BS.
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I would like to see a world where you have gather a large group of people and not have bad things happen or where one dunce could ruin the whole gathering. I think it's going to be a while though.
Wow, Alex you called me a friend a while back. How have I broken our friendship?
Sorry I missed this...
What makes you think I have withdrawn from our friend ship which I see as growing stronger each day.
If this has offended you I am sorry and I say that was not my intention.
Let me put it another way...you were given more than enough rope to indulge the opportunity to make your case but failed to do so and rather than address your inadequate ability to present or even understand the requirements that attach to the concept of evidence and the presentation thereof you unfortunately lashed out at others making false allegation that they are afraid if the truth etc thereby figuratively hanging your self and presenting as a liar...and I tell you this because I do regard you as a friend and that being the case will point out where you have been wrong ...that's what friends do.
What a waste of pumpkin s or do you save the good bits and make Halloween pumpkin soup?
I became so preoccupied with trying to convey what I believed the big bang theory does not cover that the irony floating around the opening post escaped me.
It seems to me odd that theists have such a hard time dealing with their straw man of the big bang that on to their assessment creates everything from nothing and yet their view tells us that everything was created out of nothing.

And certainly I find as do they that creating everything out of nothing most unreasonable.

So perhaps the real question could be for theists is " how was everything created out of nothing" as that is their proposition.
Unfortunately they don't have that concern when God is involved.

I don't personally have that issue. Something from nothing can mean many things. Quantum fluctuations exist (in theory) even when there is "nothing". Or using a multiply universes hypothesis there can be one universe created as another one ends.

There are many possibilities more plausible than creating a "God" who did it. The concept of "God" is so silly and man-centric to my mind that it's hard for me to understand how that concept could still be so pervasive.
I became so preoccupied with trying to convey what I believed the big bang theory does not cover that the irony floating around the opening post escaped me.
It seems to me odd that theists have such a hard time dealing with their straw man of the big bang that on to their assessment creates everything from nothing and yet their view tells us that everything was created out of nothing.

And certainly I find as do they that creating everything out of nothing most unreasonable.

So perhaps the real question could be for theists is " how was everything created out of nothing" as that is their proposition.

Alex, this is such an appropriate and beautiful insight! You are very wise!

I really love it!!!

I can learn a lot from you!
Alex, this is such an appropriate and beautiful insight! You are very wise!
Now if you put that together with your earlier conservative comment and perhaps add a few other complimentary superlatives I would have to admit that you know me as well as I know myself.

I can learn a lot from you
Of course you can I am a fountain of endless knowledge and my best quality is that I am never wrong.

God did speak to me once. He started by asking my advice on the best modeling clay and went on to say he had selected me to lead humans and provide guidance...I told him to bugger off do his job and get with the times and learn how to use carbon fiber.

Well I am joking ... as to most of it.

But I did have this odd experience once..And this is gospel...I really was convinced God was talking to me and as you can imagine being an atheist I really was surprised...And seriously this is how it happened I will sweare on the bible or cross my heart as I know this really sounds crazy...but I was preoccupied with my push gravity idea in those days...now what got to me was he did not speak in actual words or use any voice at all..but I just had this most extrodinary feeling like no other and like ideas flash through my mind like..all your life you have taken on a cause as the only supporter, you never give up, you only accept winning, no one else has the strength of character to overcome the objections of mainstream to demonstrate how the universe works... I was greatly shaken...I did not know what to do..I went for some time certainly convinced that it was God communicating with me..honestly I am not lieing I never lie..I can never forget my mother always telling her friends that she was so happy because I never told lies...so believe me it happened as I describe...a d believe me I thought about it and nothing else...In the end I rationalized that I was experiencing some delusion because I knew that there could be no God talking to me or rather putting thoughts into my head...
Maybe I am such a strong atheist because to accept there is a god would mean that I must promote push gravity and be called a rat bag but get the idea accepted .... I often wonder if I am indeed gods favorite...I mean I never lose, whatever I imagine actually happens and I I think about something that I want it arrives somehow...I will give you an example..I was in my real estate office with my Son one Monday, we were discussing things to help the office..now I am not a car person I don't care so long as it's trouble free running..but I said to my Son maybe I should get a Merc (the office deal with high end real estate and the clientele were impressed with the sorta stuff rich folk use to rank each other...wankers in my view..but we thought that it was probably worthwhile..that was Monday..on Tuesday a mate came in an older chap..the wisest man I have ever met I never did business with him but he would come to me for advice and friendship which I was happy to give..I really like helping people because I think I am lucky to have it all, I had good looks and the only problem I had with girls was too many threw themselves at me, ...anyways the old mate comes in and says come outside and look at my new Merc, so be shows me over takes me for a drive a d I certainly thought it looked great and was happy for him...then I said casually.. I was only saying yesterday that it would be a good idea to get a Merc..you know what they are like around here..he agreed and said it certainly would help my image for the market...the he says...why don't you take my old Merc you can have it for twenty grand...I said that's a great buy (it was as it was clearly worth thirty) ..but I dont have twenty grand and I don't want to use my credit because the business needs a back stop...he say look you take it and give me one hundred a week...And so that's what I mean about things coming to me...do you think I am just lucky or has God picked me out because I don't lie...people have always commented about my decency..like ..they had never met a real estate agent as we e t as me..so honest...do you think my honesty is rewarded...by God?
Maybe the devil is looking after me cause I am so anti God...
Maybe honesty and accepting personal responsibility and not being delusional is it's own reward.
Anyways if you ever need help just ask...it's like this van that I am in at the moment...one day I get the idea to build an observatory ..all the materials are given to me..And I think a van would be good..you know take my astronomy photos have a van to keep food in coffee a place to sleep...well a complete stranger heard how I had helped a friend of hers, she was a really attractive lady...anyways she gives me this van..it's old but heck I now have nearly finished the observatory (There are some photos in the astronomy section of the van and the observatory I am pretty sure)..And I am laying in the van right now while the .ca era clicks away having a nice green tea with lemon and ginger...
So I often say that I am blessed not realising or stopping to think what that actually means.
Anyways my friend I hope you are well and your family are well and your pets are well...a d here is a other thing ..this guy stole from me..he was a great mate who became addicted to heroine..he stole from everyone..but I would lay in bed think I g what I would do to him..I would imagine chaining him to the railway line and ,leave him with a blunt axe so he would have to cut his leg off to escape being run over by the train... well some months later another mate said..did you hear what happened to X he had bike accident and lost his leg...
Anyways just thinking about stuff.
A d you know how I xaid I never lie..well sometimes I lie which really demonstrate that generally I dont lie.
Sometimes I lie to people that I think they are doing a good job for example so as not to hurt their feeling and to offer encouragement.