Did Muhammad ever drink wine or sin?


Come Let Us Reason Together
Valued Senior Member

Does anyone know how to correctly interpret the following?
Musnad Ahmad - Hadith #3594

No Death Threats Please... (Pretty lame I even have to think that)

Peace, Love, and Chocolate Pudding... :)

Does anyone know how to correctly interpret the following?
Musnad Ahmad - Hadith #3594

No Death Threats Please... (Pretty lame I even have to think that)

Peace, Love, and Chocolate Pudding... :)

I don't think anyone knows if he 'ever' drank wine- alcohol was banned in steps, so it is possible that he drank in the early stages of Islam. By the way, you could have quoted the Hadith here, everyone knows what you're getting at, no reason to hide the intention. :D

Peace be unto you ;)

Does anyone know how to correctly interpret the following?
Musnad Ahmad - Hadith #3594

No Death Threats Please... (Pretty lame I even have to think that)

Peace, Love, and Chocolate Pudding... :)

You will meet an awful doom for your use of an Avatar from Lost in Space! Or My Favorite Martian. Either is haraam.
You will meet an awful doom for your use of an Avatar from Lost in Space! Or My Favorite Martian. Either is haraam.


It was from "My Favorite Martian"!

I used to love that show when I was a kid.

But I think that the ...Chocolate Pudding... Sign Off should cover that little slip of mine.

Any chance of that?
I don't think anyone knows if he 'ever' drank wine- alcohol was banned in steps, so it is possible that he drank in the early stages of Islam. By the way, you could have quoted the Hadith here, everyone knows what you're getting at, no reason to hide the intention. :D

Peace be unto you ;)

Some people think that he sinned and others do not. I am just trying to figure out which it is.

Peace back to you as well :)
Some people think that he sinned and others do not. I am just trying to figure out which it is.

Peace back to you as well :)

It doesn't matter if he sinned or not (in my opinion)- and people always hold differing views on most things.... It is generally agreed that Muhammad did make little mistakes but never 'great sins'.

You have to realize that Muhammad is not God as many hold Jesus to be in Christianity- so for Jesus to be sinless is a requirement but for Muhammad to be sinless it certainly is not a requirement- perhaps you can read the stories of OT prophets for examples as many were not sinless :shrug:

Peace be unto you ;)

Does anyone know how to correctly interpret the following?
Musnad Ahmad - Hadith #3594

No Death Threats Please... (Pretty lame I even have to think that)

Peace, Love, and Chocolate Pudding... :)
What exactly was the Hadith?

Mohammad was a literary creation. So, his committing a sin or not is purely in the minds of the authors who created him. It's like asking if Harry Potter sinned. Or Jesus for that matter.
Alcohol was distilled much after Mohammed so it is unlikely he drank wine [or even coffee]

He made mistakes like everyone else and he was a man, subject to the failings that all men are.
SAM said:
Alcohol was distilled much after Mohammed so it is unlikely he drank wine
? Alcohol has been part of almost every human civilization - certainly every agricultural one - since the dawn of civilization itself.

Distilled wine usually gets another name - brandy, commonly. Normal wine is not distilled.

Drinking wine would not, of course, have been a "mistake" for Muhammed. And the booze prohibition operates as an early warning system for those just meeting Islam: here there be monsters.
What exactly was the Hadith?

Mohammad was a literary creation. So, his committing a sin or not is purely in the minds of the authors who created him. It's like asking if Harry Potter sinned. Or Jesus for that matter.
M*W: You explained that so well.

Wine was the drink of the day. It wasn't condemned AFAIK. Their water was probably too filthy to drink. Jesus (another literary character) drank. Hell, Jesus turned water into wine, because his mother (another famous literary figure in the same book) told him to.

Just because Mohammad's mother (did she exist in the literature?) didn't tell him to drink wine or make it, doesn't mean that he left the shit alone.

Wine in those days (during the periods of Jesus and Mo) was probably one of the few things they were able to drink.

Pass the Chardonnay, please.
? Alcohol has been part of almost every human civilization - certainly every agricultural one - since the dawn of civilization itself.

Distilled wine usually gets another name - brandy, commonly. Normal wine is not distilled.

Drinking wine would not, of course, have been a "mistake" for Muhammed. And the booze prohibition operates as an early warning system for those just meeting Islam: here there be monsters.

Was there wine in Arabia? I don't know, I do know that while taverns were the norm in Europe, it was coffee houses that became the norm in Arab lands. Was it because of Islam or inspite of it, I don't know, I haven't looked at that history very closely.
What did Mohammed say when he stumbled out of the bar?

" Oh boy...'mm Hammered!"

p.s I know you don't get it and I don't care.
MW said:
Just because Mohammad's mother (did she exist in the literature?)

He was orphaned at an early age and brought up by his uncle, Abu Talib. His mother Amina was lost to illness when he was six, his father Abdullah died six months before he was born. After his mothers death he was taken in by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib, who died when he was eight, and finally t was his paternal uncle who took him in
given the contemporary written evidence i'd say this back story is good evidence for early literary creativeness. Framing the character, fleshing him out so he becomes more "real" and believable. You start to think: I know this guy, I empathize with him as a person. You can't have a good literary protagonist without an interesting back story.

It should be noted Harry Potter was also an orphan. Harry Potter also discovers (at the age of eleven) that he is special and has magical abilities. Of course a modern audience needs a bit more magic and drama to keep their attention. When Harry was a baby he witnessed his parents' murder by Lord Voldemort - a dark wizard obsessed with blood purity.

Interesting no?
What did Mohamed say when he stumbled out of the bar?

Good riddle. Bad answer.
You can do better.
I know what he said next day:

"I got crucified last night"

Alternative riddle.
What did Spud say when he stumbled out of the Tantawangalo Red Lion?

When Harry was a baby he witnessed his parents' murder by Lord Voldemort - a dark wizard obsessed with blood purity.

That Lord Voldemort. He's just like Hitler ain't he?
Alcohol was distilled much after Mohammed so it is unlikely he drank wine [or even coffee]

Wine is a natural product. It does not require distillation.
Leave a few grapes on a windowsill for a week, and you will start smelling wine.
Wasps, on an autumn day, will get drunk from eating fermenting windfalls.
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Wine is a natural product. It does not require distillation.
Leave a few grapes on a windowsill for a week, and you will start smelling wine.
Wasps, on an autumn day, will get drunk from eating fermenting windfalls.

God I hate wasps, they are such little bastards -_-