Did Man reach Moon Thousands of Years Ago?

It is true that some people think being a Hindu is an added advantage to understand Hindu philosophy...which is not necessarily true. All u need is the desire to understand and some very LOGICAL thinking...yes ...logical...did u know that there is also a school of Hinduism that promotes Atheism?

I am right now constructing a site on one of the PuraaNas. I'll post about it when i'm finished. It includes lots of description on the topic of this thread and also, about different regions of earth, its continents and also planets!!
Unfortunately, the throngs of Hindus that I have met seem to blatantly violate this very founding stone of Hinduism with their false interpretations, an element of fear & a strong arrogant prestige which proclaims, “we know better because we are Hindus”. You are no exception with your liberal yet prejudiced racial note of falsely inflicted ideas.

Well they do know better because they are Hindus. It's not said to ridicule or talk down to others, it's just plain fact. Most non-Hindu's don't know much about Hinduism. Hinduism is probably the least known of the major religions. Heck even with Satanism, while misunderstood, at least most people know the basics due to Christianity.

Not only that, but Hindu texts are kind of like the Koran in that the words and letters flow together when read. Lots of rhymes and all that. So basically if you're not reading them in the native language, then a lot is going to be missed. Translations are also lost because of that. Not only that, but any translated document you find from Hindu texts are far from close to all of it. The Mahabarahta is ungoooodly long. Even combining the gnostic texts and other books not included in the Bible, it does not compare in size.

- N
Direct attacks on individuals for their beliefs is not tolerated. If you were discussing your point of view correctly then you would have brought things to the table to explain to Zion your reasoning instead of just writing abuse to him.

As for your comments on western religions, if you truly delved deep enough you would find all roots of religion just being their to manipulate people in some social order and not all the fancy written stuff that you have been led to believe.

As mentioned by Skinwalker, if you want to discuss your religious doctrines, take it to the religion forums where it belongs.
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Take a hike, Sirius... this isn't the place for flame-fest 2005. If you don't agree with his religious convictions, start a thread in the Religion forum. He was being polite in saying "chill out."
Fair enough. If you can’t digest words, so be it. The fact that my comments were read is good enough for me. If you had spent years in the Indian sub-continent like I did to research cultures and their diverse beliefs, then you would understood the roots & behavior of zeeonese rats where the only doctrine that works to flush out the poison in their veins is direct confrontation - a language that they truly understand. Regret my words & tone but the truth stands.

Disagreement is one of the prime aims that forums serve to voice. It’s your loss if you subscribe more to Stalinists than dictate to democrats.
May I also remind you that the “Religious” dose of Mahabharta & Hinduism was not spilled on this thread by me. So relegate it to any religious forums/threads/festivals if you wish but direct your comments to all those who also responded and contributed to it, which is more appropriate. Fly a kite son, chills out the monotony of hikes.
I like kites and hikes. I just think its more productive to relegate discussions that are purely religious to the Religion forum and discuss in this forum religion only as it pertains to pseudoscience like ancient earth visitors to the moon, vedic flying machines, and atomic weapons of the ancient Indus Valley.

But it seems certain that vehement attacks of another's religion for the sole purpose of voicing one's negative opinion of the same has little to do with "pseudoscience." If you were to browse my posts in the Religion subforum, you'll note that I'm no fan of any organized religion.
My comments are not negative attacks but positive vehement disagreements with those (especially disrespectful foreigners who come to my America) who preach their half baked religious doctrines with gracious arrogance on non-religious threads. You may accept them, however I don’t when I see one.

I do not enter religious threads anymore because I have been on far too many where the majority never seem to understand the central theme of their respective texts but yet horse around pretending to be expert jockeys.

My scientific missions abroad were never paraded with the “ I know it better because I am an American” bias & prejudice.
My teams always followed the basic thumb rule –“It is wise to be a fool than be a fool trying to be wise all over”. That way, one acquired more knowledge than what one had set out to find.

If you ever visit India, my words written here will stare you in the face if you have the stomach to endure the truth. Good Luck Son.

And for the sake of our Moderator, it is my understanding that Homo sapiens of our planet never visited the Moon. Ancient fables and folk do cloud the real truth as the human mind has evolved over the centuries by cutting designs & patterns from myths, stories & texts to satiate its hunger for faith & answers.
Serious study coupled with logical reasoning & questioning will yield the right kind of answers.