Did Jesus travel to India?

Originally posted by crazytallguy
Mainstream Christianity has become so money - PR motivated I don't believe most of them would even recognize (or welcome) new and interesting points of view.

But i honestly don't think that applies to all christians, certainly not the ones on this religous forum at present.


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by Jan Ardena
But i honestly don't think that applies to all christians, certainly not the ones on this religous forum at present.


Jan Ardena.

I'm sorry, but I disagree. Even the ones on this board would go into a tizzy if something came along to upset their belief system. Most people in the world (and especially religious people) suffer from some form of cognitive dissonance. Now before anyone gets on my case for being anti Christian or anti religious - relax. I'm not. I consider myself to be religious. I believe in God and Jesus and all that. It's just that we want our personal belief system to be the "right" one so badly we will very rarely tolerate anything that contradicts it. Look at historical Christianity and you will find them to be the greatest bookburners in the history of the world. I wonder how many wonderful documents, manuscripts, tablets and so forth were destroyed simply because they did not conform to accepted dogma at the time. For instance, the Jesuits practically wipped out all trace of the writings of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. Many wonderful records which detailed the history and religion on the Incas, Aztec, and Mayans were completely destroyed. It's no wonder records of Jesus in India are not well known. They do exist, but are kept safe by monastaries all over India. Fortunately, the Jesuits never had much of a presence there.
i like to know the vatican's version of the "missing 18 yrs" do they even comment on it? is it possible for them to incorporate christs's
indian sojourn into their theology without too much damage?


you might be getting carried away with the "all over india" bit.
at first glance (which is all i am gonna give this), it appears there are a few references in a book or two, scraps of paper here and there. the info that actually astounded me was the idea that christ died in india and is buried there. how cool is that?

Originally posted by crazytallguy
I'm sorry, but I disagree.

So you think all christians are motivated by money and PR.
We live in a money/media society, so don't you think that applies to everybody in the developed world, including atheists and anti-christs?
And why would it deter them (christians) from embracing new ideas?
Is the point that Jesus went to India, to preach and teach on behalf of the Almighty God a new idea, or a suppressed fact?

Even the ones on this board would go into a tizzy if something came along to upset their belief system.

This board is full of upset and ignorance regarding christianity, but i have yet to see a christian go tizzy. :p

Most people in the world (and especially religious people) suffer from some form of cognitive dissonance.

What exactly does that mean?

It's just that we want our personal belief system to be the "right" one so badly we will very rarely tolerate anything that contradicts it.

Why do you relate that only to religous peeps, try telling some of these people (atheists/anti-christs) that there is actually no concrete evidence that supports the theory of evolution, that their zeal amounts to nothing but faith, and see if that gets tolerated. :D

Look at historical Christianity and you will find them to be the greatest bookburners in the history of the world.

But this is my point, the ones who carried out the bookburnings cannot love Christ, because they are suppressing crucial spiritual knowledge, which was never advocated by Jesus.
Why did they do this?

I wonder how many wonderful documents, manuscripts, tablets and so forth were destroyed simply because they did not conform to accepted dogma at the time.

Can you not see that those people are "christians" in name only, but their actions are those of demoniac atheists?
Why do you regard them as followers of Christ (Christians), when they clearly are not?

It's no wonder records of Jesus in India are not well known. They do exist, but are kept safe by monastaries all over India.

This is why i would like to discourse with some christians and find out why they dismiss the idea of Jesus travelling to India, when everything seems to suggest that he did. What is their true understanding on this?


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by spookz
it appears there are a few references in a book or two, scraps of paper here and there.

Appearances can be deceptive. ;)

the info that actually astounded me was the idea that christ died in india and is buried there.

India is reputed as the spiritual capitol of the world, When God Himself, incarnates into this world, India or Bharat (as it and the whole world was formerly known) is the place he performs His pastimes. It is little wonder that the greatest son of God, Jesus, wanted to leave this world from his Fathers land. :)


Jan Ardena.
Originally posted by Jan Ardena
Originally posted by crazytallguy
I'm sorry, but I disagree.

So you think all christians are motivated by money and PR.
We live in a money/media society, so don't you think that applies to everybody in the developed world, including atheists and anti-christs?

"Yes I agree we live a money/media society. And yes I believe all of us are the most brainwashed society in the history of the world. But, we were talking about Christians not the entire world. That's why I only mentioned Christians."

And why would it deter them (christians) from embracing new ideas?
Is the point that Jesus went to India, to preach and teach on behalf of the Almighty God a new idea, or a suppressed fact?

"See cognitive dissonance."

Even the ones on this board would go into a tizzy if something came along to upset their belief system.

This board is full of upset and ignorance regarding christianity, but i have yet to see a christian go tizzy. :p

"Figure of speech. Don't take all things so literally."

Most people in the world (and especially religious people) suffer from some form of cognitive dissonance.

What exactly does that mean?

"It means that anyone who is confronted with facts that don't conform to their belief system will discard the new evidence in favor of the old belief system."

It's just that we want our personal belief system to be the "right" one so badly we will very rarely tolerate anything that contradicts it.

Why do you relate that only to religous peeps, try telling some of these people (atheists/anti-christs) that there is actually no concrete evidence that supports the theory of evolution, that their zeal amounts to nothing but faith, and see if that gets tolerated. :D

"Again, we were only discussing religion here, not everything in the world. It does apply to everyone."

Look at historical Christianity and you will find them to be the greatest bookburners in the history of the world.

But this is my point, the ones who carried out the bookburnings cannot love Christ, because they are suppressing crucial spiritual knowledge, which was never advocated by Jesus.
Why did they do this?

"Again, its cognitive dissonance at work. Plus they had an agenda to promote."

I wonder how many wonderful documents, manuscripts, tablets and so forth were destroyed simply because they did not conform to accepted dogma at the time.

Can you not see that those people are "christians" in name only, but their actions are those of demoniac atheists?
Why do you regard them as followers of Christ (Christians), when they clearly are not?

"Now where in the world did I confuse them with followers of Christ. I thought I was making it very plain that they were not followers of Christ. They are Christians in name only."

It's no wonder records of Jesus in India are not well known. They do exist, but are kept safe by monastaries all over India.

This is why i would like to discourse with some christians and find out why they dismiss the idea of Jesus travelling to India, when everything seems to suggest that he did. What is their true understanding on this?

"They have no "understanding" on this per se. Because most have never even considered the fact that Christ may have had some type of ministry outside of Palestine. Most Christians would just look at you like you are from another planet and laugh if you suggest such a thing. I doubt seriously if you will get any helpful discourse on the subject from any mainstream Christian."


Jan Ardena.
:) :):)
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Originally posted by spookz
i like to know the vatican's version of the "missing 18 yrs" do they even comment on it? is it possible for them to incorporate christs's
indian sojourn into their theology without too much damage?


you might be getting carried away with the "all over india" bit.
at first glance (which is all i am gonna give this), it appears there are a few references in a book or two, scraps of paper here and there. the info that actually astounded me was the idea that christ died in india and is buried there. how cool is that?


Pleeeeeze, you're as bad as Jan for taking everything literally.:) Besides, a researcher named Glenn Kimball has catalogued about 60-80,000 documents in monastaries "all over India" which mention Christ. (I believe)
Originally posted by crazytallguy
But, we were talking about Christians not the entire world. That's why I only mentioned Christians."

Okee McDokee!!!!:)

"See cognitive dissonance."

Point taken. :(

"Again, its cognitive dissonance at work. Plus they had an agenda to promote."

This cognitive dissonance is eating up my thread man! :mad:

"They have no "understanding" on this per se. Because most have never even considered the fact that Christ may have had some type of ministry outside of Palestine. Most Christians would just look at you like you are from another planet and laugh if you suggest such a thing.

Admittedly I have never had an in-depth discussion with a follower of Christ , regarding this subject, and the fleeting comments that has passed has been one of cognitive dissonance, as explained by you, but some of the christian posters on here seem to have some kind of spiritual understanding, which is why I hoped we could engage in this particular discussion.

I hope you are wrong though! :p

I doubt seriously if you will get any helpful discourse on the subject from any mainstream Christian."

Maybe you’re right. If that is the case, then as far as knowing Jesus is concerned, they do not know what they are missing. :(Thanx.


Jan Ardena.
Nice thread Jan. And wow spookz, you have tons of info on anything, almost! :)

I was wondering if it were possible that apart from Jesus' own teachings, could Jesus have picked up a lot of philosophy from India?
Since even Buddhism, which is a later offshoot from mainline Indian philosophy was much earlier to Jesus in time.
I thought that was the same guy. I have also heard him on the
radio. It's interesting stuff but not really my cup of tea, if you
know what I mean. Thanks for the reply, much appreciated. :)
Originally posted by EvilPoet
I thought that was the same guy. I have also heard him on the
radio. It's interesting stuff but not really my cup of tea, if you
know what I mean. Thanks for the reply, much appreciated. :)

You're welcome.
Originally posted by Jan Ardena
To the Christians and other interested parties,

What happened in those 18 years of Jesus’ life which are mysteriously missing from the Bible , did he travel to India, among other places?
If he did, what does that mean to you, how will it affect your faith.

There are records and documents, written by people who were taught by him in certain parts of the world.
Do you believe it could be possible that he travelled during those missing years?
If not, why not?

The Vatican is supposed to have suppressed this claim, if so, why do you think they did this?
What’s going on, why are there no records, in the public domain, pertaining to those 18 missing years??


Jan Ardena.
Why would Jesus need to go to India to get enlightened? That implies at least 4 things:
1) that Jesus, only a mere mortal needed 'enlightenment'
2) that Jesus, as a Jew needed to go to India to be 'enlightened' as a 'Hindu' &/or 'Buddhist'
3) that ancient Palestine was not cosmopolitan enough to have world class ideas or thoughts
4) that India is the center of 'advanced thinking’ & /or 'religious enlightenment'

I don't buy it!
Originally posted by UltiTruth
Nice thread Jan. [/i]

Thanks! :)

I was wondering if it were possible that apart from Jesus' own teachings, could Jesus have picked up a lot of philosophy from India?

There would have been no need to pick up any philosophy as he was fully God-conscious. Philosophy basically is a means to understanding the truth.

Since even Buddhism, which is a later offshoot from mainline Indian philosophy was much earlier to Jesus in time.

Lord Bhudda, an incarnation of God, appeared to put an end to irreligous practices at that time.
He claimed there was no God, and instructed his followers to follow him instead of religion.
Real-religion was reinstated, in stages, by various teachers up until the 15th century, when God personally brought back the original sanatana dharma, in the form of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Jesus was a part of that progression.
When he went to India, he was teaching shudras (4th class men), to move away from bhuddism.

Originally posted by Randolfo
Why would Jesus need to go to India to get enlightened?

Who said he went there to get enlightened?
Jesus was most compassionate, he went there to enlighten souls.

That implies at least 4 things:
1) that Jesus, only a mere mortal needed 'enlightenment'

Read above!

2) that Jesus, as a Jew needed to go to India to be 'enlightened' as a 'Hindu' &/or 'Buddhist'

Jesus may have been born into a jewish family and community which would technically designate him a jew, but he "himself" was not jewish. "Jew" is a human concept.

3) that ancient Palestine was not cosmopolitan enough to have world class ideas or thoughts

Where does being cosmopolitan come into it? :confused:

4) that India is the center of 'advanced thinking’ & /or 'religious enlightenment'

I don't buy it!

Where is then? :)


Jan Ardena.
Jan Ardena,

My mom has a book about that. I would love to know where in India those manuscripts are... I would myself travel there and find out what do they say (if that is possible...)...

I know what you are saying about "Christians" and titles. Unfortunatly, that's how the world works. I, myself, whenever someone asks about my religion, I even say I'm a Christian, but when they ask me which kind I prefer to say that I just walk in Love... :)

Anyways... it's quite tyring to try to figure all that out... It seems that as much as people think, as much religions, philosophies and sciences there are. It seems that all those things are useless. The Law is so simple if we learn in a very early age. If you are a kid and learn the Law, all that you do is just to Love, and that's it. You don't need anything else to know God, other than be a loving, compassionate and altruist person... :)
Anyways... it's quite tyring to try to figure all that out... It seems that as much as people think, as much religions, philosophies and sciences there are. It seems that all those things are useless. The Law is so simple if we learn in a very early age. If you are a kid and learn the Law, all that you do is just to Love, and that's it. You don't need anything else to know God, other than be a loving, compassionate and altruist person...


Yes, love is very important, but to remain ignorant and shut out information is just stupid. Why would you deny facts? If you let love blind you to the world, you could be led down a path that may seem correct, but would be wrong. Example: Jesuits who "invaded" South America acted for a "love" of thier God, but as you can tell by historical fact, this was not loving in any way.

I hope you understand my point, it is not to denounce love, but to open your mind to things that truly exist. You cannot deny that a rock is a rock, so why would you shut out an idea that says that the rock may be different than expected? It is still a rock, but you must know the rock to the fullest extent.

Wisdom comes from Love. God said "it is throgh loving and caring about others that you Love and care about me". The jesuits didn't know anything about Love... but I do...

My mind says: "Love is not that powerful. Better concentrate on other things...".
My heart says: "Love is perfect and It never fails"...