Did Jesus rejects O T God’s ways?

He didn't reject it. He replaced it with a higher law, which the Children of Israel were now ready for. He even said that not one jot or tittle will pass away. The old law was still there in full force, but more was stacked on top of it. The OT law was very action-oriented. That is, we had to DO certain things. The NT law, instead, required us to think or feel certain things, or to BECOME a certain thing.

When you replace a law with a new one, you are rejecting the old.
If not, you would not replace it.

The last thing the Church wants any of us to do is think.
Faith and thinking do not blend.

Sheeple are to follow blindly. Not think.
Have you not noticed how true they are to that foolish notion?

When you replace a law with a new one, you are rejecting the old.
If not, you would not replace it.

The last thing the Church wants any of us to do is think.
Faith and thinking do not blend.

Sheeple are to follow blindly. Not think.
Have you not noticed how true they are to that foolish notion?


Well, I admit that "replacing" was probably a poor choice of words. Christ even said that none of the OT law will pass away. As I described before, what he did was more like adding on and building on top of the foundation that the OT law set down.

It's like a student moving from algebra to Calculus. Do they reject algebra? No, they have just been prepared for something more advanced and they begin learning deeper concepts.

If you mean "reject" in the sense that He saw that it was no longer expedient, then I agree. If you mean "reject" like he passed a negative moral judgement on it, then no.

By the way, Sheeple is a great word. Plan on seeing me steal it.
Well, I admit that "replacing" was probably a poor choice of words. Christ even said that none of the OT law will pass away. As I described before, what he did was more like adding on and building on top of the foundation that the OT law set down.

It's like a student moving from algebra to Calculus. Do they reject algebra? No, they have just been prepared for something more advanced and they begin learning deeper concepts.

If you mean "reject" in the sense that He saw that it was no longer expedient, then I agree. If you mean "reject" like he passed a negative moral judgement on it, then no.

By the way, Sheeple is a great word. Plan on seeing me steal it.

He did pass a negative moral judgment on it and God himself.

O T God killed at the drop of a hat for damned near any reason.
Jesus would not even stone a prostitute. that is rejecting the older O T standards.
Further, God the father was the judge of mankind and sin till Jesus usurped his position and said---only through me.
That is one hell of a declaration that the O T God was ----out of here.

Any thinking man would do the same. These Jews, also found God guilty of breaking his covenant with them.


...law is law. ...

the wages of sin is still death. ...

the definition of sin is transgression of law, the consequence of which is suffering and death. jesus isn't changing the law. ...

So I assume you either deserve death or you follow every law of Leviticus?
So I assume you either deserve death or you follow every law of Leviticus?

people still suffered and died back then. when i think of jesus being the fulfillment of the law, i can't help but think of that in terms of some genetic code that fixes us; the elimination of sin resulting in restored communion with god, and in immortality.
So through your belief in Jesus, you have eliminated sin from yourself and thus can transgress God's original laws?
So through your belief in Jesus, you have eliminated sin from yourself and thus can transgress God's original laws?

no it's still there, but i know enough about it to know that jesus is the answer. god is the reason i know that. at some point, i am to end up with a body and a mind like that of jesus and without sin as well. i do not know which came first, the thought or the biology. our biology influences our thoughts, and our thoughts influence our biology. in the bible, sin is presented as something contaminating both. don't ask me about the logistics of that. given our evolution thus far, it's more than possible, it's survival of the fittest. i don't believe god brought us all this way for no reason.
What about the 200,000 years or so of humanity before Jesus? What was that all about?

i don't know. i don't think the bible is the beginning of the story, and i don't think it's the end, but i think it's relevant to this age or generation of humanity. i can see the introduction of sin into our existence as developmental in respect to a creation.
But if humanity began with two people, why for 198,000 years did god not care whether we ate pork or worshiped other gods?
But if humanity began with two people, why for 198,000 years did god not care whether we ate pork or worshiped other gods?

well, "in the garden", they didn't eat pork and worship other gods. in the garden, it seems to me that they were more like animals, instinctively correct, but not knowing why they were correct. blissful ignorance. the bible doesn't specify as to whether or not a&e were what we consider to be the first humans. if you look at the beginning and the ending of the bible the chapters are very similar, in that a lot of transition is taking place very quickly, or is it? in the beginning the earth was a dark and chaotic uninhabitable mass, and it sounds, and looks, like it's going to end up that way. in genesis you've got two people in one chapter who fall from grace and multitude that needs to be exterminated in the next. where did cain's wife come from? revelations has a little blurb at the very end summing up the next 1000 relative years, and then spends the rest of the time describing in gory detail the next near extinction of the human race, which from the looks of things could be over with in like 10 minutes. i don't think the bible is supposed to tell us everything there is to know, but exactly what we should know right now.