"Noah's ark"
By some arhecologists, they has been signs of a great floods thousands of years ago.
"Moses and the ten plagues"
Remains of children, once again, archecologists.
"The Wall"
Yeah, came crashing down, and the wall is right there still smashed up
"Ten Commandants"
In the musesum or used to be in a courtroom until removed by some people who think of it as offensive.
"The Cross"
Without Jesus, the cross wouldn't exist in our culture.
and there are many other cases
In other words, the Bible isn't a fantasy book because in a fantasy book, nothing in real life happens. Now lets skip to last book in the Bible...
By some arhecologists, they has been signs of a great floods thousands of years ago.
"Moses and the ten plagues"
Remains of children, once again, archecologists.
"The Wall"
Yeah, came crashing down, and the wall is right there still smashed up
"Ten Commandants"
In the musesum or used to be in a courtroom until removed by some people who think of it as offensive.
"The Cross"
Without Jesus, the cross wouldn't exist in our culture.
and there are many other cases
In other words, the Bible isn't a fantasy book because in a fantasy book, nothing in real life happens. Now lets skip to last book in the Bible...
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