Did Jesus exist?

I wonder if is as hot down there as it is here lately...they get a life well that is good...sinner or not we all get a second life ...
I think the idea of hell came from a town when it was unpleasantly hot and was a actual place.

Imo dis-believers are only hopeless and suffer to their own misfortune.

Dis-believers are hopeless and that's why they suffer

I have hopes it is just that mine are somewhat more down to Earth.

Well maybe not because I hope for a world without cruelty to humans and animals...that hope probably does not have much of a chance.

I thought your view was that suffering was a universal condition...did you say that?

My observation of the limited number of folk I have observed in life is that some of them suffer from self imposed guilt in many cases placed there at some stage by them not feeling worthy and indulging the notion they are sinners...these are the religious folk.

Others suffer from bad choices as to diet and indulgences.Not really lack of hope.

But to a large degree the suffering is self imposed just as with religious folk.

Some suffer from discontent and not being happy with the day they find themselves in. Not lack of hope.

I dont suffer from self imposed guilt nor do I want more than I have usually being happy with all I have...I know if I won the lottery I would not change my car or house for example.

But I am different to many around me who want bigger better and enjoy complaing in a very negative way.

I like to sortta complain here about religion but I am not really all I am doing is to chat and question others about how they see their world. I should revise my style to less confronting as it seems you and I can now talk and maybe its because I have been less challenging and have shown my interest in what you think about.

My legs give me physical suffering but hey it could be worse and there are so many people who are far worse off...and I can manage the pain without drugs so that is so much better off than folk who have to rely on stuff to manage.

But I have been fortunate as I have been a loner, as they are called, so not subjected to peer pressure or judgement.

I hope you dont suffer and I hope your life is good...
I also hope you at least find peace in this life and that for you there is peace in the next.

Thank you for your thoughts.

Again thank you for explaining these things I do find studying mythology and superstitious ideas interesting.

Look at what is being claimed as religious freedom


NT News Newspaper Darwin 27 February 2018

Seriously. You can't worship your god without a bit of your dick cut off?

Look at what is being claimed as religious freedom

View attachment 1874

NT News Newspaper Darwin 27 February 2018

Seriously. You can't worship your god without a bit of your dick cut off?


It is the sort of decision that could be accomodated without fuss such that rather than at birth change the practice to have someone who has a particular faith to opt for the trim at say 21 years when they are old enough to freely choose.

Female mutilation is terrible and hopefully will vanish from the face of the Earth in time.

I do know why the practice began was it to do with health way back or just seemed like a good idea at the time.

Further perhaps restrict religious instruction of any kind until someone has reached say 18 years when they can freely decide if they want to be brain washed.

That would be protecting human rights and no doubt in time hopefully things will be done that way. It could be done in a way to make a religion more respected by having its study only when someone is an adult.

Being stuck in the past is the problem.

I know that idea will been seen as radical but really is it really fair to brain wash someone before they have a developed brain.

Folk resist change but at some point humans must have decided that human sacrifice was not cool and we now accept we should not have human sacrifice...but there would have been a time when some folk would have protested that to stop human sacrifice was an invassion of religious freedom or that stopping the practice would have their God angry.

If religious is to survive it will need to adjust to changing standards and the newspaper article will be one of many reports of resisted change as the years roll by.

Hopefully the modern law of governments will prevail.

Done to lower the sexual drive of girls
Why does religion get so hung up on sex.
I think that negative attitude must really screw up a lot of people.
They experience a natural desire and presumably then guilt which cant be healthy.
So much can be traced to stupid men who think woman will play up and also the need to own them in effect.

Its all about sin for these religious folk when it comes to sex...again does not add up..if God made them every thing should be ok...but no..not those bits.

Look at the stupid attitude to condoms...er its about health you digbats.
Actually all this chat has me focusing on what I dislike about religion.
Its not that I really care if someone wants to believe there is a God its all the utter nonsense that they construct around such a belief.
And the determinatiin to hold onto nonsense even when it is in this era shown to be nonsense.
It seems to have started as a way of implimenting laws which may have been relevant in the bronze age but not now...why not keep up to date...governments ideally make laws because of demand from the electorate so the role of religion has been overtaken here...
They need to move from bronze age to today and leave what is bronze age in the bronze age...even if that means all of it.

Why does religion get so hung up on sex.
I think that negative attitude must really screw up a lot of people.
They experience a natural desire and presumably then guilt which cant be healthy.
So much can be traced to stupid men who think woman will play up and also the need to own them in effect.

Its all about sin for these religious folk when it comes to sex...again does not add up..if God made them every thing should be ok...but no..not those bits.

Look at the stupid attitude to condoms...er its about health you digbats.
I suspect the answer to that is anthropological.

Traditionally, before the birth control revolution in the mid c.20th, control of sexual activity would have been critical to the integrity of social structures. Uncontrolled promiscuity would have wrecked the lives of women and deprived men of certainty about whether the children they provided for were really theirs or not.

While a lot of what we have inherited now seems absurd, it may be worth thinking back to the conditions in the early world that gave rise to all these shibboleths.
Traditionally, before the birth control revolution in the mid c.20th, control of sexual activity would have been critical to the integrity of social structures. Uncontrolled promiscuity would have wrecked the lives of women and deprived men of certainty about whether the children they provided for were really theirs or not.
Yes so one could think the condom was a great idea.I think they date back to 1000 bc but have no authority for that...must look into it.
While a lot of what we have inherited now seems absurd, it may be worth thinking back to the conditions in the early world that gave rise to all these shibboleths.
YesI believe you are correct. And I do think about stuff not that I exhibit such.
Thanks for your wise input.
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Look at the stupid attitude to condoms...er its about health you digbats.

You can't fool the god bothers. You want sex for pleasure, NOT ALLOWED

The price of sex is children

Unless you see Mary at number 3. She wants $50 short time

In reflection its a pity God gave us sex...the time I have, in retro spect wasted, well I see it that way now but not at the time... it almost like sleeping so much of your time goes there.
And the running around after it...I wonder why nature developed sex for reproduction...Was there no other way to get species to reproduce...
Could have had a particular plant to trigger reproduction.
I have hopes it is just that mine are somewhat more down to Earth.

Well maybe not because I hope for a world without cruelty to humans and animals...that hope probably does not have much of a chance.

I thought your view was that suffering was a universal condition...did you say that?

My observation of the limited number of folk I have observed in life is that some of them suffer from self imposed guilt in many cases placed there at some stage by them not feeling worthy and indulging the notion they are sinners...these are the religious folk.

Others suffer from bad choices as to diet and indulgences.Not really lack of hope.

But to a large degree the suffering is self imposed just as with religious folk.

Some suffer from discontent and not being happy with the day they find themselves in. Not lack of hope.

I dont suffer from self imposed guilt nor do I want more than I have usually being happy with all I have...I know if I won the lottery I would not change my car or house for example.

But I am different to many around me who want bigger better and enjoy complaing in a very negative way.

I like to sortta complain here about religion but I am not really all I am doing is to chat and question others about how they see their world. I should revise my style to less confronting as it seems you and I can now talk and maybe its because I have been less challenging and have shown my interest in what you think about.

My legs give me physical suffering but hey it could be worse and there are so many people who are far worse off...and I can manage the pain without drugs so that is so much better off than folk who have to rely on stuff to manage.

But I have been fortunate as I have been a loner, as they are called, so not subjected to peer pressure or judgement.

I hope you dont suffer and I hope your life is good...
I also hope you at least find peace in this life and that for you there is peace in the next.

Thank you for your thoughts.

Did I say suffer? I meant *hopelessness is why non-believers are going to hell. They don't have to suffer.
*Hope is the opposite of doom
True, I guess it's the reason for life and time at any rate.

There is no sentinent "reason" for life. There is a process by which life arose from none living processing reactions. Still poorly understood but we are getting there

As for time my view is that it is a concept, has no physicality and nothing currently known which generates time

Hence it is non existent

Did I say suffer? I meant *hopelessness is why non-believers are going to hell. They don't have to suffer.
*Hope is the opposite of doom

So this so called god of yours , kx000 , will send the non-believers are going to hell .

So this god is more important than Humanity . And Humanity should bow down to this god , because this god is more important than the psychology and survival well being of Humanity .
Did I say suffer? I meant *hopelessness is why non-believers are going to hell.
No I thought at some point in the past you said we had to suffer as that was part of the deal.
Anyways you have cleared it up so thank you.

Still I dont think hope is confined to religious folk...as I said I can do hope... For example I really hope the clouds will go away so I can take some astro photos and certainly the fact they are preventing me from doing what I like most to do has me to a degree suffering...but its not hell.

Do you think if I prayed for a clear sky the clouds would go away..I mean I am a non believer but heck if God wanted to impress me he could answer such a prayer and I would certainly turn to him whenever I wanted something...But I cant offer a prayer as I would feel silly... but if he can get rid of the clouds I would be impressed.

Maybe if I continue to hope real hard ..well they will go away eventually so my hope will be fullfilled at some point in time..I hope.

Do you worry that you may go to hell at all.

I mean you may be trying to be good but God may think you have not been good and send you down there... and we all know that we cant know the mind of God...and probably the devil would be harder on your because well you are on the other side and probably would give you a hard time and the real sinners, because they are somewhat his favorites, may get a cooler room maybe even air conditioned whilst he has you stocking the fires..the fires of hell..I wonder what fuel he uses and if he is aware of the carbon problem..I bet its hell that is causing global warming cause more sinners are born every day.

I wonder if there is a black market in hell for air conditioners..there would have to be, but if not I know what I will be doing when I get there they will sell like hot cakes..I suppose hot cakes are not that cool down there ..folk would be turned on by ice blockes...now theres a market ..ice blocks in hell folk would sell their souls for an ice block..you watch I bet the devil will put me in charge of marketing ..if I go..but I may be such a worry to God that he will keep me in heaven so he can keep a close eye one me...You know the old saying keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer..and does that work..but I am not an enemy of God I just have lots of things to put in the suggestion box.

Nice hearing your thoughts as they push my imagination to the limit...

What apart from not believing there is a God do you think is the worst sin?

The one I dont like is pride and so often folk dont realise they are doing wrong when they have pride..I try not to have pride but really sometimes I think that I am so clever I cant help but think..What a smart little person you are you can be proud of yourself and then before I get any further I say now come on thats not right...and there is nothing worse than someone who is full of themselves which is extremepride... and its funny the folk I find are full of themselves think that I am full of myself...well I am proud I am not like them..well no... not proud just happy that I know that its a sin and that I am not really judging them because God would be...but I dont want to see them go to hell so I hope that God will be kind to them...now that is a good sort of hope wouldnt you think...hoping for good stuff for others.

Are there folk you would like to see go to hell?..I just thought do you want to see me go to hell? I mean if God asked you.."what should I do with this Alex turkey?" would you say he is a full on sinner send him to hell...in fact get rid of the devil cause this guy will do a better job than that devil.

Anyways I am forming new beliefs about religion but that is because I have a bad memory and cant remember the old beliefs... they are probably the same but I think I am becoming more tollerant and you know that is probably thanks to you in part.

So this so called god of yours , kx000 , will send the non-believers are going to hell .
God probably does not mean it..its like a parent saying "if you dont stop chewing your nails I will belt the living crap out of you" They wont beat the living crap out of you we all know that so you can just go on doing what you like because most parents just threaten...God would not harm a hair on our heads.

Hell is just made up to scare us from doing stuff or running around with no pants, no one will go to hell..and the devil..he is probably a nice guy..just like uncle George who the parents would say..if you dont make your bed we will send you to live with uncle George...there is nothing to worry about..but dont run outside with no pants your private parts are going to get burntand that will be worse than hell..but you could put on Suncream..but the cops will get you ..you know they arent too bad they wont put you in a hot place but they do say they will put you in the cooler..hey you know its been so hot I have had a great idea the next time in town..

I think I am getting converted the clouds are going away..well I am starting to be impressed.. how does it go if I dont say thanks by tonight will they come back...I bet Jan has heard what I said and put in a good word.

Where is Jan? I hope he is alright..I sometime worry that he may of left because of something that you probably said.
