Did Jesus defeat Satan?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
According to Xians, Jesus's death on the cross defeated Satan. My question: Why is Satan still alive and doing well as King of Planet Earth?
i don't think jesus died to defeat satan, but so that the willing can live forever with god in heaven, and in jesus's second coming in the end times, that's when satan will be defeated.
by the way, does anyone know about that bright star that shone around the time jesus was born?
maybe God abducted Mary, injected semen in her, and she was still a virgin...maybe God is like some kind of spirit-light-energy thing, and angels are really aliens that follow him...the bible doesn't really mean everything it says literally, alot of metaphors and stuff....and i forgot what else i was going to say..jesus christ..
Originally posted by OverTheStars
i don't think jesus died to defeat satan, but so that the willing can live forever with god in heaven, and in jesus's second coming in the end times, that's when satan will be defeated.
by the way, does anyone know about that bright star that shone around the time jesus was born?
maybe God abducted Mary, injected semen in her, and she was still a virgin...maybe God is like some kind of spirit-light-energy thing, and angels are really aliens that follow him...the bible doesn't really mean everything it says literally, alot of metaphors and stuff....and i forgot what else i was going to say..jesus christ..

Dear OverTS, I've read a little about the "bright star" theory. Maybe you're right. I also think you hit the nail on the head by describing God as some kind of "spirit-light-energy thing," but let's not forget to add "heat-passion-love" to it. You sound like one of those rare, not completely brainwashed, free-thinking Xians. Are you?
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall crush thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel

At Calvary, Satans head was crushed as prophetically depicted in the above verse. God uses the seed of Mary to produce Jesus, that is the reason Satan hates women. It is because the seed of a women crushed his head, that is, Jesus. At calvary, water and blood flowed. Calvary was a birth of a new chosen people. Those that follow Christ . Calvary was the birth of his Bride that it talks about in the bible..The Church.

When women was created in Genesis. Eve was taken out of Adam and with Jesus death the church was put back into christ. Col 3:3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. The piercing of Jesus Side was a picture of the church being put back into Christ.

Post Jesus, Christians just reinforce the victory that has already been one. Satan doesn't have any headship..that is, Authority on earth. The only authority he has ever had is what God allows him to have. He is a divided foe. He is scatterbrained if I may.

Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them. 7 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it. 8.And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that [there is] none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? ...Ect... It goes on to say that God allowed Satan to test Job.

Satan is not king and never has been. Satan is a created being and has no power. He is not all knowing, he is not all powerful, and he is everywhere at the same time. He is an angel.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
..Why is Satan still alive and doing well as King of Planet Earth?

Dear Medicine*Woman:

I will attempt to answer this question for you. I also wish to say one more thing to you.

In terms of Jesus defeating Satan, He did this. This does not mean He defeated Satan in each of us. We, each of us, must do this for ourselves. For Satan is alive and well in each of us. Jesus set the example of how to effectively kill this demiurge of our true, divine selves. This Sacrificed King lies within each and every one of our hearts. That is the secret of the sacred heart. There the crucified King waits to ascend His throne. Make sense? Probably not. The problem is in knowing who and what Satan is. In understanding the nature of Satan and what Satan is, then everything becomes crystal clear. Whether you accept it as fact is something else again.

Satan is actually our ego. This is the demiurge that has taken over our true divine consciousness. It enlists the aid of its henchmen, the personality and the emotions, to complete the atrocity. This usurper to the throne, this lesser king, this much, much lesser king is the problem. Since the whole (or God) is now divided (or multiplied depending how you view things) into each individual human being, this fight must take place within each of us. Jesus, the Sacrificed King, lies in our hearts for us to awaken and discover Him. If you prefer to call Him Buddha or whatever your name is for that which is perfect, do so. The way to overcome our false self? Unite. What does this mean? It means that our brain is divided and so is our personality. As Jesus stated that he would gather all members of His flock, so too all parts of our personality must be recognized and combined. None is expendable. Also our brains, left and right hemispheres must come into a state of constant communication and unity. This can be done through activating the Corpus Callosum (Hermes, the communicator between both worlds). In doing so, we unlock the mysteries of the conscious and unconscious or subconscious for these two must be one. In the course of the arduous process, our true King is awakened in our heart. He lies in bondage, upside down until then. In Parsifal when the Fisher King, is said to continue to bleed, this is what is hinted at. The spear? This is the esoteric sex that occurs between our pineal and pituitary glands. So this is what you wanted to know, but does it help? I feel Jesus may be a stumbling block for you. Which brings me to my next point.

I believe I have seen numerous posting on this subject of Jesus. What is it that troubles you so about Him? I can fully understand someone not believing in something that they can't see, smell or touch, but to be so obsessed shows something more at work. It almost reminds me of how I used to behave on this subject. Any chance that arose for me to spit on and mock His name, I took advantage of. Then came the surprise. I can well imagine I will be put on the cross of disapproval given the nature of this website, but I will tell you anyway. You see, a past life was revealed to me. In it I clearly met Him. I was sitting on the ground in some sort of marketplace and looking down. I had just been punished for looking up at someone and directly into their eye, so I was determined not to repeat this behavior again. I remember that a group of people passed by me. Since I was looking down, I did not see who they were. I just felt the air moving as in some solid objects moving by. I was then aware that one of them stopped in front of me. I could 'feel' someone looking down at me. I tried my best to just ignore this person. This person stood his ground. I then lost my temper and decided to confront this person. I looked up quickly and suddenly it was like looking directly into the sun. I was momentarily blinded by the light. I looked back down and waited until my sight came back. The person then kneeled down in front of me. When I looked again, I saw His most beautiful face. I knew who He was without anyone telling me. He was the man I had been hearing about. I thought to myself, "How can anyone not know who He is by us looking at Him?" I then just grabbed Him and hugged Him. When I did, I felt this rush of healing energy flood into my chest and arms. I was then aware of how clean He was and how filthy I was. I thought, "I will get Him dirty by doing this," but I continued. This memory has stayed with me many lifetimes, and I thought myself dirty and filthy many times in this present incarnation. Perhaps unworthy would be another aspect. In any event, to return to my past life memory that is all I remember about this encounter. But I next remember hearing about His deah. I was in my room. I was completely and utterly devastated. I remember it was very dark. Black. There had been indeed an eclipse. The sun was obliterated. I was crying and crying. Even more than His death, I remember being bothered by the story that they had slapped His face. I thought, "How could someone look into that beautiful face and slap Him? Who could do that?" It was then it happened. My thoughts then turned to me and I realized I was now alone. I realized I had believed in Him totally and had believed in Him and what He taught and now He was dead. It was then my great anguish turned into great anger for I could not understand why He had lied to me. Why when I had given Him my heart and soul, He left me in pain and misery. I did not understand. And so I hated Him. Hated Him totally for what He had done. That also carried over into this lifetime. And so, every opportunity that presented itself for me to mock Him, I took. Until finally I remembered what was troubling me so.

I do not presume to know if this is at the bottom of it all, but there just seems to be so much passion directed against Him. I just tell you my story. You decide for yourself what you wish to do.

Sat Nam, Medicine*Woman,

Originally posted by Quigly
M*W: I posted this thread hoping to read some novel approaches to the question that Jesus defeated evil with his death. Quoting Bible scripture shows me that you can't think for yourself. In fact, you just defeated yourself. If you can come up with an intellectual discussion, I'd like to hear it.
God uses the seed of Mary to produce Jesus, that is the reason Satan hates women.
M*W: Well, this is novel. I've never heard before that Satan hated women. Interesting that you say the birth of the church was at Calvary. Catholics claim the birth of their religion was at Pentecost. So which is it? Can't you Xians get on the same page?
Satan doesn't have any headship..that is, Authority on earth. The only authority he has ever had is what God allows him to have. He is a divided foe. He is scatterbrained if I may.
M*W: So if this is the case, there should be no evil in the world according to this statement.
Satan is not king and never has been. Satan is a created being and has no power. He is not all knowing, he is not all powerful, and he is everywhere at the same time. He is an angel.
M*W: So are you saying Satan how no power in the world? Sure coulda fooled me!
Well, this is novel. I've never heard before that Satan hated women. Interesting that you say the birth of the church was at Calvary. Catholics claim the birth of their religion was at Pentecost. So which is it? Can't you Xians get on the same page?

I am not catholic and I do not study what they believe. I read the bible and allow God to reflect through it and bring positive insight into my life. I believe the Church was birthed at Calvary. Obviously, I must be thinking for myself if I come up with something that the Pope disagrees with...:rolleyes:

So if this is the case, there should be no evil in the world according to this statement.

I believe man is inherently evil and there is no good in them except that God puts there through Christ. I think that is something that you and flores both disagree with, but still, that is just a personal belief.

So are you saying Satan how no power in the world? Sure coulda fooled me!

Again, does satan have power or does man? I personally don't like to accredit anything to Satan or his little friends, I believe most everything that happens in life is made up of mans own wrong choices.
Originally posted by Quigly

I am not catholic and I do not study what they believe.
M*W: But you must realize that all Xian churches evolved (yes evolved) from the Catholic church.
I read the bible and allow God to reflect through it and bring positive insight into my life.
M*W: Then how can you be so sure it's actually God who reflects through your Bible and not you yourself?
I believe the Church was birthed at Calvary. Obviously, I must be thinking for myself if I come up with something that the Pope disagrees with...:rolleyes:
M*W: Yes, you're definitely thinking for yourself, but I would say you've been grossly influenced by your sect. The current Pope has nothing to do with what you believe or disbelieve. He hasn't changed any Xian doctrine.
I believe man is inherently evil and there is no good in them except that God puts there through Christ.
M*W: This is so typically Xian! Don't you know God created humans and was pleased with his creation?
I think that is something that you and flores both disagree with, but still, that is just a personal belief.
M*W: There are truths in many of the world's religions, in fact, more truths than in Xianity.
Again, does satan have power or does man? I personally don't like to accredit anything to Satan or his little friends, I believe most everything that happens in life is made up of mans own wrong choices.
M*W: But God created human beings and we are good creations. God also gave us those choices. If our choices were wrong in any way, we wouldn't be here today. We would have already obliterated our race. Have you ever heard of creative visualization--"Imagine World Peace?" What do you think would happen if we as a species did this? We'd have world peace. Evil is just a figment of our imagination.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
: Why is Satan still alive and doing well as King of Planet Earth?

If that is a opinion then read on, if not i apologize.

IMO there is still enough benevolent undertakings in the world. We just don't hear much of their existence due to the fact no one cares for the most part. What makes the news mostly is the horrific and the down right deplorable. Watch CNN for an hour and any person would lose hope in the world. There is good however. Don't let the misactions of the few cloud your eyes from the sensibility of the masses.

I may lose hope oneday but that is another matter.
Re: Re: Did Jesus defeat Satan?

Originally posted by sargentlard
If that is a opinion then read on, if not i apologize.

IMO there is still enough benevolent undertakings in the world. We just don't hear much of their existence due to the fact no one cares for the most part. What makes the news mostly is the horrific and the down right deplorable. Watch CNN for an hour and any person would lose hope in the world. There is good however. Don't let the misactions of the few cloud your eyes from the sensibility of the masses.

I may lose hope oneday but that is another matter.

I agree with you. It's only the marketable evil of the media. Humans are basically good. We were created good. It seems to only be the Xians that see mankind as being evil--thus giving them a reason to be saved.
medicine woman:"You sound like one of those rare, not completely brainwashed, free-thinking Xians. Are you?"

I'm sorry, I feel like an idiot, but I don't even know what a Xian is...
Satan only has power over us through lies, temptation and sin, because he can offer nothing that God has not already offered us. That is why the battlefront is in our daily lives - where we either resist or succumb to evil. In the spiritual domain Satan has no more power. He can't do anything to us after our deaths. That spiritual victory should reflect in our lives, because it is here where we can decide on whose side we are on.
Originally posted by OverTheStars
medicine woman:"You sound like one of those rare, not completely brainwashed, free-thinking Xians. Are you?"

I'm sorry, I feel like an idiot, but I don't even know what a Xian is...

Dear OverTheStars:

Thank you for the compliment! I am not brainwashed. I am a free-thinker. I'm NOT a Christian! I am a recovering Catholic, but that doesn't mean that if I step inside a Catholic Church I'll be addicted again. Believe me, it's really easy to say away! I am a humanist, and I believe that One Spirit of God dwells in the body of the human race. Therefore, when we look at each other, we should see the face of God, but how many people do that? Not many. That's why the world is in a mess today.
medicine woman:
lol i wasn't calling you brainwashed, i was trying to quote you when you said i was a brainwashed xian or whatever you said that i can't remember right now...and i was asking you what a xian is.
so what the hell is a xian?! is it some type of christianity?
Originally posted by OverTheStars
medicine woman:
lol i wasn't calling you brainwashed, i was trying to quote you when you said i was a brainwashed xian or whatever you said that i can't remember right now...and i was asking you what a xian is.
so what the hell is a xian?! is it some type of christianity?

Yes, I know! Well, I thought you might be a brainwashed Christian, but I apologize if I was wrong. A "xian" is another way of spelling Christian. It's pronounced the same. The Christians on board were so offended by my using this abbreviation (like "xmas), that I agreed to stop offending them. You know they carry their religion on their shoulders waiting for people like me to knock it off. Sometimes it's confusing to know what others mean when they write something. I don't take offense to anything, because these people really don't know me.
a true christian is supossed to be forgiving, and help people, and explain christ to people instead of shoving it down their throats and shaking their heads at people more sinful then they.
i'm a christian, but i know there is something else about God we don't know about, some kind of secret in the Bible. But of course other christians think it's wrong of me to try to see if there is something else about God, and Christ. to them, when the bible says "chariot of fire," they take it literally and say,"it is a chariot of fire, not a metaphor."
thanks for explaining xian, i was beginning to think it was some kind of twisted christian cult....
also, do married hardocore christians have sex for pleasure? or do they only do it to have babies? anyone out there?
Originally posted by OverTheStars
a true christian is supossed to be forgiving, and help people, and explain christ to people instead of shoving it down their throats and shaking their heads at people more sinful then they.
M*W: The only kind of Christian I've ever known was the kind with their fist down your throat.
i'm a christian, but i know there is something else about God we don't know about, some kind of secret in the Bible.
M*W: You are correct, there IS something else, but you won't find it in the Bible... perhaps, on sciforums!
of course other christians think it's wrong of me to try to see if there is something else about God, and Christ. to them, when the bible says "chariot of fire," they take it literally and say,"it is a chariot of fire, not a metaphor."
M*W: That's because they're brainwashed and limited to only reading the Bible, so they never find out the truth. The truth is that Jesus may not have even been a living human being, he may have been a myth created by Saul of Tarsus. I tend to believe he may have actually lived, but I don't believe he died on the cross--he escaped. You can imagine what Christians think about me!
thanks for explaining xian, i was beginning to think it was some kind of twisted christian cult....
M*W: Well, it is that, too!
also, do married hardocore christians have sex for pleasure? or do they only do it to have babies? anyone out there?
M*W: I've known a lot of Christians in my day, and I can honestly say that NONE of the wives wanted sex with their husbands. When they did allow the husband to have sex with them, they dared not to feel anything for fear of God punishing them for sexual pleasure. Christian women are frigid and frustrated. Christian men learn to do without sex with their wives, but they always find it elsewhere.
Originally posted by OverTheStars
a true christian is supossed to be forgiving, and help people, and explain christ to people instead of shoving it down their throats and shaking their heads at people more sinful then they.
i'm a christian, but i know there is something else about God we don't know about, some kind of secret in the Bible. But of course other christians think it's wrong of me to try to see if there is something else about God, and Christ. to them, when the bible says "chariot of fire," they take it literally and say,"it is a chariot of fire, not a metaphor."
thanks for explaining xian, i was beginning to think it was some kind of twisted christian cult....
also, do married hardocore christians have sex for pleasure? or do they only do it to have babies? anyone out there?
Even as a Christian, I am just as frustrated when someone comes to me after having discovered "the real truth" or even worse, "the real lie", and try to convince me I only think I am saved, but if I stay in my church and don't come to theirs I am really not. I don't know how many people have been hijacked and flown into buildings that way, but I can tell you I don't agree with such an approach. It's underhanded and dishonest, not to mention self-righteous.

Having said that, at least in my country, Christians who have received God's peace aren't fundamentalist (that comes usually from fear of "getting it wrong" or fear of ignorance), aware of the undeniable mystery of God, and definitely not frigid (I think that's a stereotype born out of contempt).
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to over the stars

i thank that god didn't ubduct her and put sperm in her i think he just simply said let there be my child in this virgian and let her have this child with no problem and the woman will stay a virgian and it hapened. and about your theory of god being a sirit-light thing and medicine woman was right about the passion and love and heat was almost right on to what i believe i believe that god was nothing but a word or all words such as loyalty and justice or any feeling for instance if you take any where that the bible says god and change it to the word justice the bible will still make sence