Did God answer prayer for healing?

Yes...a thousand times yes...is he the farmer who fixes the fences but does not go near his flock and never seen leaving no signs that he was ever there?

God above all else must show himself but he can't because he is actually just pretend.

If he was real he would have to realise what grave problems grow from not appearing.

Imagine...you elect a president you have never seen and makes no policy speech but you think he is there...and then he is supposed to be running the country but says nothing, not even the odd tweet, would you buy it...of course not and that is only a president but the most important being as you would have it, god, says nothing, does nothing, gives no direction and makes no appearance...and you buy that is ok...heck if someone came to mow your grass you would want to see him and yet god you think it's ok never to see? If he was real you would see him don't you think?
But we are supposed to believe an ancient story based on astrology...sure...

They just turned up I must go with them.

In the NT we read that Jesus was executed by his own, despite having demonstrated astonishing miracles and events. People, leaders knew of these miracles, were aware of them yet despite that, despite seeing these and hearing testimony from witnesses they did not accept his authority, they saw to it that he was executed, he was rejected, unwelcome, unwanted, despised, loathed, tortured.

So right there is proof that God showing himself does not yield goodness from us, is not sufficient to change our minds, our minds are already dead set against God, his appearing will not change us, not change our selfish attitudes.

Jesus revealed information to the Jewish establishment, he told them he had been sent to them with astonishing, important knowledge and showed visual, sensory proof that should (if your analysis is correct) have convinced them but it did not, without force God would be ignored, hated, rejected as much today as he was back then.

People do not want to change, do not want to admit error, do not want to be told what to do, do not want to subjugate themselves to another, even to God.
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The OT is full of threats and revenge. The NT is duplicitous. Everything can be justified and/or negotiated. And everything can be used to condemn any action.
It is a powerful tool to maintain obedience to the clergy because they have direct access to the word of god.

Even if the documents have been used that way by some it does not prove that that was their intent. Claiming a document is a fabrication, a political tool on the basis of how some have used it is not a rational basis for declaring it invalid.
Even if the documents have been used that way by some it does not prove that that was their intent. Claiming a document is a fabrication, a political tool on the basis of how some have used it is not a rational basis for declaring it invalid.
Let me prove to you the intent of the Holy Inquisition.
The Inquisition, in historical ecclesiastical terminology, also referred to as the "Holy Inquisition", was a group of institutions within the Catholic Church whose aim was to combat heresy. Studies of the records have found that the overwhelming majority of sentences consisted of penances, except in cases of repeat unrepentant heretics, who were handed over to the secular courts, which generally resulted in execution or a life sentence
The Inquisition Creed Handbook stipulates:
The 1578 edition of the Directorium Inquisitorum (a standard Inquisitorial manual) spelled out the purpose of inquisitorial penalties: ... quoniam punitio non refertur primo & per se in correctionem & bonum eius qui punitur, sed in bonum publicum ut alij terreantur, & a malis committendis avocentur (translation: "... for punishment does not take place primarily and per se for the correction and good of the person punished, but for the public good in order that others may become terrified and weaned away from the evils they would commit").
That is a direct threat to exert absolute control.
Can you explain the relevance of that post?
Religion as a political tool to maintain control over the population. Witness Islam.

Even if the underlying motives were an effort to spread the good "Word", the moment it became compulsory and apostasy (heresy) became subject to penalty, it was a control mechanism.
Religion as a political tool to maintain control over the population. Witness Islam.

Even if the underlying motives were an effort to spread the good "Word", the moment it became compulsory and apostasy (heresy) became subject to penalty, it was a control mechanism.

But I have not disputed that.
God healed my father, and he died much later of old age.
Yes, your father's natural body defenses had nothing to do with it. It was all in God's hands and He came through for him as promised in the bible. It was just one of God's miracles! He does work in mysterious ways, doesn't He?

He does seem to be very selective for whom He performs miracles. Why is that?
Yes, your father's natural body defenses had nothing to do with it.

That is correct!

His natural body defenses had absolutely nothing to do with it!

He was miraculously healed instantly after my mother prayed for him at home.

The doctors had no explanation.

He does seem to be very selective for whom He performs miracles. Why is that?[/QUOTE]

This what has always disturbed me about "faith healing". 100 people go to a prayer meeting but only 1 is healed. Did the the "healer" like them better than everyone else? Why did the "healer" not heal all of them?
Candy said: This is what has always disturbed me about "faith healing". 100 people go to a prayer meeting but only 1 is healed. Did the "healer" like them better than everyone else? Why did the "healer" not heal all of them?

Some people are special and curry favor with God. It is a sign of devotion. If you are not devoted enough, you're on your own!
God healed my father, and he died much later of old age.
God didn't heal my mother. Despite many people praying for her, she died anyway.

You can come up with as many anecdotes as you like for "answered prayer". The fact remains that God fails more often than He succeeds.
Ah, therefore the only available other explanation was "God did it"?

The doctors have no explanation of where and how the Covid virus originated. "Did God do that"?

It was his back.

His back so disabled him that he could not work. He had a disk that kept slipping out of place, over a period of weeks. Getting worse and worse over time.

One night, after my mother prayed for him, while in bed he felt a physical touch on his back, like that of a hand on his back, though he could see no hand, and my mother was asleep.

He woke her up and told her that he thought that he had been healed by God. He got out of bed, without her help, got up and was fine. He went back to work and never had the problem again.

How could a doctor ever explain such a thing?

All I can say is that this experience was real to him.
That his back was broken, and that it was healed after prayer.

He went home to be with the Lord of the Universe at the age of 95.

That means he died at the age of 95.

Draw your own conclusions, and throw it out the window if you will. Your free will choice.

Miracles are certainly going on in the World today, and there are numerous documented accounts of them.

No need to take my word for it.

Pretty sure you already know the Biology of why we all die.

Care to character assassinate my Dad?
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So right there is proof that God showing himself does not yield goodness from us, is not sufficient to change our minds, our minds are already dead set against God, his appearing will not change us, not change our selfish attitudes.

As you likely already know, there are a growing number of reports coming out of Muslim countries, of Jesus Christ appearing to them both in dreams and physically before them. And that they are turning to Him because of it.

So I would personally suggest that it really can have a great impact on an individual, and can actually change minds even in our day.

Also, that the appearing of the resurrected Christ, after His death, changed many hearts as well, including the hearts of His own followers.

People do not want to change, do not want to admit error, do not want to be told what to do, do not want to subjugate themselves to another, even to God.

Spot On!!!
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It was his back.

His back so disabled him that he could not work. He had a disk that kept slipping out of place, over a period of weeks. Getting worse and worse over time.
Yes I was disabled with a slipped disc (5th lumbar). Took me two years to recover from crawling on the ground to standing. One night I turned in my sleep and woke up from a sharp pain which quickly subsided. The movement had made the disc slip back to its natural position and with some rest and exercise, I recovered completely. No God. Just got lucky, made the right move.
One night, after my mother prayed for him, while in bed he felt a physical touch on his back, like that of a hand on his back, though he could see no hand, and my mother was asleep.
He woke her up and told her that he thought that he had been healed by God. He got out of bed, without her help, got up and was fine. He went back to work and never had the problem again.
How could a doctor ever explain such a thing?
I just did.
All I can say is that this experience was real to him.
That his back was broken, and that it was healed after prayer.
No doubt, except of course his back was not broken, he had a slipped disk. My disk slipped back in place, without the prayer.
He went home to be with the Lord of the Universe at the age of 95. That means he died at the age of 95. Draw your own conclusions, and throw it out the window if you will. Your free will choice.
I accept the entire story. I just don't believe it was God, but a natural healing.
Miracles are certainly going on in the World today, and there are numerous documented accounts of them. No need to take my word for it.
That is not true. Occasionally there is an event that may be unexplainable, but is not a miracle.
Pretty sure you already know the Biology of why we all die.
I sure do, my wife is a nurse and I worked in medical billing for many years.
Care to character assassinate my Dad?
Not at all, I don't know why you would make such an accusation. In fact, I was pleased to hear he had a long life and a loving family. Nothing wrong with that.
It was unnecessary to even make such an ad hominem suggestion. I am a humanitarian, I just don't believe there is a God.
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