Did Consciousness Cause The Big Bang?

so it must still be a form of nothing.

p.s. the holy trinity is: nothing/father+everything/holyspirit=anything/babyjesus. then there is also a fourth hidden being: something/devil.

Can you explain this a bit as I would I would have thought -

'Nothing + Anything = Something which could equate to everything'

but i've only just pondered it so it's a thought of 30 minutes existance....lol
can you explain your theory a bit more, I looked up the logic/language to be nosey about the history of the word and found this to be quite interesting...

Grammatically, the word "nothing" is an indefinite pronoun, which means that it refers to something. This can lead to confusion, "Nothing" is a concept, concepts are things, so the concept of "Nothing" is a thing. This fallacy is neatly demonstrated by the old joke, if nothing is worse than the Devil, and nothing is greater than God, then the Devil must be greater than God:

Devil > (nothing), (nothing) > God

Devil > (nothing) > God

Devil > God

The simplest meaning is: no thing. So if "Nothing" is said to be in a particular place, have a particular quality, then it is meant that "no thing" is there, or has this or that quality. The word "naught" also has this same meaning.

Clauses can often be restated to avoid the appearance that "nothing" possesses an attribute: "There is nothing in the basement" can be restated as "There is not one thing in the basement". "Nothing is missing" can be restated as "everything is present". Conversely, many fallacious conclusions follow from treating "nothing" as a noun.
proof: everything must have come from nothing because it's the only causeless being. so in the beginning nothing was all that existed, so it was everything. and since energy can't be created or destroyed everything must have formed from nothing, so it must still be a form of nothing.

p.s. the holy trinity is: nothing/father+everything/holyspirit=anything/babyjesus. then there is also a fourth hidden being: something/devil.

Oh jeez.. I must have missed this gem :D

Everything must have come from nothing because it's the only causeless being.
So this is proof that nothing is everything ? lol
Firstly you contradict yourself here. You first said that nothing is everything, now you say that everything comes from nothing.
Secondly, you have to proof that nothing is the only thing (lol) that is causeless.
Thirdly, nothing is not a being because then it wouldn't be nothing.

So in the beginning nothing was all that existed, so it was everything.
'In the beginning' signifies that there was already time.
So in the beginning there was not nothing, there was something. This something must be everything.

And since energy can't be created or destroyed everything must have formed from nothing
If energy cannot be destroyed or created there always was something. This means 'nothing' is an impossibility.

so it must still be a form of nothing.
LOL a form of nothing huh ? Logic is not really your thing is it ?

p.s. the holy trinity is: nothing/father+everything/holyspirit=anything/babyjesus. then there is also a fourth hidden being: something/devil.
Ok... :rolleyes:
How can consciousness exist without time ? Explain that one..

Easy. There is a subliminal time, and an external time. Consciousness can exist independantly as a subliminal reference to our experiences, whilst without one, time externally takes no real form, as in, real time experiences and measurements...

... This was the ground basis for my postulations on a Reference Theory, where the observer and the universe become entwined when a measuerement is made.
I'm sorry, but that made little sense to me.
What it all boils down to is that you just say it is so.
No, i base it on the fact, we sense time, and their is a time which cannot be sensed. Why is this difficult to understand?
In fact, may not even pass anything at all. According to relativity without an observer from a QM viewpoint.
Did Consciousness cause the Big Bang?

well it being pseudoscience...I do tend to agree that in future we will be the primary cause of our own doom and our own beginning.

I have faith that universe is cyclic and that we will create our own universe existence...by means unknown (perhaps sending a particle back in time to annihilate)
well it being pseudoscience...I do tend to agree that in future we will be the primary cause of our own doom and our own beginning.

I have faith that universe is cyclic and that we will create our own universe existence...by means unknown (perhaps sending a particle back in time to annihilate)

Hi Draq...

...well, even though it is in the psuedo-arena... let me just say, that quantum mechanics can actually answer what you said ''well it being pseudoscience...I do tend to agree that in future we will be the primary cause of our own doom and our own beginning.'' (I'll give references if needed or wished)

So even thought one may be on the fence about a conclusion, most of us are amazed sometimes when we actually, or maybe, speaking from some actual truth as it is, as i conclude from your post.
The difference is, without a mind, then the time we sense, cannot pass us by.

But is still exists, only we're not there to know it.
You are obviously a solipsist and you are basing your theories on that philosophy.
I have stated i am not a complete solipsist.

I will explain later, as i need to head out for a few hours. Be patient.
(And no... and yes. Everything is an observer to something else, but it's been proven that a conscious observer holds memory... a very pivotal fact that makes the human... a special observer)... anyway... catch you soon.
Thirdly, nothing is not a being because then it wouldn't be nothing.
it's non-being, non-existence

'In the beginning' signifies that there was already time.
So in the beginning there was not nothing, there was something. This something must be everything.

the world does not begin in time, time and everything begins in the present moment

If energy cannot be destroyed or created there always was something. This means 'nothing' is an impossibility.

have you ever thought about why energy can't be created or destroyed? it's because there is no energy to destroy, and there is no energy to create, because all energy comes from nothing and is nothing.

LOL a form of nothing huh ? Logic is not really your thing is it ?

space is a form of nothing. when it becomes more dense, it forms into a planet/star.

But is still exists, only we're not there to know it.
You are obviously a solipsist and you are basing your theories on that philosophy.

solipsism is... wrong.
That is nonsense. Anything can be an observer.. it doesn't have to be a human.

Not in comparrison though, in the sense you are trying to integrate here. There is a major difference between two atoms meeting, than there is a CONSCIOUS observer measuring an atom. We value this ability we have called ''memory,'' and it may be that the universe values it as well. In fact, several theories in physics compliments this idea.

Now, a HUMAN OBSERVER, knows time passes, whilst an atom does not. So when i said:

''In fact, may not even pass anything at all. According to relativity without an observer from a QM viewpoint.''

It means everything. Relativity says that the observer senses time flow, whilst without a CONSCIOUS observer in QM, states that time is discontinuous, like flashes of single frames, where everything is frozen in time.

I refer you to, Dr Brian Greene's book, ''Frozen Lake.''