Did Consciousness Cause The Big Bang?


Did Consciousness cause the Big Bang?

''We tend to treat ourselves as being separate to the universe.
This line of thought is illogical because we inhabit bodies made
up of space, time, matter and energy... With this in mind, one
might even say, 'if we are made up of the stuff of the universe,
then we are somehow the universe itself.' We are then the wide
Cosmos observing Herself in all Her beautiful array of wonders.'

The opening conclusion might indeed seem strange, for how can consciousness cause the big bang? Before we answer this question (if it can at all be answered intuitively), consider the following quantum facts: You know, the universe has a nature which is mind-like. In fact, observation alone creates the thing being observed. If this is true, then we have a particular premise to make here. The universe is observer-dependant. The universe would be meaningless without an observer there, not only to define reality, but to create reality (1)

(1) There are many ways we can create the universe in quantum physics, from changing the statistical variables of a photons path, to possible resolutions defining the big bang.

In fact, we tend to ask, 'If the universe requires us to create it, how did the universe form a few chronons after big bang?'

The answer to this question seems very strange indeed. It turns out that the answer is that we are creating the early universe right now! Try not to dismiss such an idea, because we are being told by top physicists that this is exactly what we should be believing! If this is true, then the mixed state (1) of the universe just a moment after big bang is being determined today through our observations.

But to all of this i add a twist. Perhaps the universe arose in a mixed state, but only one of these states would be the most probable. But what caused this probability to peak above the rest? My answer is again, consciousness... I shall explain how this might be possible.

Vedantic belief is that only one mind ever existed. If this is true, then all minds must make up one single field of consciousness (2). Now, imagine this field of consciousness. Where does it exist? Does it arise from matter?

This last question might be misleading. Perhaps physicists shouldn't be asking whether mind arises from matter... But instead how matter arises from mind. Treating the mind/consciousness as a force that doesn't originate from matter, must lead one to believe it flows throughout the universe. In fact, this is exactly what i believe. Then, if this is true, how does mind inhabit these corporeal shells of materiality? What causes individuality?

For a while now, the theory of consciousness has come under some interesting developments, such as physicist and mathematician Roger Penrose's belief that gravity in mediation with microtubules (located in the brain as cells), causes consciousness. The use of gravity has revolutionized our ways of understanding the causes of consciousness.

Before this, the force thought to govern the senses was the electromagnetic force, pushing electrons to and fro our brains. All of this may still be true today, as we must consider the particles in our heads as determining the way we think and feel. Here i make a contention. What if electromagnetism snapped the unified field of consciousness?

Electrons follow Fermi-Dirac Statistics (3), meaning that all electrons inside of my head will cancel each other out in harmony. For instance, consider two electrons inside an atom. If one of these electrons has a spin up, the other must have a spin down, that is unless one of these electrons are in a lower state of energy. Likewise, an electron cannot fall into a lower state of energy unless its spin is in an opposite direction. All fermion particles must cancel each other out in this manor, or they would fall back into the vacuum from whence they came. Though, just think about it. What if this cancellation causes individuality inherent in every human being? What if the electromagnetic forces at work causes the illusion of independence?

(3) – It, I feel is important to incorporate electromagnetic fields as a possible solution to ‘’snapping’’ the unified mind. It might just be, that the same electromagnetic influences proposed to give rise to consciousness inside the brain, is analogous to the universal mind being separated into individual beings.

And, how did we exist before we became independent?

Well you might think, independence comes to us, possibly in the womb, when those electrical signals shatter the great sea unto which we all came from. But from a relativistic outlook, we have all separated simultaneously, even if we are born at different times, months or years.

But before we became independent, we must have existed without independent thought, and it is because of this, we cannot remember our existences, before we became entrapped within our mortal coils. The sea of thought, dreams and hopes, the sea which made up one single mind, can only be interpreted in light of a God, or perhaps Plato’s World of Idea’s, Roger Penrose reminds us.

Dr. Fred A. Wolf, a leading pioneer in the field of consciousness also ascribes this force as the Mind of God. Only, i am not sure whether he ascribes this God as having independent thought.

I believe it does; but God cannot have independent thought anymore, that is until we return to our source, and activate The Great One all over again - of course, this depends on what you choose to believe. Though we will all return to our source through death one day, whether it be millions of years into the future - maybe even billions, and combine back into that one single mind.

Now, the zero-point energy field (also called the false vacuum) plays a big part in our conscious states today; as the theory goes. The effects of the zero-point energy field on matter was found by Paul Dirac, in his mathematical analysis of the electron in 1928. Binding relativity and quantum mechanics together, he found that the electron moved at lightspeed following a zig-zagged path through space, causing the illusion that electrons moved much slower. It turned out that the zero-point energy field was filled with potential negative spinning particles which buffeted the electron about, causing it to move in a zig-zagged path through space.

Now, Dr. Shiuji Inomata at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry Electrotechnical Laboratory in Japan believes that thoughts and feelings arise from the zero-point energy field, just as it is responsible for the appearance of matter. And here i make a contention. Perhaps emotions and thoughts are constantly being bombarded as well by the negative energy of the vacuum, just as it affects a tiny electron on its path through space and time. This may seem strange, since thought's and feelings are ethereal... but one must see this in light of the ethereal nature of the false vacuum; and if thoughts arise from this vacuum, then perhaps there are still correlations occurring, just as found with an electron being influenced by a negative particle in the false vacuum.

If consciousness does not arise from matter, for me it must have arisen at the big bang, from the opening where the false energy spewed forth. Consciousness must have flooded spacetime with information just as the big bang was occurring - because it was at this point a big crunch was also occurring.

Thus, consciousness came from the future and also came from the past (1), defining the reality that was chosen today. In fact, consciousness, if we treat it as an energy that streams from big bang, may have even caused the big bang to happen; there is no grander picture than to say the universe expanded solely for us. Indeed, if that is too hard to believe, just imagine that the one particular state of spacetime chosen, was in fact influenced by consciousness, so it could inhabit material bodies - simply so that we could exist. Moreover, if consciousness chose the conditions today for us to exist in, then we might answer the question to why our universe had such a low state of entropy in the beginning, allowing us today to determine a past and future, sandwiching the present time. Fantasy? Maybe. But life is a bit of a fantasy anyway.

(1) – even though this may seem highly philosophical, for any type of story, there must be an end, and with that into account, relativity does say that everything is somehow predetermined: And with this in mind, then if consciousness existed in some type of substate totally imaginal, then it must stream from big bang itself.(2)

(2) – in fact, the Late Astrophysicist, Fred Hoyle also believed that signals of some kind of intelligence where coming from the past, and this is akin to my theory of consciousness flowing in from both Alpha and Omega, and they somehow ‘’agree’’ in the present.

Let's examine this fantasy of spacetime. 15,000 million years ago, spacetime suddenly appeared. In the standard model of cosmology (the big bang), this happened for no reason at all. And stranger still, is that absolutely nothing existed before this point! How can this be? Today, the world we see around us, is [believed] to be something; and if this world is something, existence before the big bang must be the opposite of something - which is of course absolutely nothing. But how can something arise from nothing?

I've asked this question many times, and I’ve answered such a question by saying that this nothingness was actually everything needed to create the universe today. And if existence before the big bang indicated everything needed, then this must indicate that reality today would need to be the opposite of everything - and that is nothing... In fact, the world we are living in is a bit of an illusion mathematically. If you add up all the energy in the universe, you have absolutely nothing.

All of matter and energy in existence all comes to the big goose egg. That old proverb, 'life is but a dream,' may indeed be more than just a metaphor. Look at it this way. When the universe reaches the value of Ω the omega point - and when everything is finally dragged back into the gravitational singularity whence everything came, it will be as if we never existed at all; would it do us good now to say we ever did?

It’s pointless to assume a theory of physics, without philosophy or metaphysics. If we do, then there are area’s of physics which cannot be speculated on, or progressed on without the thoughts of philosophy and metaphysics, sciences unto their own.

The long-age questions that baffle cosmology, may be the very questions that help solve the mysteries of quantum mechanics.
Did Consciousness cause the Big Bang?

''We tend to treat ourselves as being separate to the universe.
This line of thought is illogical because we inhabit bodies made
up of space, time, matter and energy... With this in mind, one
might even say, 'if we are made up of the stuff of the universe,
then we are somehow the universe itself.' We are then the wide
Cosmos observing Herself in all Her beautiful array of wonders.'

I know it's tragic, the same happens in nature which I believe has its own individual language for each species. I often experiment with moving my chi energy into the universe and guess what I get responses. Since this has been happening I get more and more etherical information for free!

The opening conclusion might indeed seem strange, for how can consciousness cause the big bang? Before we answer this question (if it can at all be answered intuitively), consider the following quantum facts: You know, the universe has a nature which is mind-like. In fact, observation alone creates the thing being observed. If this is true, then we have a particular premise to make here. The universe is observer-dependant. The universe would be meaningless without an observer there, not only to define reality, but to create reality (1)

Have you thought about the possibility that all consciousness was in fact pooled together pre-bigbang to form this universe which means perhaps there was one before? Maybe this act of creating and undoing (the big crunch leading to a singularity) is one of gradually adjusting what I call the creational blueprint. The blueprint, physical laws and aspects of nature can all be adjusted consciously but only at the point of a singularity when all consciousness is one including, and here's the part most people find hard to accept MATTER. The universe is not an accident it is a very complex example of many instances of trial and error.

It turns out that the answer is that we are creating the early universe right now! Try not to dismiss such an idea, because we are being told by top physicists that this is exactly what we should be believing! If this is true, then the mixed state (1) of the universe just a moment after big bang is being determined today through our observations.

I remember saying to my friend a few weeks ago I want to become an ellite observer. Since then I have noticed several communicative patterns in nature which I am able to translate or directly understand in fact I'd go as far as to say there is a language of movement.
But to all of this i add a twist. Perhaps the universe arose in a mixed state, but only one of these states would be the most probable. But what caused this probability to peak above the rest? My answer is again, consciousness... I shall explain how this might be possible.

Vedantic belief is that only one mind ever existed. If this is true, then all minds must make up one single field of consciousness (2). Now, imagine this field of consciousness. Where does it exist? Does it arise from matter?
OK my spin on this is that the singularity actually summons the GOD MIND.
It's probably non-productive to ask from where does it arise!

This last question might be misleading. Perhaps physicists shouldn't be asking whether mind arises from matter... But instead how matter arises from mind. Treating the mind/consciousness as a force that doesn't originate from matter, must lead one to believe it flows throughout the universe. In fact, this is exactly what i believe. Then, if this is true, how does mind inhabit these corporeal shells of materiality? What causes individuality?

Agreed. I'd even go as far as to say the mind travels faster than the speed of light in a free state.

(3) – It, I feel is important to incorporate electromagnetic fields as a possible solution to ‘’snapping’’ the unified mind. It might just be, that the same electromagnetic influences proposed to give rise to consciousness inside the brain, is analogous to the universal mind being separated into individual beings.
Well if the philadelphia experiment is true in which the military experimented with a ship and induced an electromagnetic charge by wraping coil around the ship and passing a current through it. Apparantly the result was seamen who dissapeared and some were inbedded in the hull.

And, how did we exist before we became independent?
Well looking at nature plants can provide many cutting or seeds to produce many plants so why not consciousness can create consciousness.

I believe it does; but God cannot have independent thought anymore, that is until we return to our source, and activate The Great One all over again - of course, this depends on what you choose to believe. Though we will all return to our source through death one day, whether it be millions of years into the future - maybe even billions, and combine back into that one single mind.
I like the way you've approached this. I think you've hit the nail on the head.

Now, Dr. Shiuji Inomata at the Ministry of International Trade and Industry Electrotechnical Laboratory in Japan believes that thoughts and feelings arise from the zero-point energy field, just as it is responsible for the appearance of matter. And here i make a contention. Perhaps emotions and thoughts are constantly being bombarded as well by the negative energy of the vacuum, just as it affects a tiny electron on its path through space and time. This may seem strange, since thought's and feelings are ethereal... but one must see this in light of the ethereal nature of the false vacuum; and if thoughts arise from this vacuum, then perhaps there are still correlations occurring, just as found with an electron being influenced by a negative particle in the false vacuum.

I can actually relate to this insofar as I recently had my kundalini activiates which is a really intense energy that flows upwards through your chakras and out through the crown of my head. During this time I came under a kind of phychic/negative attack from somewhere? Maybe what you've described above was what was happening to me.

I still believe thoughts are a collapse in the wave function of consciousness.

If consciousness does not arise from matter, for me it must have arisen at the big bang, from the opening where the false energy spewed forth. Consciousness must have flooded spacetime with information just as the big bang was occurring - because it was at this point a big crunch was also occurring.

No don't think it's new to this universe. What I would love to know is how a big crunch is initiated?

Thus, consciousness came from the future and also came from the past (1), defining the reality that was chosen today. In fact, consciousness, if we treat it as an energy that streams from big bang, may have even caused the big bang to happen; there is no grander picture than to say the universe expanded solely for us. Indeed, if that is too hard to believe, just imagine that the one particular state of spacetime chosen, was in fact influenced by consciousness, so it could inhabit material bodies - simply so that we could exist. Moreover, if consciousness chose the conditions today for us to exist in, then we might answer the question to why our universe had such a low state of entropy in the beginning, allowing us today to determine a past and future, sandwiching the present time. Fantasy? Maybe. But life is a bit of a fantasy anyway.

Man you should start up a cult. But don't expect everyone to agree with you here because your entering new grounds here that science/scientists are curious about but are probably a bit wary of i hope they will soon start taking a hypothetical leap of faith which it seems you are doing. Keep up the good work my friend.

(2) – in fact, the Late Astrophysicist, Fred Hoyle also believed that signals of some kind of intelligence where coming from the past, and this is akin to my theory of consciousness flowing in from both Alpha and Omega, and they somehow ‘’agree’’ in the present.

This is where I get a lot of my free knowledge from, which definitly feels ancient in nature.

All of matter and energy in existence all comes to the big goose egg. That old proverb, 'life is but a dream,' may indeed be more than just a metaphor. Look at it this way. When the universe reaches the value of Ω the omega point - and when everything is finally dragged back into the gravitational singularity whence everything came, it will be as if we never existed at all; would it do us good now to say we ever did?

But perhaps this act would make GOD whole again thus able to create other types of universes with different physical properties and re-igniting the sparks of consciouness that most pleased his observations of this universe into the next.
''Have you thought about the possibility that all consciousness was in fact pooled together pre-bigbang to form this universe which means perhaps there was one before? Maybe this act of creating and undoing (the big crunch leading to a singularity) is one of gradually adjusting what I call the creational blueprint. The blueprint, physical laws and aspects of nature can all be adjusted consciously but only at the point of a singularity when all consciousness is one including, and here's the part most people find hard to accept MATTER. The universe is not an accident it is a very complex example of many instances of trial and error.''

> It's possible. Physics at current state, cannot deal with a time smaller than that of Planck Size... however, this does not go to mean that there isn't a smaller, infinitesimal size unto which could be seen in light of some pre-existence to the Planck Scale and possibly the big bang itself. This prestate, however, i would imagine to be limited in how we may look at it, since we should know that if time began at a single point, it's something like the Planck Scale, but if its something smaller, there can't be much in it. So if we are working with a pre-big bang model, it would be a fine mesh of simlistic frothing of quantum foam, that would be analogous to an infinite sea of potential negative energy... a fine sea like this pre-existing the big bang... do i believe in it? I believe it is possible, but i tend to shy away from models that use such concepts.

''I remember saying to my friend a few weeks ago I want to become an ellite observer. Since then I have noticed several communicative patterns in nature which I am able to translate or directly understand in fact I'd go as far as to say there is a language of movement.
But to all of this i add a twist. Perhaps the universe arose in a mixed state, but only one of these states would be the most probable. But what caused this probability to peak above the rest? My answer is again, consciousness... I shall explain how this might be possible.''

> This is what the Bohmain Interpretation of quantum physics states. It says, that even though the universe arose in a mixed-state of set-up positions, one that was most likely collapsed as the world we observe today. This means that everything we come to observe, was somehow determined at big bang. So yes, probability may have an amazing impact on how we come to see how to answer the question of something that is determined from word ''go.''

''OK my spin on this is that the singularity actually summons the GOD MIND.
It's probably non-productive to ask from where does it arise!''

> I myself, have also speculated in the past on this forum, that perhaps when we look at a singularity, and know from a scientific point of view, that physics cannot deal with singularities, because of their infinite nature, so the laws become obsolete, may this be what we call ''God?'' It's analogous, if one is a believer that no man can know the true nature of God. Highly speculative though, and super-pseudoscientific!!!

''Agreed. I'd even go as far as to say the mind travels faster than the speed of light in a free state.''

> I agree, that if there is some kind of measurable speed of consciousness, and some experiments suggest that we come to know some thoughts faster-than-light, (since we use the value of ''c''-the speed of light, as a universal measuring instrument for speeds), then the mind itself may have some oscillations in its own frame of reference, where it moves superuminal.

''Well looking at nature plants can provide many cutting or seeds to produce many plants so why not consciousness can create consciousness.''

> Well, exactly. I stated not long ago in philosophy that ''Intelligence creates Intelligence.'' Same difference. :)

''Man you should start up a cult. But don't expect everyone to agree with you here because your entering new grounds here that science/scientists are curious about but are probably a bit wary of i hope they will soon start taking a hypothetical leap of faith which it seems you are doing. Keep up the good work my friend. ''

> I must admit, a lot of my work is based on Dr Fred A Wolfs teachings and musings. He believes that the soul extends from both ends, the Alpha and Omega, and so i took the same principle and allowed to see this from a single universal mind, which was proven by quantum physics, by amusingly enough, a metaphysical physicist.

''But perhaps this act would make GOD whole again thus able to create other types of universes with different physical properties and re-igniting the sparks of consciouness that most pleased his observations of this universe into the next.''

Why not? Sounds good to me eh?:)
Should be interesting 1 guy who questions if 'Consciousness caused the big bang' and 1 guy who claims 'to be an entity who has been around since before the big bang and has conscious awareness since that time' (if the big bang happened that is).....

Outcome so far...."Yeah man you should start a cult..."?

If 'intelligence creates intelligence' then you 2 guy's (If you are correct) have the tools between you to solve all these questionable probabilities...

I watch neutraly with baited breath.................
I think the reason that consciousness and everything comes from nothing is that it's so hard to imagine the paradox of nothing that our mind explodes and creates everything so that it can imagine something.

I don't believe in the Big Bang, I think space (ether, universe) has always existed. Ancient myths equate space with consciousness. Nothing causes everything.

Because everything is nothing (illusion), nothing can really cause anything, things can only appear to cause things. But anything can cause things, because all things are nothings. Some say that division by zero causes the universe to annihilate, but it's actually what created the universe.
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I think the reason that consciousness and everything comes from nothing is that it's so hard to imagine the paradox of nothing that our mind explodes and creates everything so that it can imagine something.

I don't believe in the Big Bang, I think space (ether, universe) has always existed. Ancient myths equate space with consciousness. Nothing causes everything.

Because everything is nothing (illusion), nothing can really cause anything, things can only appear to cause things. But anything can cause things, because all things are nothings. Some say that division by zero causes the universe to annihilate, but it's actually what created the universe.

But nothing relates to 'Nothing we know of'....

"There was nothing b4 the big bang" does not denounce the possability of something it is just 'nothing we know of'

You hear a noise in the garden,you look outside..."what's out there" the wife ask's...."OH its nothing" (its nothing you can see, not nil,zilch,blankness)
I think the reason that consciousness and everything comes from nothing is that it's so hard to imagine the paradox of nothing that our mind explodes and creates everything so that it can imagine something.

I don't believe in the Big Bang, I think space (ether, universe) has always existed. Ancient myths equate space with consciousness. Nothing causes everything.

Because everything is nothing (illusion), nothing can really cause anything, things can only appear to cause things. But anything can cause things, because all things are nothings. Some say that division by zero causes the universe to annihilate, but it's actually what created the universe.

Prove that nothing is everything.
Consciousness seems the least likely thing to have been a first cause.

That's why there is no first real cause. There needs to be Closed Time-Like Paths which are predicted by relativity, and in this picture, 'has' both the end and the beginning playing perfectly the same roles.
So whatever comes in between in real time experiences (us),we are now adding the detail to the early universe, and quite possibly gave it any such meaning to exist and expand.
Prove that nothing is everything.

proof: everything must have come from nothing because it's the only causeless being. so in the beginning nothing was all that existed, so it was everything. and since energy can't be created or destroyed everything must have formed from nothing, so it must still be a form of nothing.

p.s. the holy trinity is: nothing/father+everything/holyspirit=anything/babyjesus. then there is also a fourth hidden being: something/devil.

Consciousness seems the least likely thing to have been a first cause.

maybe from a materialist viewpoint, because consciousness is supposedly created by complex matter.

The first cause is whatever caused time to exist :D

then wouldn't the cause be consciousness? because consciousness is what creates the feeling of time (change).
Has it ever been observed in anything else?

how do you observe consciousness? you touch an animal and it reacts. you touch a plant and it reacts, and the same happens with rocks too, so they all must have consciousness. rocks obviously have least amount of consciousness.
That's a materialistic way to see how consciousness observes consciousness, but not an actual process where the consciousness can see the realm of consciousness of another individual, or animal, in your case. Everything you come to see, is perfectly within the boundaries of personal confidence and secrecy.

So, consciousness can't (in this sense anyway), come to observe anothers consciousness, unless by some strange quantum phenomena; which there have been some cases reported where some people have in fact seen through anothers eyes, or through sharing a consciousness. But never the same consciousness, unless there is only one consciousness in deinition, which is something that was proven using logic of Vendantic Musings on Physics.
And rocks may seem to have a least amount of consciousness, but there will be materials that don't act so well as a conducter for electrons. I say this, because essentially, it seems logical to suggest if there where biofields, then they must be electromagnetic in nature, and the least amount of electrons in a non-mobile system would be found using further logic from the wave function, to be even more improbable.