Did Atlantis exist?

complicated?......maybe- but that doesn't exclude it

sending a man to the moon also was complicated;)

If Atlantis was in antarctica and destroyed during the ice age i think its unlikely that plato would have ever heard of it.

I think the most likely explanation was that Atlantis was based on the minoans

From Timaeus

* Based in the Atlantic Ocean - Opposite the Pillars of Heracles (Straits of Gibraltar)
* The Atlantic was then navigable
* Larger than Libya and Asia combined
* From Atlantis you could reach other islands and then a true continent


From Critias

Note: The unit of measurement given in translation of Timaeus and Critias is typically the stade or stadia. The conversion is:

1 stade = 607 ft or 185 meters (mile = 5280 feet so 1 stade = .11 mile)

Canal From Sea

* Canal 300' wide, 100' deep
* 50 stades from the sea was a hill where the rings of Sea and Land were built (5.5 miles)

Inner Ring

* Next ring of water was 1 stade - 600'
* Center land was 5 stades in diameter - 3000' (.5 miles)
* Surrounded on both sides by a wall covered with orichalcum

Middle Ring

* Next set of water / land rings were 2 stades in width - 1200'
* Surrounded on both sides by a wall covered with tin

Outer Ring

* Ring closest to sea and its internal land both 3 stades in width - 1800'
* Surrounded on both sides by a wall covered with brass
* Contained horse racing track

Outer Wall

* Wall which circled the outer ring at a distance of 50 stades (11 miles in diameter)


* Bridges were 100 feet wide (a sixth of a stadia)
* Walled
* Towers and gates on the bridges
* Guarded at either end


* Oblong, 3000 stadia long, 1000 stadia wide (330 miles long and 110 miles wide)
* Open to the sea on the south (where the canal exited to the sea)
* Surrounded by mountains to the north

Ditch around the Plain

* 100 feet deep
* 1 stade wide
* 10,000 stade long (surrounding the whole plain) (1100 miles long)


Plain consisted of 10 stade square lots - 1.1 mile x 1.1 mile

* 1.1 miles = 5808 ft there we get 33,732,864 sq. ft = 774.4 acres
* acre = 43560 sq. ft or 4840 sq. yd.
* for total of 60,000

* total acres = 46,464,000

Each lot supplied

* 1/6 of a war chariot
* 2 horses and riders
* one pair of chariot horses, a horseman, and a charioteer
* 2 heavily armed soldiers
* 2 slingers
* 3 stone shooters
* 3 javelin men
* 4 sailors (for fleet of 1200 ships)


* 5 sets of Twins - Atlas was first King
* Fruits hard to store but providing drink, food & oil
* They governed other land into Egypt and Tyrrhenia
* 2 harvests - one from winter rains - one from summer irrigation
* Orichalc, a metal unknown to Plato was mined in quantities - 2nd in value to gold
* Abundant timber, elephants, marshes, swamps, rivers, mountains, plains
* Hot and cold springs
* Stone was white, black, and yellow - stone was excavated from center island and land rings to form covered docking areas



*9000 BC - Cataclysm destroys Atlantis (based on Plato's writings)
* 1500 BC - Volcanic eruption destroys Thera and possibly brings an end to the Minoan civilization
* 360 BC - Plato writes Timaeus and Critias
* 1882 - Atlantis - The Antediluvian World by Ignatius Donnelly is released
* 1924 - The Problem of Atlantis by Lewis Spence is released
* 1960 - A. G. Galanopoulos discoveres the ruins of ancient cities on Thera
* 1968 - The Bimini Wall is discovered

Atlantis: Vital Statistics
Originally posted by Neutrino_Albatross
If Atlantis was in antarctica and destroyed during the ice age i think its unlikely that plato would have ever heard of it.

I think the most likely explanation was that Atlantis was based on the minoans

time goes on and people forget.
But at that time there still were many of the old scriptures that were later destroyed mainly by christians

also the great library of Alexandria was destroyed.
I think people then knew of a lot of more nyths than we do today
atlantis in the atlantic

1. At the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean was found basalt glassy lava of a mainland and not undersea volcano.

2. In 1898 special machinery brought into the surface of the Atlantic Ocean from 2800 m depth, a rock island 15000 years old which came from a mainland volcano.

3. In the summer of 1927, a crystal cranium from quartz with a movable jaw was found in the jungle of the British Honduran (Central America)!

4. In 1977, with echo sounding machinery, a pyramid was localized in depth of 300 m near the triangle of Vermuda.

5. In Bimini islands which are in the Bahamas islands were found (in 1969) sunk large stones squared or rectangulared of 600 square metres extend similar to those which were found by professor Jacques Cousteau in the small island Dias of Krete (in 1976).

6. In a mountain of Perou in Piscos Bay a very ancient trident (Atlant's symbol) is displayed which is made of white stones with phosphoric brightness "stabbed" in the slope. It has 250 m length and sides of 3,8 m width. This trident leads to a marked airport shaped flat space in Nasca plain which is located 160 km from Pisco. Wide airstrips and radiated corridors are discerned which stand out because they shine. They are formed by rack fragments. When you see this space from above it gives you the impression of an airport with geometrical lines and signs like in the modern airfields.

7. The gravestone with a carved pilot which was found in Palenkoue, near the temple of the Atlants of Mexico

8. The undersea ruins which were found through Soviet research with head the academic Accenof near Madera and the 9500 years smoothed marble stone which was drawn up by the Rusians from the undersea central Atlantic slope (mountain rage)

9. Some very ancient buildings of America belong to this technique of the most ancient buildings of Europe and North Africa as well as many architectural decorative shapes which are similar to both civilizations.

10. Geologists admit that between the Big and the Small Antilles there was land, which was sunk. Furthermore, that the Azores islands and in their extend Madera and the Canary islands are emerged summits of a big undersea volcano mountain range where often happen earthquakes and explosions.

All these findings show that the large continent of Atlantis was surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. Its geographical extend approach more to the Central America, the Big and the Small Antilles and the Bahamas, included the space of the Atlantic Ocean up to the Sargassai Sea, expanded normally up to Bermuda and an oblong extend of it reached as far as to the Azores. It was also surrounded by many small islands


Archaeological discoveries

What you said makes sense but there are still some other problems. If it was destroyed 15,000 years ago the legend would have to survive over 10,000 years without writing. I highly doubt the story would survive that long. Also antarctica is cut off from the rest of the world. Odds are that even if there was an advanced civilization over there the stone age humans spread out through the rest of the world wouldnt have even heard of them. And wasnt antarctica a freezing wastland even before the ice age?
Originally posted by Neutrino_Albatross

If it was destroyed 15,000 years ago the legend would have to survive over 10,000 years without writing. I highly doubt the story would survive that long.

Indian vedas have survived 6000 years in their full text. Why couldn't a legend, a myth survive- not in it's full detail for 15 000 years. We have legends of great floods all over the world and those floods were caused by the ice age ice melting. Thus the legends are quite old.

Also antarctica is cut off from the rest of the world.
It was said that Atlants were great traders, they ships- also 15 000 years ago Antartica was earth linked to the South America

Odds are that even if there was an advanced civilization over there the stone age humans spread out through the rest of the world wouldnt have even heard of them.
oh- but they had. Only they are as gods in many of te ancient myths now. In S America- a wise white man with a beard comes and teaches the tribe of medicine, growing crops etc.
Genesis also tells a simmilar story. Maybe they were atlantians, maybe aliens...

I have a wild theory that aliens came from another planet and established a colony here. But smthing happened and they left or died out- who knows.

And wasnt antarctica a freezing wastland even before the ice age?

no- there were lakes, rivers- it was not covered in ice 15 000 years ago
Originally posted by Truenemo1889
Some people argue that it didn't exist , some argues that it did exist about 10.000 years ago. I heared rumors that i could have been fairly advanced,making use of physical principles and technologies that weren't known to us until the industrial revolution.
Most state that they were more advanced than we have ever reached yet, using mind or physical powers that circumvented the laws of physics as we know them.

Can that much knowledge disappear over thousands of years
with hardly any trace, even after a cataclysmic event (nuclear war,etc)?
Yes & no, look at Europe’s Dark Ages after the fall of the Roman Empire, most knowledge was lost. Except at the fringes, where Arabs were able to find, refine, translate & incorporate the knowledge of the Greeks, Romans, Persians, etc. into the Muslim cultural mind. Which was where Europe’s curious went to, to college in Islamic Spain. That should happen again if the US, the West & Islam fight it out, all the fringes would have the accumulated knowledge in books, (sorry no comps. (& parts of the Net) would survive, as in ‘Dark Angel’ we would have to start over in several areas just to get back to were we are now), unless its MAD & all the nukes fly, in which case we may extinguish the species & let evolution start over.

Could our civilization disappear without a trace in case of all out nuclear exchange ?
Yes & No, it may destroy all evidence of buildings & machines, but several isotopes would last anywhere from millions to billions of years, depending on what materials are used, yield, altitude of the explosion & other variables. If Atlantis is under the ocean, then it would be hard to pick up your giger counter & mass spectrometer & check, but just like volcanoes & dinosaur-killing asteroids, the evidence would be spread out as a layer laid down after the event, following the prevailing winds or storm fronts as to where it was scattered. Check there

I would appreciate any response ty:confused:
:confused: :
You mean curious?
One should be very careful with how far they care to speculate on how advanced the Atlantians were. While there is enough evidence to say with reasonable certanty that a civalization existed on an island now sunk in the Atlantic, we have as I can see, no evidence for extremely advanced technology. Nothing we have found amoung the ruins of Atlantis are any more advanced that what ancient Egypt, Greece, or the Romans were capable of producing.
Several things are possible!

  • Other guys were writing great texts,so Plato thought he would become great if he speculated about Atlantis!
  • Atlantis was same as Dwarka as Dwarka also sunk looong time back...
  • Atlantis was reduced to ashes by some other power...

Is the location of Atlantis defined by Plato ? if it wasnt arent we just speculating that it must be somehwere near?

thanks for your time!

no- there were lakes, rivers- it was not covered in ice 15 000 years ago

Then please explain to me how they obtained the Vostok ice cores which date the ice sheet to about ~420,000 years of age?
In his book, The Secret of Atlantis, Otto Muck, purported that an asteroid strike on the planet around 8,500 B.C. was responsible for the destruction of Atlantis. He speculated that the asteroids were miles wide and hit with the explosive force of thousands of hydrogen bombs. Muck proposed that a particularly large asteroid impacted the primary segment of Atlantis which was situated in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The shock of the asteroid collision caused massive tidal waves which engulfed the entire sector, triggering earthquakes, and splitting the Atlantic Ocean apart along the line now known as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Two smaller asteroids hit the Caribbean sea floor near Puerto Rico creating depressions 23,000 feet deep. Muck also suggested that a rapid shifting of the Earth's poles ensued which resulted in a new geological age with markedly different seasons. A cool but habitable Siberia was suddenly plunged into an icy Artic cold; and, thousands of healthy mammoths and wooly rhinoceroses were flash frozen.

The first site I found that described Muck's book reasonably well. I really don't know if Atlantis is all myth, Minoan based, or something else like this. What intrigued me was the various points Muck had, from Northern Europe's climate change, eel migration and the Sargassos Sea, all changed by the disappearance of the island, the disappearance itself (sinking of the plate due to rupture by the impact stress) which matched Plato's description of a very fast sinking, meteor impact evidence in the Atlantic and the coast of South Carolina, and some others that have been touched on by other people. It seems a likely theory to put in the maybe column.

Also, I found another book that had debunked many Atlantis theories. In mentioning Muck's book, the counter evidence provided was rather weak, dismissing it as yet another Atlantis creation, but it didn't address many of the scientific points of the book. Maybe that made my impression of Muck's ideas stronger, I don't know. I would like to know if those deep holes off the North American coast are truly impact areas.
I do believe Atlantis existed, and solar disorder created its downfall.....the pineal , pituitary and hypothalumus are the islands of destruction surrounded by the waters of ignorance
My best guess is the legend of atlantis is derived from the Minoan civilization on Crete. They had flushing toilets, glass blowing, exceptional metal working, unique art, and the like. Just the stuff to impress primitive groups. And crete suffered volcanic explosions every few hundred years. Part of their island DID sink.
Keep in mind that the Minioans didn't actually have a name for their civilization (well, written down). Historians named them the Minoans after one of their kings, King Minos. They also had a different language than the Greeks, but it was very similar.
Truth be told, in my mind all we have is evidence of a sunken mainland, a pyramid, sunken roads, collums, pillars, and a story by Plato of a continent going underwater. We have enough to say the some kind of civalization existed in the area now underwater in the Atlantic... but I feel we don't have enough concrete evidence to say they were a technological civalization. I will hand you that they probably had technology on the scale of the Incan Empire, Egypt, Greece, or mayhaps the Romans... but the idea that they had incredible psychic powers, space travel, and the like seems very far fetched to me.
I'm sure many civilizations which we haven't heard of, forgotten from the past exist, what makes Atlantis so special? Look at Troy.
I wonder ... IF Atlantis is known to us as Antarctica then considering all of the discussion surrounding polar shifts and the like could the Atlanteans have developed any sort of technology that prompted a polar shift putting THEM at the pole?

I know it's not the right thread but ...