Designer Babies


Club Ninja
Valued Senior Member
Ok, so if scientists can screen embryos for genetic disorders and select only a healthy embryo, then is it not the logical next step to create an embryo that has desirable characteristics, making it superior physically and mentally to a 'natural' counterpart?

Surely, as it is human nature to improve everything that babies should not be any different. It is human nature to have a desire for money, there would certainly be a demand for a designer baby so even it is illegal in most of the world to practice these type of technlogies on humans then surely it will happen. If it is destined to happen then should human kind not embrace it and improve our bodies, taking us to the physical and mental limits?

Whats the moral and mental implications of this type of technology, there seems to be a big taboo surrounding it.

If it were possible to do with 100% accuracy and with no undesirable effects whats the problem? Is it just out of jealously that people are concerned about it?

If this topic has been done recently then forgive me and delete the thread.
This technology should only be used for medical reasons; we shouldn’t manipulate the genetic code of our children simply for our own purposes. Human diversity would disappear, and we would all have good looking smart people, and that’s no fun. Oh and playing God, and all that...
Oh and playing God, and all that...
you don't say...
I agree that the benefits would greatly outway the inconveniences like everyone looking nice. Humanity would be able to do so much more with all that extra brain power, end world starvation and things like that, benefiting everyone, not just our generation. Infact, it wouldnt benefit our generation at all.

Its a simple choice, ignore the technology/possibilty and stay shit as a species or embrace it and develop it, becoming ace at everything.

I know what I would rather have.
We are human. Should we choose otherwise?

Evolution and survival are one thing, but vanity is a poor reason to go tampering with DNA. Especially when it's not, in the end, DNA that you will have to live with for the rest of your life--e.g. not ultimately yours.
Those who could afford to modify their children would begin to have an even greater advantage than they have today with education. Think about how much you would sacrifice to improve your children’s lives. Those who decided not to have their children modified would be dooming them to a life of disease and mental and physical disadvantage. Would that eventually count as child abuse?
when you consider the biotech and cybernetic technologies of the near future won't just allow for designer babies but also designer selves, then engineered children won't really have a edge. Not only will unborn children be enhanced but also so will already living adults, of course only the rich will have access to this technology at first.
Far too expensive, a good chunk will reject it on personal belief.. those who are modified by this technology will be persecuted till kingdom come.

Remember, Edward Scissorhands was branded a freak, not a genius.
Oh please the immortal cybrogs will rules us all, hell they were rich and powerful when human soon they will be even richer and more powerful as machines!
People may reject it at first but since you will not be able to tell natural from modified people there will be more and more people born modified. The countries that can afford this technology will have an even greater dominance over nations that can’t afford to modify their genes. While this revolution will not take place over night it will happen within the space of two generations. Will your grand children be Homo sapiens or something new and different?
I don't think genetic modifications will match cybernetic ones in capabilities and improvement in physical and mental capacity, that and with gene therapy, organ farming and bionics not only can a embryo get genetic enhancement but so could a already living person. So this change could come much sooner, say we will be head deep in it by 2050.
I agree that the benefits would greatly outway the inconveniences like everyone looking nice. Humanity would be able to do so much more with all that extra brain power, end world starvation and things like that, benefiting everyone, not just our generation. Infact, it wouldnt benefit our generation at all.
We could end starvation and things now, but corporations dont want it, 3rd world countries supply cheap materials and labour, improving their conditions would stop that.
Its a simple choice, ignore the technology/possibilty and stay shit as a species or embrace it and develop it, becoming ace at everything.
We are anything but a shit species, in fact i feel one of our best features is our diversity, all humans are completely unique, you start modifying DNA and we wont be anymore, all the guys will want perfect girls and it'll happen, you'll start fancying your daughter because shes perfect, along with everyone else, its hardly a perfect solution, the world would be boring and there would no doubt be new problems.
Our genetic structure should not be messed with.
laughing weasel said:
People may reject it at first but since you will not be able to tell natural from modified people there will be more and more people born modified. The countries that can afford this technology will have an even greater dominance over nations that can’t afford to modify their genes. While this revolution will not take place over night it will happen within the space of two generations. Will your grand children be Homo sapiens or something new and different?

Considering the modified children are supposed to be different, how do you suppose that "natural" people couldn't tell the difference.

If there was no difference, then there wouldn't be any point to the technology.
I meant that there would not be any visible differences between the modified and the natural born especially at first.
Well, I'm saying when it matters, like in physical or mental tests, the differences would be kinda obvious, eh?

If you were a fast runner and some measly looking guy was beating you in the mile by 30 seconds, you wouldn't exactly leave it be.
I think that the biggest problem is that certain people will be able to afford these genetic manipulations of their children and other people won't. IT will create two distinct races if perfection and not-so-perfect people. The world will become divided.
God dam it why is no one listening to me? I won't cause to separate races because the engineering will be available adults not just embryos.
Anyone seen gatica?

can anyone who has a kid imagin that little baby being condemed to clean streets for the rest of its life just because it was an "acident" or it was made with love and not science?

can anyone imagin them never having kids of there own or loving because any potentual partner would expect a full gen map before they would concider it?

does anyone REALLY want this world to be a reality?

i hear what your saying fetus but think for a min about the way the world works NOW. How could your average joe ever aford to buy this technology when the ritch will hijack it just so that they can be superior. Now combine the 3. Designer baby inherets money so can afford implants. Therfore is smarter, gets MORE money, gets BETTER designer baby, gets BETTER implants gets MORE money ect

couple this with robots doing menial jobs (and being owned by either the very ritch or companies that the very ritch own), and a political system like the US where money matters more than the rights of people and tell me what will happen?

There will be a few bill gates and the rest of humanity would be living like rats. Hell you wouldnt even be able to get a job in the army because they would only take robotic experts

its a very bleak world you are advocating you know