Deserved to be cheated on?

me to but thats not the case for everyone, there are other issues as well like very real threats that "if you leave then you will never see your children again" ect ect which happen everyday.

as for what it has to do with cheating, i COULD see someone in that situation seeking an emotional bond with someone else (wether involving sex or not). Im not suggesting this happens in all, or even most cases but it is a concideration. Im not sure that a blanket judgement that "cheating is immoral" is fair without concidering indervidual circumstances
Sure, it is easy to find an emotional bond with an outsider when you are having problems with your partner. If you are fighting all the time and someone is very nice to you and lends you a shoulder, I can see how people can fall into a situation. The point is does anyone DESERVE to be cheated on? If your spouse turns into a real bitch does she deserve what she gets, when you cheat on her?
to question the other side, if she turns into an abusive person does she deserve half of what you earn, your house, your car, and your children?
Are you assuming that this woman doesn't work or hasn't contributed financially through out the entire marriage?

Maybe she didn't work but she stayed home and took care of their house and their children. That counts for something too.

If the husband and wife buy the house etc. and both contribute to the bills, it doesn't matter if she was a good wife or not. Things should be split up fairly between them. If she ends up getting the kids and they live with her the majority of the time, then the father should still chip in to support them. Do you disagree with that?

You are swaying though. This is about deserving to be cheated on, not what is a fair settlement in a divorce.
of course not, but i DO have a problem with a) women dilibratly going for sole custody or just moving away from the father in order to punish him or for finatial gain b) women being given preferential treatment in deciding where a child should live ESPECIALLY in cases where the female is abusive.

We can only speculate and talk generally because family court decisions are sealed but look at this thread and tell me she deserves primary or sole custody and child surport.

Thats oviously one rare case and the majority of break ups tend to be alot less vicious than we tend to hear about but i can certainly understand either partner chosing to stay in an abusive relationship sadly and still seeking comfort elsewhere
When I hear "cheated on" I always think of something done in secret behind the other person's back. If you would not do something openly in most cases it should not be done.

Even if they cheated first and you need to cheat to forgive them I think it is better to do it openly. Maybe I am wrong and things that would hurt are better done in secret if they must be done.