Depressed cat?

Using an audible click to "mark" wanted behavior. This is further reinforced with a treat. You associate the click with a treat. This way is more effective than traditional methods, since there is immediate feedback. Zoos use this method, and it can be used to train everything from goldfish to dolphins.
I know dogs feel it, but cats?
Cats are not a pack-social species by nature, as dogs are. However, people who study cats (ailurologists?) suggest that the experience of being handled, cared for and given affection by much larger creatures triggers the phenomenon known as neoteny, a reversion to the psychology of kittenhood. Kittens are highly social and are devoted to their mother. Under casual observation, domestic cats seem able to toggle between neoteny and adult behavior with ease, but when you get to know them they seem to retain some of the traits of neoteny even during their lapses into adulthood.
Actually, cats aren't fans of sugar, they are designed to eat meat.
Due apparently to an accident of evolution, felids are AFAIK the only family of mammals who do not have the taste receptors for sweetness. Only sour, bitter and salt. (All other "flavors" are actually perceived by the olfactory receptors, which is the reason food may taste bland when you have a cold.)

No wonder they're so cranky! No doughnuts, truffles, tiramisu, pie, sundaes... Excuse me, I have this sudden urge to go into the kitchen.
She only tastes it, and she's not aggressive except when defending her territory against belligerent males. And she's never around the males outside when we're inside partying.
She only tastes it, and she's not aggressive except when defending her territory against belligerent males. And she's never around the males outside when we're inside partying.

well thats one egoistical self centered female kitty than.

I only taste LSD a bit, a bit of marijuana, a bit of cocaine, a bit of bullets here and there pierced through my skin, a bit of everything and almost nothing to taste at all.
Dude...his cat is not a beligerant's just a cat who tastes you have to piss on everybody's parade?
Cats are not a pack-social species by nature, as dogs are. However, people who study cats (ailurologists?) suggest that the experience of being handled, cared for and given affection by much larger creatures triggers the phenomenon known as neoteny, a reversion to the psychology of kittenhood. Kittens are highly social and are devoted to their mother. Under casual observation, domestic cats seem able to toggle between neoteny and adult behavior with ease, but when you get to know them they seem to retain some of the traits of neoteny even during their lapses into adulthood.Due apparently to an accident of evolution, felids are AFAIK the only family of mammals who do not have the taste receptors for sweetness. ....

Thanks Fraggle!!
Umm, if cats don't like sweetness, why is one of ours addicted to grapes?
I know dogs feel it, but cats???
Of course cats will.
They're living creatures with brain and well-developed cerebrum, like almost any mammal.
They're not soulless, cold, machines. They do have emotions.
Yeah, I read a simmilar study Fraggle Rocker, but they distinctively named a category for a "meat" taste that cats apearently have.

Perhaps your cat like's the texture? Or just playing with it? Don't really know. Maybe its a mutant:bugeye:
Umm, if cats don't like sweetness, why is one of ours addicted to grapes?
Why should it be the sugar in the grape that he's attracted to? A cat's nose has about a hundred times as many olfactory receptors as a human nose. He senses "flavors" in that grape that you and I don't.

Wolves have a digestive system that is tolerant of scavenging, and dogs have spent fifteen thousand years adapting it to the more omnivorous diet that came with domestication. Cats never had it and have not gone through the adaptation process. Their digestive system is tuned for meat. Your cat's taste for grapes, and our old cat's taste for carrots, are just part of the curiosity, playfulness, and sheer inscrutability of the feline personality. It's highly unlikely that it contains some obscure nutrient that they need.
Yeah, I read a simmilar study Fraggle Rocker, but they distinctively named a category for a "meat" taste that cats apearently have.
I think that's just another way of saying that cats have an instinct that matches their carnivore's digestive system. People are fond of contrasting cats and dogs so this may also be a way of saying that dogs have a weaker taste for meat. Cats need a highly-tuned ability to find meat because they can't live without it. (At least until the advent of commercial cat food with textured soy protein.) Dogs have a lower protein requirement than wolves or cats, so they can eat grapes for the sheer caloric content.
Actually, greens are a significant part of a cat's diet. They naturally eat grass and other herbs.
Actually, greens are a significant part of a cat's diet. They naturally eat grass and other herbs.

Yeah, we try to always keep a container of pet grass growing. We only ever see the grape eating one chowing on it, but maybe the others do as well.

That paw kneading thing, is that part of neoteny?
The kids are back to school and the cats just walk the house now wailing away. Is it possible for a cat to miss people and get depressed? They sit in the front windows now, but I don't know if its from boredom or waiting for the kids to come home.

Go to the pet store and get some mice. That should cheer it up.