Depressed cat?


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
The kids are back to school and the cats just walk the house now wailing away. Is it possible for a cat to miss people and get depressed? They sit in the front windows now, but I don't know if its from boredom or waiting for the kids to come home.
One of our cats only really takes any notice of me if my g/f is away.
Yes indeed, they get bored and unhappy. Mine doesn't like it if I leave her inside all day, or ignore her.

Dragon, they do not need cats of the opposite sex. I've noticed my female cat will attack any male, even if it's a kitten, but she tolerates females.
Dragon, they do not need cats of the opposite sex. I've noticed my female cat will attack any male, even if it's a kitten, but she tolerates females.

you have a lesbian kitty than


your kitty is violently sexually advancing on male kitties
Nonsense. Cats only breed when in heat. Mostly, males are more aggressive and bold. They will try and dominate any area inhabited by females. They will kill kittens that aren't their own, and they have strong scent glands.
Nonsense. Cats only breed when in heat. Mostly, males are more aggressive and bold. They will try and dominate any area inhabited by females. They will kill kittens that aren't their own, and they have strong scent glands.

well than...why is your female kitty so aggressive than?
we have 3 cats. Its just the one that plays fetch and tag with my son. But when he gets home, she ignores him. She plays with the one cat and torments the other one when he's home, but is odd when he's not.
I was just worried that it could be a physical problem and not an insanity thing.
I think it's just an emotional thing, my cat behaves differently when I'm away at school then when I'm home for the weekend.
I guess you need to buy your cats their own little cat-sized bottle of Jack Daniels....let'em drink their troubles away, just like the rest of us. :)
She's not, she's the sweetest cat in the world, but the males annoy her. I don't blame her, male cats go around like they own the place.

yes indeed, My kitten just does what he pleases. He never learns and the whole spray bottle punishment thing that your supposed to do to teach him, just inspires him to jump at me and viciously latch onto my arm and bite me.
yes indeed, My kitten just does what he pleases. He never learns and the whole spray bottle punishment thing that your supposed to do to teach him, just inspires him to jump at me and viciously latch onto my arm and bite me.

That's not a good idea. Positive reinforcement is much better. I use clicker training.