Deoderant or not?

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Is there a natural way or at least internal way to stop our armpit from stinking


Or surgically cutting the axilla out so that you walk around with gaping wounds instead.

Walk around with your arms up in the air above your head to ensure constant airflow. Then the pits would stay dry as well as reducing any odour. Chemical free and you wouldn't have to rip your armpits out... LOL.. If people look at you funny as you walk around with your arms up, just tell them you're being a fairy or a tree or something.. LMAO

Fucking hillarious.


Seriously- I thought you people would know that its the acidity of the sweat that the chemical components in deoderants moderate.
And so, ph balanced just for women.

That is all. On with this most passionate discussion in a sceince forum about .................deoderant.
"That is all. On with this most passionate discussion in a sceince forum about .................deoderant."

so, do you feel a need to make up for your lack of passion by joining in? Or is this about as passionate a debate as you can handle?

"Before the "exotics" landed in England, the natives knew nothing of these wonderful things known as garlic, etc. Hell, some of them had yet to be educated about salt for God's sake."

Wraith, are you several hunderd years old?

Personally, I avoid using deodorant etc as much as possible. just wash properly, and avoid getting covered in muck. sweating is natural, folks.
so, do you feel a need to make up for your lack of passion by joining in? Or is this about as passionate a debate as you can handle?

Word to the wise: never, ever, ever, ever start what you damn well sure can't finish.
Eh, I just want to know (nothing particular): Do you guys/gals use 'roller' deodorant or 'sprayer' deodorant (correct me)

Originally posted by gonadotrophon

Word to the wise: never, ever, ever, ever start what you damn well sure can't finish.

for fuck's sake, give it a rest. You're begining to parody yourself.
"Before the "exotics" landed in England, the natives knew nothing of these wonderful things known as garlic, etc. Hell, some of them had yet to be educated about salt for God's sake."

Wraith, are you several hunderd years old?

Sir, you disappoint me. Yes the moghuls were in England in the 1800's, but I'm talking about mass immigration of Afro-Caribbeans, Indians/Pakistanis/Bangladeshis around the early 1950's. It was this mass immigration of the exoctics that lead to the revolution in the way Britain ate, and cooked.
Wraith, we knew lots abotu salt before you got here, it was very good to preserve food. One way of getting it form sea water involved boiling it up with blood. Another thing people dont know is how much spices and colourings etc medieval people used with their food. The diet your average spod had in victorian times was different to his ancestors, because much of the victorian paupers couldnt afford much else. Sure, we had the word curry, but not all the spices to go with it, but that was because they didnt grow here.

"Word to the wise: never, ever, ever, ever start what you damn well sure can't finish."

You asking?
what???? What are you on about????

You said:
Sorry, the way you said it i kind of assumed identity with the immigrants

to which I replied:

the mother of all fuck ups my friend.

as in: "assumption is the mother of all fuck ups"
Right, well if youd said it that way the first time round. see, merely saying "the mother of all fuckups my friend" sounds a bit sinister, since there is no "assumption" bit before it, thus making it look like it oculd be directed at me personally.
Originally posted by gonadotrophon

What you lack is *oomph*, wraithboy. Gendandruff would've been so much fucking funnier.

for fuck's sake, give it a rest. You're begining to parody yourself

I trust you're talking about some other thread where you are left hanging, yes? Last we met I could have sworn you accused me of not being what I truly believe I am.

You asking?

you dancing?

Sorry, just a parody of a way of asking for a fight from the west coast of Scotland. YOu asking? YOu dancing? or thereabouts.
i'd never finish? how about it would just get very dull.

i dont see any need. tell me why you shoudl be moderator.

What you lack is *oomph*, wraithboy.

I trust you're talking about some other thread where you are left hanging, yes? Last we met I could have sworn you accused me of not being what I truly believe I am.

1) I lack nothing.
2) You Madam lack Chutzpah.

Hanging? My dear brown queen, for some time now I have had you bent over a barrel with your panties around your feet, and my member firmly wedged up you back passage.
Now pull your undies up, and run along to the "best book" thread in A and C, we have unfinished business. There's a good girl.
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