Deoderant or not?

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I have been using deoderants/antiprespirants since I was ten years old, religiously every day after showering. I know that deorants prevents you from sweating and so where is this sweat stuff that is supposed to come out stored in? Does deoderants cause toxins build up within the bodies? Or do they just kill evil bacteria that we don't need at all, And are they linked to breast cancer in women?
Originally posted by Flores
I have been using deoderants/antiprespirants since I was ten years old, religiously every day after showering. I know that deorants prevents you from sweating and so where is this sweat stuff that is supposed to come out stored in? Does deoderants cause toxins build up within the bodies? Or do they just kill evil bacteria that we don't need at all, And are they linked to breast cancer in women?

Um, actually it's not the deodorant that prevents you from sweating. The deodorant only covers up your stinkage. Anti-perspirant is the stuff that prevents sweat from accumulating on your skin. Some deodorants come with anti-perspirant and a lot don't. I don't think they kill a lot of bacteria (with the possible exception of Old Spice) I think we still make the toxins. They're just not as noticeable. I hope that answers some of your questions.
Thank you Blue, but I hope the respectable UK cancer institute didn't rule out cancer under unyeilding stress of the powerfull cosmetic industry. I'll stick with cosmictraveler's suggestion and purchase some natural stuff that doesn't have aluminum.
Flores: you may want to skip the DO two or three days a week so as not to prevent the release of natural sexual pheremones...sweat, and armpit sweat in particular, have been proven to have effects of hightened sexual interest and sexual arousal in both sexes.
Is there a natural way or at least internal way to stop our armpit from stinking?
Originally posted by curioucity
Is there a natural way or at least internal way to stop our armpit from stinking?

Walk around with your arms up in the air above your head to ensure constant airflow. Then the pits would stay dry as well as reducing any odour. Chemical free and you wouldn't have to rip your armpits out... LOL.. If people look at you funny as you walk around with your arms up, just tell them you're being a fairy or a tree or something:D.. LMAO.. But you'd know that it was ALL natural and also chemical free! You'd be saving your armpits from toxins and providing society with amusement.. heh.. just joking of course... so please dont take offence.

They apparently have surgery that cuts the sweat glands, thereby you dont sweat and I'd assume that would reduce the smell factor. Who knows. I would prefer to take my chances with the deodorant or hands up in the air.

Flores the have these crystals that are usually sold in health food stores which when moistened act like deodorants when rubbed on the skin. I've never used them but they seem to be popular. Either that or make sure you buy a deodorant with a low aluminum count or something. As for the cancer thing, I've never heard of any links to it. Who really knows though. The way society is going at the moment, eating an apple will soon cause cancer probably. I mean everything causes cancer.. So who really knows.

That a brilliant idea loltangd hahahaha.
And about the surgery, well, I say no.
*Now, jokers, step a bit aside please*
I once read that food intake affect this as well. True?
Originally posted by curioucity
I once read that food intake affect this as well. True?

This is so true. I have first hand experience with that. My husband is Latin American and after sweating like no tomorrow and with no deoderant, he never stinks..It's really bizzarre. I have experimented with him, asked him not to use deoderant after showering, then had him mow the lawn, clean the gutters, trim my garden, go the Gym, sleep that night without showering, and still no smell to be found the next morning. I wonder if he's an alien???. Part of this have been due to the fact that he never shaved that area, so the hair there is baby real soft hair, but I think the main reason is due the fact that Latin Americans don't use garlic that much in their diet which basically relies on Corn...Middle easterns on the other hand, which are my anscestors do use garlic quite a bit and that definetly smells much worse after it has been digested and transported thru the veins. I have known middleeasterners who stink regardless of excessive showering and deoderant use, sort of like sheep. So it must have to do with the body chemistry.
I have experimented with him, asked him not to use deoderant after showering, then had him mow the lawn, clean the gutters, trim my garden, go the Gym, sleep that night without showering, and still no smell to be found the next morning. I wonder if he's

...and he fell for that "experiment" shit????

heyya all :)

the big one is diet!
the second big one is health in genral i.e have you any allergy or reaction to certain materials

you need to use a combination aproach
look at your diet
llok at the clothes you are wearing and make sure they are made of breathable fabric
stress and or nervouse response can produce chemicals also
the body needs to be able to sweat , so if you try and prevent that in certain areas then you will loose the cooling and excretion ability to cope with temperature and toxins ..
which in turn can end up making it more concentrated in other areas and thus making a worse situation and harder to cope with

and the best of all
is the actual chemicals you use...
they are most often comprised of things that almost everyone is allergic to ,,, to some extent so shop for the organic and most natural product you can afford

just remeber diet is key!
if you eat shit
you smell like shit!

its that simple!

groove on :)
A skeptic's POV

"Natural" Antiperspirants? :rolleyes:

I swear I love this shit. People are so damn gullible. Calling something "Natural" means exactly dick.

Point of fact is that all antiperspirants contain aluminum, even the "natural" ones. "Natural" antiperspirants contain Alum which is... ta da... Aluminum Sulfate. Lots of the "Natural" deodorants contain alum too. So don't be suckered by so called "natural" products they contain the same stuff they warn you about. They just rely on the ignorance of the public to market it.

Oh, BTW, the rumors about antiperspirants and breast cancer are myths anyway, or at least so says the American Cancer Society.

And here's a link regarding how antiperspirants work:

Personally, I use deodorants as I don't actually sweat all that much at the pits and antiperspirants tend to make my underarms a little puffy and sometimes sore (a side effect of they way they function by causing cells to retain water).

Again the misnomer of what is "Natural" comes to light. Most "Natural" deodorants contain Mineral Salts which is just salt, generally unpurified salt from a mine (I'm not too sure what's natural about mining salt and wiping it under your arms).

Sodium inhibits bacterial growth (this is why people used to salt meats for winter storage). Some toss in some other stuff that's smells nice or helps condition the skin like lilac and aloe.

"Unnatural" deodorants contain, guess what? Salt; with some extra stuff that smells nice and that helps condition the skin.

Of course, sometimes, deodorants can be fatal:

I see bout the diet...... But looks like I've been addicted (a bit) to onions and garlics, heh heh
*hold a board overhead with a writing: "stay away from me"*
Originally posted by curioucity
I see bout the diet...... But looks like I've been addicted (a bit) to onions and garlics, heh heh
*hold a board overhead with a writing: "stay away from me"*

Please... for the love of all that's holy... dont hold the board overhead if you're addicted to onions and garlic:p

And I do agree about the diet thing. Everything that one puts in one's body does have to come out. Sorry but for me, deodorant's are my friend. Keeps me smellin like flowers.. all purdy like:D
curioucity :D

garlic and onions are realy good for major health benefits
good for you for eating them
you may find that there is a herb or spice that can cancel out the major acids a little
if you add it to your diet during the meal if you are realy worried

or having something like a fatty acid that may help to attach to some of the acids and reduce the absorbtion rate
but ofcoarse you will loose some of the beneficial effects possibly
its all chemistry i guess so you can get more technical to the point of forgetting you were supposed to be enjoying yourself :confused:

misconception alert.

garlic = Bo


Before the "exotics" landed in England, the natives knew nothing of these wonderful things known as garlic, etc. Hell, some of them had yet to be educated about salt for God's sake.

They stank.
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