Density of matter is the Enemy


The illusion is you, let go.
Registered Senior Member
I was thinking about the slowing down of time and what the energies around that event might look like/entail and I stumbled upon what feels like an insight.

This is also a question to claify what the physics stance is, but it seems instictively that gravity may be affecting the flow of time in a way we don't yet understand. Yes I understand that it can bend time but I am also begining to suspect it it slows down the consciousness flow rate of the person observing or coming in contact with the mass/gravity.

Ok here is what feels as though it is shaping into an answer.

Density of matter = Disturbance to the conscious flow fo mind within space.

I think I need help with the question however as it's entering the arena of para/philosophical !
No, I don't think you are there yet. Keep thinking :). Remembering that we are in the pseudoscience section I hope I can give you my view without upsetting the mainstream thinkers (if there are any in here ;)).

As far as we know there is no conscious flow of mind within space as such. Maybe it would be correct to say there is conscious flow of mind through you neural network of our brains though.

Right now and until some new proofs of mind transmission through space we are limited by the physical nature of the brain. The goings on in the brain are the exercise of the neural networks by our conscious and our subconscious.

Conscious thought is much like physical activity except the brain circuitry is used as well a muscle to think. Many circuits are active for every given thought because information is stored in many different places. The brain is able to link to those places during the thought process.

Impressions are made on the brain cells as we think and so any given thought using many different stored memories will leave an impression on many different cells, i.e. short term memory.

Later at its leisure the brain will store the new thoughts in an orderly fashion for future thought activity.

The impressions on the brain cells are high energy density imprints relative to the surrounding cell density so that they can be readily identified by the brain as needed.
I was thinking about the slowing down of time and what the energies around that event might look like/entail and I stumbled upon what feels like an insight.

This is also a question to claify what the physics stance is, but it seems instictively that gravity may be affecting the flow of time in a way we don't yet understand. Yes I understand that it can bend time but I am also begining to suspect it it slows down the consciousness flow rate of the person observing or coming in contact with the mass/gravity.

Ok here is what feels as though it is shaping into an answer.

Density of matter = Disturbance to the conscious flow fo mind within space.

I think I need help with the question however as it's entering the arena of para/philosophical !

It's been long-established that gravity and acceleration are indistinguishable and that gravity is a property of mass.

It's also been affirmed that gravity/mass warps space and that sufficient gravity/acceleration will slow time.

HOWEVER - no human mind has ever encountered sufficiently strong gravity/acceleration to have any such effect.

In short, your whole idea has nowhere to go. It's a dead-end issue.
As far as we know there is no conscious flow of mind within space as such. Maybe it would be correct to say there is conscious flow of mind through you neural network of our brains though.

Right now and until some new proofs of mind transmission through space we are limited by the physical nature of the brain. The goings on in the brain are the exercise of the neural networks by our conscious and our subconscious.

Yeah I think I was trying to grasp at the big picture physics regarding the big bang an event which I suspect consciousness already existed. My post applies more to the mind outside of the body ina free state you might say. I liken this flow/state to that of light. My concern is that gravity is affecting the universal consciousness in a way we don't fully understand yet. What I haven't said is that my experience of astral travels after an OOB or lucid dream experience are that the denser the dream matter the harder and more hostile the environment oddly enough. Also after some deep meditation I couldn;t understant what keeps the mind and spirit so strongly wedged in the body.(compared to the freedom of OOB's).

I really what I'm saying is a bit unclear but that is because I'm trying to tie the paranormal in with the the physics in with the spiritual. That and I was a lttile stoned when I wrote the OP. :m:
I've be told how :m: can stimulate such thinking if stories I heard during my college days were true :itold:.

When can I pay you a visit and discuss this issue further (just kidding). But I am a self proclaimed expert on energy density :yawn:.
HOWEVER - no human mind has ever encountered sufficiently strong gravity/acceleration to have any such effect.

Nor will it ever be able to notice, should the opportunity to observe arise, as human consciousness is a bunch of chemical reactions whose speed is governed by local physical contants. If time ran at half the speed, the person in that time frame wouldn't be able to tell, everything being relative and all.

That said, I don't know what crack pottery Pharoahmoan was attempting.
OK perhaps my idea was flawed, but phlogistician I certainly don't accept that human consciousness is just a bunch of chemical reactions. How do you explain the fact that the mind opperates just fine during OOB experiences and people inc myself who claim to have memories of past lifetimes?
OK perhaps my idea was flawed, but phlogistician I certainly don't accept that human consciousness is just a bunch of chemical reactions. How do you explain the fact that the mind opperates just fine during OOB experiences and people inc myself who claim to have memories of past lifetimes?

OOB's are still not Scientifically proven. Imagine if you will if you were truly dis attached from your body, all neurological functions would cease to exist making you clinically dead. Quite simply if someone was just to wear some simple EKG monitoring equipment while trying to suggest an OOB state it could be proven they just have a vivid imagination.
OK perhaps my idea was flawed, but phlogistician I certainly don't accept that human consciousness is just a bunch of chemical reactions. How do you explain the fact that the mind opperates just fine during OOB experiences and people inc myself who claim to have memories of past lifetimes?

OOB experiences are dreams. And people like you who think they have memories of past lives are kidding themselves. Get therapy.
OK phlogistician with my open mind I will hold you to that view. BUT IF I'M RIGHT ABOUT OOB'S I'LL BE WHIPPING YOUR BEHIND AFTER YOU EXPIRE.
Oh, boy - you've asked for it now!!!Get ready for some mind-bending psyco-babble..

lol....:roflmao:Thank any celestial being you like you don't have to live with him its psycho-babble city 24/7, sci-forums is the only way we can back track on arguments about the life,universe and everything.......:p
I accept consciousness to be the spark of life that gives rise to the 'I' in me. I do not believe that it is locked within the physical body however. For example in my case I don't ever recal not existing in other words my thought voice has always been around.
Asside from astral travel i do accept that my physcial body locks in my consciousness and is influenced by chemical changes and reactions in the brain. This is only temporal however and is part of the lesson of life. The reason I say density is the enemy is because it does not allow mind and matter to work as one. Matter as we know it vibrates at a comparatively low frequency compared to say the astral worlds.
. For example in my case I don't ever recal not existing in other words my thought voice has always been around.
Or in other words if you had no existence there would be no 'thought voice'
and you would not know about it as there would no 'you', and it has only been around since you have been around which would be your existence....:scratchin: I'm looking at obvious flaw in this but i'm having trouble translating it into the right words

The reason I say density is the enemy is because it does not allow mind and matter to work as one..
Well I would disagree here also as when i'm at work, I work fluidly with my knife and my body has adapted to it......8-12 hours a day for 14 years has meant it has become part of who I am, and without me the knife is useless,without the knife I am useless we only have potential.Together we create....
I was thinking about the slowing down of time and what the energies around that event might look like/entail and I stumbled upon what feels like an insight.

This is also a question to claify what the physics stance is, but it seems instictively that gravity may be affecting the flow of time in a way we don't yet understand. Yes I understand that it can bend time but I am also begining to suspect it it slows down the consciousness flow rate of the person observing or coming in contact with the mass/gravity.

Ok here is what feels as though it is shaping into an answer.

Density of matter = Disturbance to the conscious flow fo mind within space.

I think I need help with the question however as it's entering the arena of para/philosophical !

Gravity causes time to slow down. We are on earth and time moves slower for us as compared to being in orbit. Your brain results in the epiphenomenon of consciousness and is therefore processing slightly slower than it would while orbiting the earth.