Denial of God


This is why the idea of a "deity", an intelligent entity with significant influence over the physical world, is not a crazy idea at all.

It is supported by both logic and observation; logically speaking, everything is either intelligent or not intelligent (i.e, possessing "will" or not)

Therefore, the universe either began because of intelligent action (without specifying the nature of this intelligent force) or without it.

In terms of observation, we can observe that intelligence

1) exists
2) posesses influence over the physical world

Speaking of "God" in this way, in my opinion, renders the idea not just "possible", but even worthy of serious consideration.

The problem is religion goes beyond this simple speculation and instead not only asserts the speculation as truth, but also adds details seemingly from nowhere

Aren't they just elaborating on your understanding?
Doesn't intelligence involve communication?

He started to tell me where to go but at first I had to double check in my own mind where I was, I was putting my hands out to check but then I realized I can't live life this way so I put my FAITH in my friend and he led me through the trouble.

Just like I put FAITH in God to lead me through the trouble because I can be blind and now I hear God as he guides me through life.

Nice try, but your friend was actually there and was actually telling where to go.

Put on the blindfold and run around in a room of stuff. God will not tell you anything. God isn't actually there.

Faith in your actual friend is well placed.

Faith in your imaginary friend is misplaced.
Think of universe as a complex system. Would a system that contains a complex entity such as us be lower in complexity than us? Can any system be made out of a subsystem that are more complex than it is? I say because no such subsystem can exist, universe is bound to be more of complexity that we are. And that means universe as a system will share all of the characteristics of the sub-systems in it...including consciousness...including intelligence. The universe is not just conscious of itself, it is consciousness combined a computer with more free will than any human ever will have, an intelligence unparalleled to comprehension.

There is only one rational solution, Universe itself is God, and we are its matrix.
Think of universe as a complex system. Would a system that contains a complex entity such as us be lower in complexity than us?

We are the complexity of the universe which is as complex as us. That doesn't mean that rocks are also as complex as us.

The system as a whole includes rocks and us. Its complexity is non uniform.

There is only one rational solution, Universe itself is God

The universe is the universe. There is no need to drag fantasies of god into it. Its fantastic enough as it is.
Think of universe as a complex system. .........

There is only one rational solution, Universe itself is God, ........

'bout time!

so is, existence defining itself?

since you see existence as a 'process' then we cannot capture the total of it at once to define, but we can represent the 'process'.......

now think on another item:

"if existence only operates ONE way; then the math is the 'name' to know!"

which combines the sciences and religions just to comprehend that statement