Denial of Evolution VI.

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May I reiterate? Constituted, not equivocated!

Made, not remade!

Consummated, not constipated! Con-stipulated

The point is If you believe heavier elements were "made" as opposed to "unleashed" you might as well start believing in God. The potentials already existed. The materials already stipulated, simulated, and un-obfuscated. Not obtained in time but unlocked simultaneously within the realms of all possibilities and assumptions we can make.

I'll ask if you are not ready to ask the questions your attempts will only fail to comprehend my logic. I have to be approached with curiosity and respect in order to have any effect!

And I do not know what questions can be asked or how I will respond. Contingency is still key but thinking further ahead does no harm whatsoever.
something just keeps hanging in my craw about all of this:
life and the universe, both will defy adequate description.
We will continue to get better and better descriptions of both. We will never completely understand either.
could we really be dealing with quantuum physics and the transdimensional?
The point is If you believe heavier elements were "made" as opposed to "unleashed" you might as well start believing in God.
Or believe in stellar nucleosynthesis. One is science, one isn't.
The potentials already existed. The materials already stipulated, simulated, and un-obfuscated. Not obtained in time but unlocked simultaneously within the realms of all possibilities and assumptions we can make.
Or just made via comprehensible physical processes, rather than supernatural intervention.
leopold said:
the age of the earth is not directly known.
it is measured indirectly and has a number of assumptions associated with it.
those assumptions are open to interpretation.
The interpretations must agree with the evidence, however. That is a rigorous requirement - there aren't very many interpretations or sets of assumptions that can manage that. The ones that can put the age of the planet as greater than three billion years.

The notion that the earth might be 10,000 years old, like the notion that it might be 1000 years old or 100 years old, does not match what we see.
google is quite capable of finding before I post odd notions from my beliefs as opposed to my hidden truths you will not see incumbent of my processes.
They are gravel-size, not saucer, plate or platter-sized. Their shapes are split into splash-type droplets, aerodynamic-shaped buttons and blocky layered types -- none of which remind me of the shape of any dinner plate. I think you have over-relied on two-D images of aerodynamic-shaped buttons along their axis of symmetry.
There are two things wrong with that assumption. There are three things wrong with that assumption.
Two things are wrong. One you consider god a person. Two you deny the more valid assertion of liquidity.
What people say doesn't have any bearing on what was and only rarely on what will be. What? What? That is not true and that does not follow. Since that sentence is vague enough to describe all physical phenomena, I am force to concur and point out that your expression is nearly vacuous. Anecdotes are stories -- we want comprehensive, detailed, precise, useful and predictive descriptions of phenomena here.
What? I made an assumption capable of defining most observable phenomena and you saw it as such? You should feel special.

And not all materials are the same age. In fact given the great age of the Earth, short-lived isotopes which are not decay products from longer-lived isotopes should have low abundances.
The energy which formulates all these differentials amongst these materials "originates" where? From My anus? You talk of isotopes and elements like the instant the BB occurred all was created then double back onto the when the material changed as if that reduces the original assumption? Madness I say.
The energy which formulates all these differentials amongst these materials "originates" where? From My anus? You talk of isotopes and elements like the instant the BB occurred all was created then double back onto the when the material changed as if that reduces the original assumption? Madness I say.

You're essentially just arguing that everything (including the heavier elements) is made from the same basic stuff that has always been around. Wow, great insight there. But you made the mistake of talking about "material" in the context of a discussion about the evidence that points to an old earth, where we're dealing the the age of certain configurations of that essential matter. So you fucked up, and now all you're doing is defending a position that has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion.

My guess is that you're a sockpuppet looking for opportunities to be a smart arse. This one wasn't quite right, but you went for it anyway.
Moderator note
enlighteneDone has been permabanned as a sockpuppet of a previously banned user
Configurations? Is that a mathematical term or a physical one?

If we go back to what has been said before it appears the most simple belief we could later formulate into fact would be the configurations of matter create new and interesting configurations of matter. From the BB low energy elements compared to the high energy ones "quantified" by "astronomical events". Which if we were to look at the universe objectively we could see the static formation of waves on a pond and reflections contingent configurations in higher orders than the base pairs we are now coming to understand. Possibly saying the universe is holistically based by dimensions in the amount of matter we can pair and still formulate into a smaller area as opposed to a larger vacuous expression of ourselves.

The hard part is obviously realizing which configurations create what, which is something I believe Somebody might be working on currently...

Thank you and good knight.
When we fuse hydrogen to make higher atoms, energy if given off. Since hydrogen is the smallest atom, this implies that the hydrogen proton, which forms hydrogen bonding in life, has the most mass/energy density of any atom, since to form any other atom hydrogen has to release energy via mass burn. Life chose the highest energy density atom for template relationships.

The first and third most common atoms in the universe are hydrogen then oxygen. Helium is number two. While the most common molecules in the universe are H2 and H2O, with H2 and H2O defining the energy bandwidth of life, with life rarely reducing all the way to hydrogen gas (maybe a few bacteria species can).

Oxygen is the third most common element behind hydrogen and helium. Carbon is number four. Carbon is the physical matrix of life. Carbon has one of the highest melting points of all the atoms and is there known for stability. Life use carbon to make its polymers. The energy bandwidth that gives life its animation and activity is based on the oxidation and reduction of materials centered on oxygen and hydrogen. The early design of the universe had what was needed for life, even from the fusion within small stars.
leopold said:
the age of the earth is not directly known.
All of history is the same in that regard. This just happens to be one of the richest sets of artifacts - plus, we happen to live in an era rich in measurement technology.

it is measured indirectly and has a number of assumptions associated with it.
I wouldn't say that. It's effectively the same as any other valid litmus test.

those assumptions are open to interpretation.
Certainly not open to inferring that the Earth can be younger than 4 billion years old!

The point is you were wrong in your statement that decay rates are immutable.
Yes, decay rates are highly stable, well within the range for measuring the age of the Earth. There is no error in saying that.

Stanley said:
Given the extreme circumstance do you not see a possibility of some event\events changing the way something measured to be billions of years old can literally change within a matter of seconds? Bombardment by solar flares perhaps.
There are few truths as unshakable as the radioactive evidence in minerals. Too may different materials, too many different isotopes, too many different decay rates, too many different proportions of each, too many consistent isochrons . . . in short, the data is too complex and too tightly correlated to infer that it might all be subject to invalidation by any physical anomaly.

this might not be true. different rates of evolution implies a structure related process, not an environmental one.
As we've discussed, there is no process that operates outside of natural selection. And that implicates the environment--although we should be referring to the 'niche'.

maybe only ONE "defect" need arise that just happens to be the catalyst for the change.
Any mutation is a change, but yes, mutation can be a catalyst - merely by its incorporation into the gene flow of a population. But no single mutation will get you from, say, fish to mammals. There has to be all of the history in between, both genetic and 'environmental'.

or, one "defect" that causes a misfolded protein which happens to be the catalyst.
The real catalyst was the evolution of protein synthesis in the first place. It's a process that loads genetic programming, so it's sensitive to mutation in a specific way - it will actually replicate whatever happened to land in the gene as the result of random mutation. It's a crap shoot, and, pays off is any advantage over a niche - the organism will tend to fill the niche and fail outside of it. That brings us back to the 'environment' (evolution of the niche) and natural selection, essential to the overall process.

no, different rates of evo is most certainly structurally related.
Better would be to say that rates of speciation can be attributed to many different chance phenomena - from large impact meteors, vulcanism and plate tectonics to climate change to countless factors leading to extinctions - and that there is no reason to assume that rates of speciation - especially applying such a broad brush of generalization - should fit any prescribed patterns.

structurally as in molecular structure.
As in DNA, you mean--the mother of all such molecules.

something just keeps hanging in my craw about all of this:
life and the universe, both will defy adequate description.
More than adequate for anyone except a researcher. At least we don't have to rely on superstition any more.

but will they forever?
The trend says we are converging, never exactly arriving at perfect knowledge.

i believe they have some complete DNA sequences from plants/ animals.
Of course!

doesn't it seem just a matter of time? the same was said after miller-urey too.
...before...? ...synthetic organisms?

could we really be dealing with quantuum physics and the transdimensional?
hmmm... a mystical cause for speciation? Sounds very unlikely, given the abundance of evidence for natural causes.
...before...? ...synthetic organisms?
no, AFTER miller-urey.
science was confident that within 10 years of miller-urey they would solve the riddle of life.
that was 1953.
1963 came and went 50 years ago and we are hardly any closer.
Science was confident that within 10 years of miller-urey they would solve the riddle of life.
"Science" was not confident they would solve the riddle of life real soon. Lots of journalists thought that.
1963 came and went 50 years ago and we are hardly any closer.

Let's see. Since Miller-Urey we have:

-discovered archaea, a whole new kingdom of life
-created a synthetic RNA molecule which can self-replicate forever
-discovered the Hayflick Limit (why cells stop reproducing)
-invented the polymerase chain reaction
-created the first cloned mammal
-sequenced the entire human genome
-created an entirely synthetic nucleus for a microorganism
-inserted genes from a species into an entirely different species - and had the old genes work
-discovered that we interbred with neanderthals

I'd say we're quite a bit closer.
no, AFTER miller-urey.
science was confident that within 10 years of miller-urey they would solve the riddle of life.
that was 1953.

The people that said that were wrong.

1963 came and went 50 years ago and we are hardly any closer.

Actually, we are way, way closer. I am not sure if that is a particularly good thing though.
Can't be done for even if a method is proven to work there won't be any proof it happened that way. It will be debated forever.

Journalists DIDN'T think that?

Journalists have a long history of exaggerating scientific accomplishments and predictions. I recall the 1970's studies on global cooling caused by high altitude particulates. Newsweek then wrote a story predicting the end of the world - glaciers, famines, ice ages etc. It took them 30 years to publish a retraction.

actually it was the journalists that said we created life when they heard of the miller-urey result but science knew better.

That also sounds like journalists.
science was confident that within 10 years of miller-urey they would solve the riddle of life.
that was 1953.
What is it with you and these statements?

You have this knack for cherrypicking soundbites from people thirty or more years ago that are phrased in an overly optimistic way and then suggesting that they indicate that there is something wrong whether it's an erroneous theory or a conspiracy.
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