Denial of evolution III

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There maybe no known mechanism that would prevent micro-evolution to result into macro-evolution but such changes in larger organisms are entirely unsupported by fossil evidences, because there should be far more fossils that mark a large organism's every step of transition in it's evolution to a very different organism.

Well, is it entirely unsupported, or mostly unsupported?
Well, is it entirely unsupported, or mostly unsupported?

By far more fossils I mean the fossils are just showing that many organisms existed but not marking the gradual path of transition of the organisms.
Well, there are a great many evolutionary paths. We have transitions for the gross patterns, and quite detailed transitions from fish-amphibian, as a first example. Perhaps we could discuss that tomorrow. Late.
I think there is still no convincing evidence for the occurrence of dramatic macro-evolution in larger organisms over long periods of time. . . . . because there should be far more fossils that mark this gradual process of a large organism's every step of transition in it's evolution to a very different organism.
You need to learn more about paleontology. Then you will realize that it's a miracle (if you'll pardon the supernaturalist jargon ;)) that we have any fossils at all.

Do you have any idea what conditions must be maintained for hundreds of thousands of years for organic tissue to be preserved intact, as its molecules are slowly replaced by more durable mineral material? It has to be protected from:
  • Being eaten by animals large and small
  • Decay caused by bacteria and other tiny non-animal lifeforms
  • Being squashed by walking animals and falling trees
  • Being worn down by water erosion
  • Being ground down by soil, sand, gravel, etc.
The fossils that we have are the "lucky" ones that escaped all of these fates. And many of them were fragmented by the forces I listed and are not even the entire plant or animal.

Be grateful that we have any fossils!
Quite so.

Big Chill: you also have to realize that we've been examining the fossil record, produced over hundreds of millions of years, for only the past 200 years. Really intensive investigation has only occurred in the past 100 years. You expect a great deal from a science in its infancy.
chiller said:
There maybe no known mechanism that would prevent micro-evolution to result into macro-evolution but such changes in larger organisms are entirely unsupported by fossil evidences, because there should be far more fossils that mark this gradual process of a large organism's every step of transition in it's evolution to a very different organism.
How many more? Shoot us a number you would find persuasive, contrast it with the current number.
By far more fossils I mean the fossils are just showing that many organisms existed but not marking the gradual path of transition of the organisms.
In post 499 there is an example where EVERY intermediate in evolutionary steps between two separate (cannot make fertile eggs) species is available - I.e. They all still live as they are separated in space, around the Arctic circle, instead of time.
There maybe no known mechanism that would prevent micro-evolution to result into macro-evolution but such changes in larger organisms are entirely unsupported by fossil evidences, because there should be far more fossils that mark this gradual process of a large organism's every step of transition in it's evolution to a very different organism.

a fundie contradicting himself in the space of a single paragraph - is this a new record

I like this thread.
There really is no argument anymore against evolution.

Is this here just so you guys can bash on the ignorant?
So one-sided. xD
The new vertebrate is still a vertebrate.

Take a very broad definition and nothing will change.

LOL... Two thousand plus years of recorded history with zero proof of evolution. YES, that is ZERO PROOF. Do you believe in things with NO PROOF? Maybe it happened, maybe it was aliens.
LOL... Two thousand plus years of recorded history with zero proof of evolution. YES, that is ZERO PROOF.
Wow, all this time as a member of this forum and you haven't ever bothered reading posts or checking links where proof has been given.

Do you believe in things with NO PROOF?
Do you believe wilful ignorance is a viable lifestyle?

Maybe it happened, maybe it was aliens.
And maybe you'll get an education at some point. But aliens are more likely.
Alien seeding is just as possible because there is just as much proof.
Utter crap.
We have no evidence whatsoever of aliens, but we do have evidence of evolution. Evolution is a fact.

I see you're sticking with wilful ignorance. Way to go. :rolleyes:

The theory of evolution suffers from serious gaps.
For example, based on random that contrary to determinism.
Also solve any more difficult problem by " a long time anything is possible."
I know that the probability 0 to infinity is 1, but here we have a period of time.
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