demonic manifestations?

Originally posted by New Life
BUT, that being said, you are not helping your cause by calling us names and being rude about your arguments. If you can debate calmly and reasonably then please do so, but if not then dont come to this area. Also, you are being just as closed minded and stubborn than any christian on here, and much more dogmatic then most of us! You cannot know 100% that you are right and i am wrong, just as I cannot know either. We can each believe that we are right, but we cant know for sure, so stop saying that you do!

I know that I can be nicer, but the world is not a nice place. I am angry at people who are willingly ignorant, and I don't give a flying fuck if my unsettled dispostition at all shows.

If I am close-minded, at least I am close-minded on my own opinions and not somebody elses lies.

It is all opinion really, I just REALLY know that I am right. It is just so extremely obvious us to me because I am so vastly superior to people like edgar. Thank you New Life for you intelligent comments and opinion.
A question for you though:
What are the "basic ideas" behind Christianity that you believe in? Do you actually think about the existence of a supernatural god and still believe?
I would like to hear your ideas,

Re: My problem with Christianity...

Originally posted by Zero Mass

Davewhite04... IF you haven't noticed, crapface, there are a great deal of atheists on this board. I post because:
1. I have a right to. It is my opinion.
2. I am right, you are wrong.
3. People deserve to have their eyes opened up to the lies they live with. I am a person of above average intelligence, and am readily accessible for the job (although I might not use my computer over the summer, could be my last post for a while)

I mock people (especially edgar) because their and your beliefs are wrong. Your life is governed by lies and I want to help you accept the truth of reality so you can clear your minds of all the brainwashing you have received in your life. I really only try to verbally assault people who come to this forum without critically thinking about the things that they believe in, people like that kid edgar who are brainwashed and are belligerent to and ignorant of the world around them.

I know there are a lot of atheists posting, and I think they generally add a lot to many given topics. In fact this religious forum would be pretty boring without them! Maybe I worded my response incorrectly, I didn't mean that all atheists should leave, I just don't have time for people that just mock other people and don't bring anything constructive to a thread(I'm guilty of this right now!).

1. Correct
2. Right about what exactly?
3. So your job is to teach the christians/muslims etc. that they're all wrong and blind to the truth, using mocking tactics!

Who are you to say that someones beliefs are right or wrong? The only thing you've said is that the Bible is a load of rubbish! Some people actually think it's an inspired read.

BTW you assumed that I was a christian when in fact I'm not affiliated with any religion, I just enjoy studying religion and reading peoples opinions about it.
Originally posted by crazydanny
Alright, ppl...what are the chances of these "extra-terrestrial" visitors actually being demons? Has anyone ever read Childhood's End by Clarke? What is the first thing the visitors did?
They "proved" that christianity was false...which is something the devil has been trying to do since Jesus was first nailed to the cross.

I have not read Childhood's End unfortunately but I have recently finished a book called Angels (and Demons) by Peter Kreeft. Peter believes that the real extra-terrestrials are in fact angels.

Most religions believe in angels and demons(fallen angels).

Your point about the first thing the visitors did suggests that there may be some demonic intervention, if you believe in angels and in this example christianity then maybe the visitors were indeed demons.
to zero mass

I've been away for some time, and just took a look at your posts...if someone told you not being good would get you sent to hell, they either lied to you, or you missed the point, altogether...
no human can be good. If you are bad even one time, you might as well have never been good at all. The only thing that gets you sent to Hell is rejecting Jesus Christ, who is the living embodiment of the unconditional pardon of God for all the bad things we've done in life. And you can say the world is flat all you want to, that doesn't change the fact that it's round. God doesn't need you to believe in him, and your unbelief is not going to save you from judgement. You remind me of the Gay Community : "God says what I'm doing is immoral & wrong, so I choose not to believe in God..."
I can choose to believe that the bullet in the .38 special that I'm putting to my head is not real, but when I pull the trigger, that imaginary bullet is going to exit out the other side of my cranium, and I WILL BE DEAD...take the gun away from your head, zero mass...the bullets in it are real
Well CrazyDanny, wasn't it jesus who said you could drink deadly poison without harm, heal the sick with your hands and pick up snakes if you believed in him. As such im pretty sure you could put a .38 to your head, shoot yourself and survive. Wouldn't that depend on whether your faith was strong enough?
new guy walkin in watch out!

so i was wandering around on this site and sasw this section and it reminded me of a theory i had a long time ago. first of i should say that i belive almost everything in the bible to be true and regardless of what other people say im going to talk like it is. doesnt mean i follow it though... anyways that out of the way i had this idea of demonic manifestations in many religions. it went something like this.

many people have probably read the scripture that goes something like "and the devil keeps on changing himself into an angel of light" well i figured that at the time when all the angels followed satan out of heaven and at the time when some angels left heaven to go have sex whith women. what happened to all those angels? do you think maybe they wer'nt all as loyal to satan as they were to god? i think that many of them may have gone to go do thier own things. i think that mabye these rebel demon may have gone off and started mesing with people and making them see and belive things. this is what i think the cause for many seemingly off-the-wall religions like shintoism, animisim and mormans. :D .

so anyways thats my idea...
interesting concept

ok, so let me see if i understand this:

Satan rebels in heaven, takes a third of the angels with him

these guys aren't loyal to God, and their Loyalty to the devil is even less, so they decide to do their own thing.

being of the same mind as satan, they think THEY are also gods, and consequently go around trying to obtain worshippers, and starting their own religions

Has anyone officially explored this theory, before? It sounds like it has some merit!

Come on, ppl, are there any books out there that explore the possibility that the old greek and roman gods, allah, etc., were simply demons trying to usurp YHWH's role as creator and Lord?