demonic manifestations?


Registered Senior Member
Alright, ppl...what are the chances of these "extra-terrestrial" visitors actually being demons? Has anyone ever read Childhood's End by Clarke? What is the first thing the visitors did?
They "proved" that christianity was false...which is something the devil has been trying to do since Jesus was first nailed to the cross.
alright Ppl... What are the chances that aliens have probably not come to earth in the first place? We have no physical proof in the first place
And the devil is sitting in hell on his computer. "I have not! Ill get to that in a minute. Im almost done with this game." The devil moves a knight on a chessboard. God moves a pawn and says "checkmate".
How's he not in hell? If you think about it, with the recent war, we never know if the anti-christ is walking right this moment? Waiting for a good time. We will never know.
well in the bible it mentions that satan goes around tempting us.....he isnt like god; he cant see everythig
Stop it.

If Satan tried to prove christianity incorrect, he would thus prove himself incorrect. A paradox. Satan and hell are christian beliefs... such that, "Only christians believe in hell enough to go there".


I guess the reason it went to the psudoscience junkheap instead of the religion junkheap because it was talking about BGMs.

Query: Why would Lucifer wish to be believed in anyway? He could go about his stamp collecting much easier if nobody believed in him.
he isnt like god; he cant see everythig

god can see everything? hmmm just as one example look at Genesis when god says "Where are you?"

He's like us- arms, legs, eyes. ears etc. He can do various magical tricks by utilizing the powers of his ufo, (which is powered by blood), but is a physical being with all the frailties man has.
Originally posted by Clockwood
I guess the reason it went to the psudoscience junkheap instead of the religion junkheap because it was talking about BGMs.

Query: Why would Lucifer wish to be believed in anyway? He could go about his stamp collecting much easier if nobody believed in him.

ah, but that DOES seem to be whats happening. Christians especially are ignoring evil and just concentrating on the good side of things. We also need to look at the bad thats going on in the world and trying to fight it. Satan wants us to forget he's there so he can get more work done, and we're letting him!

I know the battle's already won, but we should at least make it a crushing victory and trample evil back into hell where it belongs (sorry, watching hockey and rugby today)
Originally posted by New Life
ah, but that DOES seem to be whats happening. Christians especially are ignoring evil and just concentrating on the good side of things. We also need to look at the bad thats going on in the world and trying to fight it. Satan wants us to forget he's there so he can get more work done, and we're letting him!

The Devil is the biggest fairy tale of them all; there is no head of evil running things behind the scenes. This is just religious propaganda/dogma used to scare idiots and children (and in your case, both those two groups) into behaving well.

Satan wants us to forget he's there? You sound like a moron, listen to yourself! There is no such thing.
Let me get back to my ranting though that I seem to smear over each and every reply "Where is your PROOF?"
Heck, do you have any valid evidence that there is a devil or god in this world? It is futile to talk about these things, as they are myths and lies that have NO use in our modern world.

Originally posted by New Life
I know the battle's already won, but we should at least make it a crushing victory and trample evil back into hell where it belongs (sorry, watching hockey and rugby today)

Oh my, you are getting to stupid to respond to I'm afraid. How is there a battle against evil? You are speaking like a child instead of an adult, how old are you, like ten? Do your parents know you're using the computer? Go back to watching sports; it is where people of diminished capacity like you deserve to devout their microscopic intellect.

satan wants people to turn away from god and worship him....because he wants to become more powerfull than god.
Originally posted by edgar
satan wants people to turn away from god and worship him....because he wants to become more powerfull than god.

god created satan though, and god is supposed to be all powerful, right? Then why the heck doesn't god just destroy Satan???

Oh I know! He doesn't do that because god and satan are juvenile fairy tales. That story has so many stupid plot holes that it isn't even worth critiquing seriously. The bible is such a piece of crap, it really isn't worth discussing as if it is a real book, and all it is myth and superstition.

wow, sounds like you're in a bad mood today Zero Mass!

what have you got against christianity??? did someone claiming to be a christian do something to you as a child??? what is your problem??
Originally posted by Zero Mass
god created satan though, and god is supposed to be all powerful, right? Then why the heck doesn't god just destroy Satan???

Oh I know! He doesn't do that because god and satan are juvenile fairy tales. That story has so many stupid plot holes that it isn't even worth critiquing seriously. The bible is such a piece of crap, it really isn't worth discussing as if it is a real book, and all it is myth and superstition.



Why do you bother scanning the religious section of the sciforms?
You've obviously decided to be non-religious but instead of avoiding religious forums you've decided to join them and insult innocent kids and talk utter crap(mainly verbally assaulting), what do you get from it? Chill out and read the Free Thoughts section...
My problem with Christianity...

Beliefs are not fun and games, even though the bible is fictitious, people believe in it, they put their faith in it, they teach their children about it, making generations believe in lies.

New Life, a Christian did do something horrible to me when I was a child. The church told me that if I didn't behave, I would be sent to the pits of hell to suffer for all eternity. This is the most disgusting lie a person could ever tell a child, and it goes on every single day, this is the worst atrocity that I can think the church continually condones. It is inhuman to force your beliefs, using fucking scare tactics, on children. I wish that you could lock up parents for abuse on these grounds, because it is abusive to tell a child that they are going to burn in hell if they don't take their elbows off the table and obey their parents other stupid fucking laws.

That is my main beef with Xians, not Xianity, the religion doesn't tell parents to be fucking idiots. The bible does say that it is ok to have slaves and murder people though, so I don't put too much faith in that piece of trash collection of mythology anyway...

The bible is crap, it is a large collection of myth, legend, superstition, and bad story-telling. I am a writer, and my main grievance with the book itself is how poorly written it is, sign that it is NOT the word of god.
The book was also just a tool used to explain what was unknown in the world (lightning, volcanic eruptions, the sun) but now we have science to do those things, god is not needed.
Humans are smart enough to make their own moral codes, we don't need to be scared into obeying the law either, its all just common sense.

Xians are some of the worst people on the entire planet, there are some that are the best people, but they are certainly some of the worst. Pat Robertson and Rev. Falwell, their names spring to mind...

Davewhite04... IF you haven't noticed, crapface, there are a great deal of atheists on this board. I post because:
1. I have a right to. It is my opinion.
2. I am right, you are wrong.
3. People deserve to have their eyes opened up to the lies they live with. I am a person of above average intelligence, and am readily accessible for the job (although I might not use my computer over the summer, could be my last post for a while)

I mock people (especially edgar) because their and your beliefs are wrong. Your life is governed by lies and I want to help you accept the truth of reality so you can clear your minds of all the brainwashing you have received in your life. I really only try to verbally assault people who come to this forum without critically thinking about the things that they believe in, people like that kid edgar who are brainwashed and are belligerent to and ignorant of the world around them.

I agree with you that christians can be some of the worst people in the world...and I also agree that you should never EVER believe in something that you havent thought critically about. People who believe in things blindly ARE idiots. I've thought about my beliefs, I question them all the time, especially when i'm talking to people on here, and somethings about christianity I dont believe, but i do believe the basic ideas behind it.

I'm sorry that you've been so hurt by christians, and i doubt very much that anyone is going to hell for putting their elbows on the table.

BUT, that being said, you are not helping your cause by calling us names and being rude about your arguments. If you can debate calmly and reasonably then please do so, but if not then dont come to this area. Also, you are being just as closed minded and stubborn than any christian on here, and much more dogmatic then most of us! You cannot know 100% that you are right and i am wrong, just as I cannot know either. We can each believe that we are right, but we cant know for sure, so stop saying that you do!