Deliver Us From Evil

ar'nt they one and them same, unless your on another planet to the rest of us.
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If you create a priest class that is not allowed to have wives then you will attract men who do not want wives. You set yourself up for trouble.

Then when trouble comes they do their best to cover up the trouble, Because revelation undermines the standing of the organization in public opinion.

It is clear that child abusers strive to get into positions of control over children. Any organization will do. The Scouts, the Church, little Athletics, Cadets, pre-schools, the options are many and varied.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
wsionynw said:
My view is that it's clear why a paedophile would choose a career in the church, but not why the church would then protect him and cover up his crimes.

Well, isn't it quite similar to how a family will stand up for, try to protect, another family member that's been accused of a crime? I mean, you always hear family members say, "Oh, Johnny would't kill his wife! He's a good boy and he loved his wife!" Same thing, ain't it. And wouldn't you call it denial?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Well, isn't it quite similar to how a family will stand up for, try to protect, another family member that's been accused of a crime? I mean, you always hear family members say, "Oh, Johnny would't kill his wife! He's a good boy and he loved his wife!" Same thing, ain't it. And wouldn't you call it denial?

Baron Max

No I don't think it's the same, and even if it was then it doesn't make it any better, denial or otherwise.
Adstar said:
If you create a priest class that is not allowed to have wives then you will attract men who do not want wives. You set yourself up for trouble.

Then when trouble comes they do their best to cover up the trouble, Because revelation undermines the standing of the organization in public opinion.

It is clear that child abusers strive to get into positions of control over children. Any organization will do. The Scouts, the Church, little Athletics, Cadets, pre-schools, the options are many and varied.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I don't see the connection between not being married and being a paedohile.
Is not religion a grab at power?

But I can’t even get a pizza delivered, how can I get delivered from evil?
spuriousmonkey said:
Just send the church of spuriousmonkey 50$ and we will deliver you from evil.
Are you muscling in on this den of selfless, intellectual, dim-wits, ripe for exploitation?
Get your own barn, mister!!!!

I can save them for $20.
redarmy11 said:
I'll save them for $10 and they all get a free chicken meal.
You might but do you teach the correct epistemology from the appropriate unquestionable authority figures, concerning ontology?

No…I didn’t think so.
Satyr said:
You might but do you teach the correct epistemology from the appropriate unquestionable authority figures, concerning ontology?

No…I didn’t think so.
Did I mention that I'll also supersize the Cokes?
My company has delivered 1000s of people from evil in a dozen countries across the world. Economies of scale mean that we can now deliver you from evil for the new LOW PRICE of $9.99*!!!

Price excludes VAT. Transport not provided. Customers may not necessarily be delivered from evil. Your home is at risk if you do not keep up repayments on any mortgage or loan secured on it. If you're absolutely positive that you do not not want us to not sell your details to 3rd party advertisers, please don't not tick here. [ ]
spuriousmonkey said:
People will not believe they can be saved for a mere 10$. They are not that stupid. 50$ will buy them the right feeling!
I think spuriousmonkey makes a good point.

I once saw a documentary concerning consumerism.
Someone in marketing said that sports cars are purposely pricy because it gives off the feeling of exclusivity.

The buyer wants to feel like he’s buying into a selective group.
If the cars were cheaper they wouldn’t buy them, the feeling of exclusivity would be diminished.

This is another example of how the clever prey on the vanity and stupidity of human beings.

Now see how it relates to religion?
Faith must be based on accepting the absurd as ‘truth’.
The more absurd the claim is the more sacrifice in reason is required by the believer. The believer feels like he’s sacrificing to belong to a select few, chosen ones.

Make the claim absurd enough and then sprinkle it with threats and promises to compensate for any misgivings and you’ve got the foundations of a religion.
redarmy11 said:
My company has delivered 1000s of people from evil in a dozen countries across the world. Economies of scale mean that we can now deliver you from evil for the new LOW PRICE of $9.99*!!!

Price excludes VAT. Transport not provided. Customers may not necessarily be delivered from evil. Your home is at risk if you do not keep up repayments on any mortgage or loan secured on it. If you're absolutely positive that you do not not want us to not sell your details to 3rd party advertisers, please don't not tick here. [ ]
For $9.98 Satyr offers salvation, the forgiveness of sin, a private tet-a-tet prayer session in which Satyr will place you in direct contact with the Man Him self, a beachfront resort (open bar and buffet included) for two weeks and afterwards a signed and sealed letter of God’s approval and a promise that you will be given front row seats in paradises Cirque De Soleil performances.
The church of Spuriousmonkey will deliver you from evil for a mere $499.99*.

Bring us your teenage daughter and we bless her spirit in a private room for only $199**

delivery demands a sacrifice!

*excluding prayer tax of $99.
**excluding condom charges of $34,99. An ugly surcharge of $459,99 will be charged depending on the quality of the material offered.
spuriousmonkey said:
The church of Spuriousmonkey will deliver you from evil for a mere $499.99*.

Bring us your teenage daughter and we bless her spirit in a private room for only $199**

delivery demands a sacrifice!

*excluding prayer tax of $99.
**excluding condom charges of $34,99. An ugly surcharge of $459,99 will be charged depending on the quality of the material offered.
Did I say $9.98?
I meant $998.99.

Satyr will allow a few select female worshipers to kiss his Holy …scepter, followed by a screaming, private exaltation of God’s penis in which Satyr will stand in for God and impregnate the faithful.
The splattering of God’s seed on their upturned faces is free.

Let me see:

Sermon - $100.00
Holy Seed – 399.99
Satyr’s Sweat - $100.00
Satyr’s Private Prayer Session - $400.00

The Experience – priceless.