Deliberate Muscle Damage

apendrapew said:
No. I usually don't need someone to spot me. I can tell which rep is the last one I'll be able to do. That comes with experience, which is to say, if you're new to weightlifting, I would highly highly recommend you find someone to do that for you. A lot of people have gym buddies to work out with to spot and motivate each other. I don't need that though. I'm a very motivated person.

Makes sense to have someone experiencied guiding you along if you just got started. My question was more piqued by the acne/testosterone remark in your previous posting: does 'help' in the form of chemicals play any role? I remember reading something about doing 'roids and not being able to sit properly afterwards thanks to the zits. Or is it just a side-effect of going all-out?
Maybe he was talking about hemorrhoids ;)

Yeah, I would say it's the steroids that resulted in all the ass zits. I only get a little bit of acne from working out hard. The only supplement I take is protein. And every once in a while a zit will show itself in a random place on my body. So if you're an ass zit kind of guy and are taking a lot of steroids, I guess I could see that happening.
I guess it just goes to show that just a heavy workout can 'upset' your hormone balance a bit, since it's all one big chemical factory: HGH, your own testosterone and body 'roids, it all gets activated. Read something similar once about exam stress, how that can trigger enough chemicals in your body and brain to upset your immune system a few days later to go down with 'post-exam' flu.

You can't have one without the other, it seems. Maybe there's no such thing as 'side-effects', just unwanted related reactions, which show stronger in one person than the other, so the guys with the zits not only sits crap, but also feels guilty or thinks he's done something stupid, since others don't get the same reaction. But I guess no two people react the same.
Dreamwalker said:
Just as an addition:
Ever tried parting them with a knive? I am sure they will grow back so much bigger...

I love knives! I get cut all the time, and it doesn't seem to help anything.

Working out is such a drag. It's time consuming, boring and painful. All that just to become some kind of sex machine?

Surely there's another way? (Natwest!)

Perhaps enzymes? Nasty proteins that target muscles and damage them. This wouldn't be desirable for all muscles e.g. heart but I think there are differences. Hopefully ones that could be used for targeting.
As was said before, there's more to it than just damaging the muscle and having it regrow. There is hormone release and CNS response triggered by the exercise and exertion itself.

This may have something to do with the fact that many fitness experts recommend changing up your routine now and then (every few months or so) so as to provide added stimulus for the CNS. Without said added stimulus, the body would ostensibly "get used to" the exercise and new growth would be nominal, if present at all.
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apendrapew said:
Life is kinder hard, didn't you know?

And that's not even mentioning the hard work that comes with being a sex machine.


Maybe one day they can develop some chemical work-around to fake our orgasms for us, too. And head-aches....
Xerxes said:
They already have. Its called heroin, and it comes highly recommended by 'them'.

Ah, the highly devious 'them'. Actually I think that's demand-driven. We cultivated plants for their dope (sorry, medicinal use) before we even got around to foodstuffs, if you have to believe archeological findings of the earlier settlements...