deja vu


from what i have read by those who claim to have prophetic dreams tends to be vastly differen to the deja vu expereince.

basicly in the line of your thread deja vu is infact a learnign curve of the higher self and glimps into the future to give the oppertunity to change a fundermental aspect of the self for the better.
the problem with that not working as well as it could is possibly due to the amount of general dysfunction in day to day life, emotional issues of all varying proportions.

where as,
Prophetic dreams are actualy dreams you recal when awake and are as clear as you might recal the current days activities.
and obviouse large difference is that you have those details at that time which is prior to the occurance rather than
the deja vu which is while the occurance is actualy happening.

SOo there you have the basic differrence.
a prophetic dream you will recal as clear as a normal day and will be in your mind clearly liek any other normal activity, a deja vu will be a sudden slap accros the mind while something is happening.

what you have to also understand is the vastness of the human mind and how it is still not very well understood.
the mind tends to run its own little things which you may or may not be aware of.
the most common counter debate is the memory issue of normal dysfunctional memory which is a basic mechanism and easy to simulate and quantify.
the difference between short term memory and long term memory and how each interacts and processes data.
the typical anti type of person who wishes to set about trying to discredit and confuse will try and maintain a debate on the fundermental function of the short and long term memory and various sleep cycles and the different effects between the conscious and subconscious.
i personaly have spent some years reading and studying on these types of things so know a fair bit more than the average person on the basic differences.

all that considered it still tends to be reduced down to how we may expereince pain.
it is impossible to actualy prove you are expereincing pain other than assumed outter referrences that are assumed to indicate this by the observer.
current medical science is now able to show data that defines the actual pain function in operation in some forms.

to para phrase a concept by Einstein
As soon as we consider a fact to be a "fact".
we no longer consider the other possabilaties of what it might be.

this in essence outlines the basic difference between people as those i define as "lazzy brained people" and those who are not.
the "lazzy brained person" will always pigion hole things and is defined in society interaction as biggotry.
this biggotry is what is then used to attempt to define the expereince of deja vu.
how can you move forward and evolve when you think you are nto doing anything wrong and have no desire to change how you think ?

Happens to me, too. Has happened since.... Well, since I could remember knowing something before this moment (when I was five?). I guess my first was when I knew what was inside a birthday present before I opened it.

Later I did remember seeing this before, and remember waking up one morning and thinking about this weird dream I had... Which descibed what just happened. They are completely random, both in frequency and in content. First time I realized I knew what was going to happen, I was drawing something. I knew that a pencil was going to roll over the table, and that I would too late try to catch it. So the pen started rolling, and I was amazed. Then I realized the pen was going to fall off the table and tried to catch it, but it was too late.

Anyways, the prospect of seeing into the future is too intresting, so I've experimented a little...

First, I tried to change the vision, mostly by doing something I didn't foresee doing. This worked, at least in the sense that I managed not to do what I foresaw doing.

Second, I decided to snap my fingers whenever I had dejavu; at first this changed the "vision", but then I simply started to foresee myself doing it.

Third anomaly is kind of weird. I was out walking when I suddenly remembered remembering a dream where I remembered this time I had rememered a dream where I remembered this time... ad infinitum. A conscious loop, like two links linking to each other. This has happened some other times, as well, but very rarely.

And lastly, sometimes I get dejavus "out of time", like I know what is going to happen, but it's not this moment.

It seems to me that we gain foresight about things that happen, but this piece of information is not logged anywhere. It's there, but you can't access it because it's not logged on the index-file. Kind of like a computer hardrive is a series of ones and zeros that have to be decoded if you want to read it, but you'd have to know where to start and where to stop in order to make any sense of it. Without a tag the brain sees it as an empty spot, or random data with no meaning.

And then it starts to write a memory there, only to realize it's there already.

I've also talked to the people I know (in real life!) about this, and many of them seem to have the same type of experience. They, having other things in life, have obviously not paid as much attention to it as I have, but it seems this is not so uncommon as one would imagine.