deja vu


got punk?
Registered Senior Member
i figure this is the best place to post this kind of theory.

FACT:The average human remember very few of his dreams, usually only the last one before s/he awakens.

FACT: Throughout history, people all over the world have believe in prophetic dreams, visions in one's sleep that predict future events.

FACT: deja vu is the feeling that this sittuation has, at some point, happened before.

so, to me, it all adds up that deja vu is a memory of a dream you have had in the past that predicted the moment in question. On that note, it would mean we were all prophets, just some of us remember out prophecies better.

the reason i came to this idea is that one time i was having a deja vu of something i recalled dreaming the night before, and from then on it just made sense. everytime i had deja vu, i got that fluttering memory of a dream that was only slightly different.

Or, as i always say, i could be wrong...
FACT:The average human remember very few of his dreams, usually only the last one before s/he awakens.
The last dream I had before waking was of me and a medieval army laying seige to a castle. Before that was a dream about me interacting with the story of a book I'm reading. I often recall many dreams, and I always dream in colour.

FACT: Throughout history, people all over the world have believe in prophetic dreams, visions in one's sleep that predict future events.
Prophetic dreams are proven facts?
prophetic dreams aren't proven fact, i just said its a fact that people all over have believed in them throughout history.

"The average human remembers very few of his dreams, usually only the last one before s/he awakens". its awesome that you remember almost all you're dreams. i wish i could.

maybe you're prophetic. ;)
I have had quite a lot deja vu's that were at least partly sure related to dreams.

In most cases it was just a moment as short as a blink of an eye which triggered the 'hey this has happened before' with the link to a dream.

In some cases though, I remember also a part following after of the dream the moment I have the deja vu. In those cases I can actually hear me say what I already knew I was going to say, or on purpose not say anything (what makes that the dream wasn't fully prophetic). I don't remember any occasions on which this 'already knowing' of the following seconds helped me or someone else in particular..

Also I have had a few times that I did have the deja vu, and immediately after the realisation that this isn't the exact moment I remember. For instance, I had a deja vu once when I was reading an article cut out of a newspaper, while standing in the hallway in my house, with my mother saying something to me on my left in the kitchen. I had a 'hey I've already went through this'-deja vu with immediately after the feeling that that wasn't true. It wasn't that particular article (was also about some astronomical nebula though) and my mother wasn't doing the exact same thing, not asking the same, though I felt quite the same as in the deja vu moment.
It was about a year :eek: later I actually had the deja vu. Another article, same spot in the hallway, my mom in the kitchen... bang. Then I realised the close-to-deja vu had been way long ago..

Finally there's another thing I've had, and I've had that twice. Or actually once for two-thirds and once for one-thirds. I'll explain. Quite some years ago I dreamt about writing in some strangish notebook with a cool/strange sign on the front. I was writing down a number of calculations, don't know what they were for.
Some years ago, during some pre-school shopping in a perfectly normal shopping center, I suddenly was confronted with that exact same notebook. It's still lying lonely somewhere at the bottom of a pile of notebooks for school, I guess when I need it it'll become clear for me. Two-thirds.
This very night I dreamt quite odd. Very shortly said, I dreamt about a friend that came over unannounced with some other friends, so I went to change clothes, do my hair a bit and so on. While changing clothes (I wore at that point clothes I actually have in real life, they were just old and not suitable) I picked a t-shirt, long sleeves, brown/orange like with some kind of sign at the front (not the same as the sign at the notebook). I saw the shirt quite clear and I'm pretty sure I'll recognize that one when I see it in a shop... One-thirds.. or a half or so...

well that's all for my deja vus..

People say that you relate your experiences of deja vu to your dreams, but i had my experience of dejavu while i was dreaming, i dreamt that i had done this before, although i hadn't, the dream was really strange, and unnatural.. is there an explanation to this?
What if that 90% of our brain that we don't use somehow becomes active when we are asleep? Maybe our time continium pathway somehow curves back in our conciousness to give us a view of coming events? What if Nostradamus was right?
Originally posted by UberDragon
What if that 90% of our brain that we don't use...
That's a silly myth. Look at EEG scans and such. We use it all, or nearly. Quite possibly we don't use it all to its fullest potential, but we use it all.
When I was younger I seemed to have a lot of these. I get this strange feeling that I've been through the same situation before and one of the threads down near thhe bottom of these boards just got me interested in this again.

There is one spot in my kitchen that sometimes, a whole bunch of frightening coincidences happen and I feel like I've done that before. I've had the same feeling more than once, in the same place.

Is there any logical explaination for deja vu's? Are they just amazing coincidences and every human will come across a few in his/her life? Or is it something vaguely supernatrual...?
There are many theories about what causes deja vu, one involves temporay memory loss, that you think you have seen this before, but it was just one second ago, sort of.
Then there are other elabote theories, my favourite among those is the thought of time as simultaneous, that all event happen at the same time. Only the perception of the room is what gives us the "illusion" of time as a linear phenomena. Then sometimes, you fall out of the illusion, and for a "moment" perceives perhaps several moments of your present life, past lives, and future lives at once, which can then cause the feeling of recognition that a deja vu symbolizes.
Or you could just have experienced the same thing before, that can also happen. :D
It's true that that's a myth, but this topic might actually be a better topic for physics than for parapsychcology. I think that this might have something to do with the law of infinite universes, or then again it could just be a glitch in the matrix. This could mean that it all has actually happened before, or that something very similar to it is happening right now, or in the past. Whatever it is though, there probably was a reason behind you getting the deja vu.
I have an idea :D

Alright for all of you like me who have these dreams that come true (deja vu) i have an idea. Since for most of us (i'm guessing) this happens at random and we are never fully sure if we're just remembering what just happened and thinking its happened before, this is what we can do:

Keep a journal

if you write down whats happened every day, keep it organized and such there are two ways this can help both you and the rest of us.

#1 its possible to check if you wrote down the dream the day after way back when and possibly check that it really is deja vu

#2 you can examen what you did the day before, how you were feeling, what happened that day that may have triggered the dreams.

I know a lot of people keep diaries etc. anywayz so you might already be able to try this

Please let me know what you find out, i'm going to begin using one tomorrow.

I really need Help!!!

Around my 3rd year in High School, I started having episodes that were brought on by intense Deja Vu. I went to the doctor and was referred to a Neurologist. I was then diagnosed with a strange case of Epilepsy (Siezures,) although the neurologist didnt quite understand and couldnt come up with a clear answer to what it was. My siezures were brought on by intense Deja Vu and were followed by a varied period of time where I was "zoned out" In which it my chest would get tight, it would be a little hard to breathe and afterwards I would only remember the intital Deja Vu. They varied from a couple of seconds to 10 mins. I was put on Tegretol, a prescription and after about a year and a half, I had no more cases, episodes. Until about a month ago. Only this episode was a little different. It was different in which I had the Deja Vu, but it was clearly like I had dreamnt of that exact place in time, What I was doing, what was happening and where I was, before. And very intense. I was also aware and could remember the whole episode this time. And since then I have had this eerrie and uneasy familriarity with everything, everyday!! It is sometimes to scary and too much for me. I constantly have these episodes with more frequency although with varied intenstiy. The Deja Vu happens everyday. I cant explain it to anyone clearly enough to get more than a dissmissive answer. I NEED Help...because not only is this effecting my daliy activites it is effecting me... My email is There is alot more to this that I can tell because it has been going on since High School ( about 5 years now) Please anything!!!
Mr. Green,

I suspect that your siezures are not brought on by the deja vu phenomenon, but it's really the other way around. At the onset of a siezure you feel a sense of having dreamed about what's going on.

When most people think of siezures they think of complete mental shut down and with the sufferer on the ground convulsing.
However some forms of this disorder have only partial siezures and in some cases consciouness is even preserved. Those inflicted with this type of siezure often associate it with deja vu.

Medication does not guarantee that siezures will go away. It will help control them though and allow you to live with your condition. If you feel things getting worse, go back to your neurologist - he can give you a lot better advice and help than anyone posting on a forum.

Also you may want to check out to read a little more. Or just type "epilepsy" into a search engine to learn more about your condition.
a dream of a friend that died days after...

Now I've had my share of Deja vu... and i think a little too much at that. Well i get deja vu more than once a day and i have know idea why. Some are more detailed than others. Like for instance, some i just know has happened before but i just dont remember when, and sum i act out to myself while its happening. but the wierdest things have been happening to me... Ive been having dreams that have happened the day right after. And the one that i still dread on was a dream that multiple deja va has a occured in it. But the main one i want to confront you in is the death of an individual i didnt really know. His name was jordan and he was in 7th grade when i was in 8th (im a freshmen in h.s. now) and i dreamt a bunch of my friends and i were at a pool party. A sum point we all went into the pool. Thats when i saw a kid that was all the way in the bottom of the pool just floating there. no one really payed attention to the guy so i didnt either. A couple days later i find that a kid (jordan) drowned at the beach and was washed away by the current... I remembered that the kid in my dream had the exact resemblence as jordan... i really dont know how this happened or why i dreamt about him... i never even spoke a word to him and i dreamt about him... i dont know...

Now I've had my share of Deja vu... and i think a little too much at that. Well i get deja vu more than once a day and i have know idea why. Some are more detailed than others. Like for instance, some i just know has happened before but i just dont remember when, and sum i act out to myself while its happening. but the wierdest things have been happening to me... Ive been having dreams that have happened the day right after. And the one that i still dread on was a dream that multiple deja va has a occured in it. But the main one i want to confront you in is the death of an individual i didnt really know. His name was jordan and he was in 7th grade when i was in 8th (im a freshmen in h.s. now) and i dreamt a bunch of my friends and i were at a pool party. A sum point we all went into the pool. Thats when i saw a kid that was all the way in the bottom of the pool just floating there. no one really payed attention to the guy so i didnt either. A couple days later i find that a kid (jordan) drowned at the beach and was washed away by the current... I remembered that the kid in my dream had the exact resemblence as jordan... i really dont know how this happened or why i dreamt about him... i never even spoke a word to him and i dreamt about him... i dont know...


Same shit happens to me, I dream always vividly, in color and about crazy things that I shouldn't even know or understand. You must consider Confirmation Bias and the Law of Truly Large Numbers when analyzing things such as "prophetic" dreams. Coincidences aren't as uncommon as people think and sometimes we look to confirm that we are right.

Still no matter that I understand this, I can't get this one dream out of my head. I dreamt (this is an abbreviated version) that I was driving down a bare, tree lined road. I see a red ambulance. I see a black car that for some reason makes me think of a limo. People are milling around. I am terrified. I get the impression of a cadillac with people driving, only dark shadows, but I know the people in the caddy are boys. I see a white van wrecked on the road and scrap metal all over, or sharp objects, I know the driver of the van is a woman and she is dead. I hear the name "Darlene". I wake up crying. Two days later I see an accident in the paper, three boys driving a cadillac crash into a woman driving a white van. There were pictures in the paper. Bare, tree-lined road, red ambulance, unmarked police vehicle that looks like a limo. The caddy caught fire killing all the boys, leaving nothing, but a metal shell of a car. The woman driving the van was dead, her daughter-in-law Darlene, was at the scene of the accident. The end. Coincidence? Maybe. Fucking weird? Yeah, I think so. :rolleyes:
Dude. Thread necromancy to the extreme. This thread has been inactive since before I registered here.

Anyway, as for the topic, one should consider the possibility we have lots of dreams in our lifetime, lots of them being mostly distinct. So you could have several chances of a match to a real-life event. One should also consider the possibility that when we remember a dream, we inadvertently "remember" details of the dream that actually never were part of the dream. I find that my dreams are hard to remember after a while, even if I can remember them well just after I wake up. It's like they naturally degrade with time, unless it's just one you can't shake. Memories of your dreams may be easily corruptible.

I remember having déjà vu at least once in my life. It was in the clothing section at a department store, Fred Meyer. I think I asked a sales associate there a question, possibly about a pair of pants, or a wallet. Or maybe it was just the sight of the place, which I had been to a few times. There was something that made me think "Whoa, wait a minute... It feels like this happened before!". It was very weird.
Yes, that is the Law of Truly Large NUmbers. With all the people in the world, having up to five dreams a night, the chances that one of them matching a real life event are not so unlikely. Do you think though that this is the case especially with the more details there are or less? I can see many people all over saying "dude, I had this dream about this intense plane crash and then the next day I saw in the paper there was a plane crash!" This is very likely. In the case of my dream, I found it more weird because of strange details that matched. When I saw the picture in the paper, it was literally, the scene from my dream. Especially the "limo" from my dream. I only saw the back of the black car and I thought "limo, that doesn't make sense". In the pic from the paper, it literally only showed the back of the black car and it really does look like a limo. Also, the random name Darlene. That was weird. Waking up crying and sad was weird. The fact that I knew a woman was driving a white van and that she was dead was weird. As for Confirmation Bias and me confirming the details in my dream matched what I wanted to see in the paper, well I told my mom and my boyfriend about my dream before hand, I didn't see the paper until two days later, so they could confirm what I had said previously when I asked if they remembered what I had told them about my dream. I tried to go about it as logically as I could, but to me, it is still strange.