Definitions Of World Equality That Are Achievable In The Next 100 Years?

Maybe a more practical alternative is Green Fish. These could fill our oceans and mass at the surface to catch the sun's rays. Good for humans, whales, dolphins etc..Is this a feasible avenue of research in solving the predicted world food shortage of the near future?
Is green cows going too far? btw apparently cyanobacteria are the key to harnessing the sun's energy.
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You want equality and fairness? I know just the organization for doing so.I present to you the "The Zeitgeist Movement" Google it,if you dont already know of them.

Ok,ok I really dont know what the answer is,after all we are dealing with the human animal.:confused:
The education that letting a nation to poverty will eventually come back to haunt us. The analogy with a caveman mentality is a good one. If a member of the tribe is treated unfairly, then it will cause more trouble for everyone in the long run. This is why humanity has learnt to look after it's young and sick etc, i.e. all it's members. The world is a big tribe with different members. The idea of unity is simple on a large scale, its just that most people think and work on a very local scale and so don't see it.
the unity of the caveman analogy is simply one of extended selfishness.

IOW if I can't see any benefit from your continued existence, it matters not whether you perish (what to speak of if I can see some benefit from your demise .....)
How about Esperanto and the desire to have a new easy to learn global language. Maybe a 'Chinese Esperanto' would be needed first..?