Definitions of Atheism and Agnosticism

Mind Over Matter

Registered Senior Member
Taken from Sticky: Definitions: Theism, Atheism, Agnosticism thread.


Atheism is fundamentally a reaction to theism and is overwhelming expressed as a disbelief of theist claims. Atheist opinions will vary from absolute certainty that gods do not exist through various degrees of uncertainty to simple skepticsm. Typically when asked, an atheist will say they do not believe in the existence of gods. Many atheists will leave open the possibility that gods might exist providing appropriate evidence is provided.


The definition offered here is taken directly from the words of Thomas Henry Huxley who is credited with inventing the term in the 1870s, and it is his intent and rationale that I believe should form the authoritative meaning of the term.

"Agnosticism is not a creed but a method, the essence of which lies in the vigorous application of a single principle ...Positively the principle may be expressed as in matters of intellect, do not pretend conclusions are certain that are not demonstrated or demonstrable. This principle may be stated in various ways, but they all amount to this: that it is wrong for a man to say he is certain of the objective truth of a proposition unless he can produce evidence which logically justifies that certainty. That is what agnosticism asserts and, in my opinion, is all that is essential to agnosticism."

If you wish to debate any of these terms then please create a specific thread for that purpose.
Both definitions are incorrect to some degree. What you quoted form Huxley is not unique to Agnosticism in anyway, and indeed represents a Catholic view of Philosophy (provided allowance is made for first principles).

The definition of atheism is incorrect because it also encompasses what is properly called agnosticism. An athiest cannot admit the possibility that there is a god. If they agree to that possibility, but simply claim that it cannot be proven, they are in fact not atheists at all, but rather agnostics.

Atheism is the belief that there is no God.

Agnosticism is the belief that the existence of God cannot be known or proven. (Some people will consider themselves Agnostics even if they think it might be possible to prove, but they personally have not seen the proof yet.)
There's one more category:

Agnostic atheism

Agnostic atheism, also called atheistic agnosticism, is a philosophical position that encompasses both atheism and agnosticism.[1] Agnostic atheists are atheistic because they do not hold a belief in the existence of any deity, and agnostic because they do not claim to know with certainty whether any deity exists.[1][2] The agnostic atheist may be contrasted with the agnostic theist, who does believe that one or more deities exist but does not claim to have absolute knowledge of such.[1]
For me it is that atheism is the full knowledge that 'God' is impossible, since I have disproved the notion as self-contradictory, the only way to deal with a universal negative. The other side, as usual, can't show anything, and pronouncements or definitions don't do a thing.

Science is even on to showing why people claim invisible realms, who even then go on to speak for the claimed unknowns and even add many more layers of structuring upon.
For me it is that atheism is the full knowledge that 'God' is impossible, since I have disproved the notion as self-contradictory, the only way to deal with a universal negative. The other side, as usual, can't show anything, and pronouncements or definitions don't do a thing.
You must be expected to prove God dose not exist. Otherwise, your definition is incorrect. You cannot say, "God dosen't exist because believers can't prove He exists," nor "God dosen't exist because He hasn't shown Himself," because those are emotional arguments, which are void of intelligence and reason. Heck, I could make emotional arguments for God's existence - but I don't, because my belief is not based on emotion.

The following was posted on another thread and I felt is was worth of posting here.

Athiests: Prove that God dosen't exist

No emotional answers are allowed. Nine examples of emotional answers:

God dosen't exist because there is evil/suffering/death.
God dosen't exist because believers are hypocrites.
God dosen't exist because believers can't prove God exists.
God dosen't exist because I have never seen or felt God.
God dosen't exist because my prayers aren't answered.
God dosen't exist because Christians killed people in the Inquisition/Crusade/ancient time.
God dosen't exist because the Bible is man-made/corrupted.
God dosen't exist because God killed people in the Bible.
God dosen't exist because Jesus is not God.

Besides emotional answers, you are free to answer any way you wish.

So, the floor is yours, SciWriter. :)



No emotional answers are allowed. One of the nine the examples of emotional answers:

God dosen't exist because there is evil/suffering/death.

If you can't prove God doesn''t exist, then either just say so or don't post in this thread.
Your rules are retarded...

So are you for thinking that the burden of proof is on atheists...

Prove invisible unicorns don't exist... Oh you can't? Ok they must exists then...

If you can't prove God doesn''t exist, then either just say so or don't post in this thread.

Why? I thought this thread was about definitions of atheism and agnosticism or was that just a cover for making another thread about proving something invisible, intangible and inaudible doesn't exist.
The definition of atheism is incorrect because it also encompasses what is properly called agnosticism. An athiest cannot admit the possibility that there is a god. If they agree to that possibility, but simply claim that it cannot be proven, they are in fact not atheists at all, but rather agnostics.

Atheism is the belief that there is no God.

You must be expected to prove God dose not exist. Otherwise, your definition is incorrect.
This would also be wrong. Unless you're claiming that theists can prove he exists.
Have you actually read, or even seen, these two threads: A, B.
Why? I thought this thread was about definitions of atheism and agnosticism or was that just a cover for making another thread about proving something invisible, intangible and inaudible doesn't exist.
This thread is about correcting definitions of atheism and agnosticism. Since you and SciWriter presented definitions, you need to prove that your definition is correct. Therefore, atheists proving God doesn’t exist per your definition.
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Your rules are retarded...

So are you for thinking that the burden of proof is on atheists...
I make the demand because athiests make the same demand on believers. Treat others as you would want to be treated. If you say believers must prove God exists, than you must be expected to prove God dose not exist. :)
Prove it.
Atheism: look at the "range" covered.

Prove it.

Atheism is a stance on the existence of god, agnosticism a stance on the knowability of god. One can be an agnostic atheist or an agnostic theist.

It's not meant to be proof, just arguments for God's existence.
Then why state:
You must be expected to prove God dose not exist. Otherwise, your definition is incorrect.
You must be expected to prove God dose not exist. Otherwise, your definition is incorrect. You cannot say, "God dosen't exist because believers can't prove He exists," nor "God dosen't exist because He hasn't shown Himself," because those are emotional arguments, which are void of intelligence and reason. Heck, I could make emotional arguments for God's existence - but I don't, because my belief is not based on emotion.

The following was posted on another thread and I felt is was worth of posting here.

Athiests: Prove that God dosen't exist

No emotional answers are allowed. Nine examples of emotional answers:

God dosen't exist because there is evil/suffering/death.
God dosen't exist because believers are hypocrites.
God dosen't exist because believers can't prove God exists.
God dosen't exist because I have never seen or felt God.
God dosen't exist because my prayers aren't answered.
God dosen't exist because Christians killed people in the Inquisition/Crusade/ancient time.
God dosen't exist because the Bible is man-made/corrupted.
God dosen't exist because God killed people in the Bible.
God dosen't exist because Jesus is not God.

Besides emotional answers, you are free to answer any way you wish.

So, the floor is yours, SciWriter. :)

Those are not my answers, and true, some are emotional, and one is useful only for about the Bible being wrong, but this one, too, has no bearing on the God or not question of a universal negative, for only self-contradiction can be employed.

God can't exist, for not only can beings not be systems both fully intact and as elemental as fundamentally first before all, but also that there is nothing to make anything of, and nothing is certainly not God, but its opposite, nor could this basis of nothing have had creation or a Creator, which is still the same result even if we posit the only other option as stuff having been forever, although this is a very poor option and cannot be so, since the 'elementals' have specific definition in many particulars, not mention that there are only a certain number of the 'elementals'.

God would certainly have to be what we call a being with a system of mind if he thought, planned, and created the entirely specific 'elementals' that underlie the cosmos and all further composites and complexities made from them on up.

Basically, I provide several arguments, but the only one needed is that beings cannot be first as fundamental. You can have a smart alien, though, but that would not be God.

Anyway, the notion is self-contradictory. No complexities can come first before all.

Believers would have to undo all this, totally demolishing it, plus provide a good proof of their own, and of course one may not just make a definition of God and then use it as 'proof' for what one is trying to prove.

'God' is a fine wish, as well as what some have added to it as He being a good guy and rewarding us, but, alas, it is not to be. Not even a simple molecule could have been first, much less some ultimate complexity, infinite even, as 'God', and, by my other conclusions, not even something so simple as an electron could have been first, forever there, for then what of its spin, charge, size, mass, location, speed, and other properties?

1. No systems as fundamental, so no elemental Fellow.
2. The basis of All must be eternal, so no creation.
3. The basis as only it can be—nothing—is not God.

If life required Life (God) before it, then Life would have then required LIFE before it, but I'm not including this one, as it just shows a misstep in thinking, but is not of a disproof quality.
You must be expected to prove God dose not exist.

You can't prove to me in any meaningful way your God does exist. Although I do believe in your God....just in a way you would find most offensive.

(Why don't they put ammo bunkers under Christian churches anymore?:mufc: Perhaps if they'd stuck with Zeus or Thor they'd have done better.:D)

I don't accept that one person's opinion, unsupported with repeatable, demonstrable hard evidence, means more than another person's opinion that is also physically unverifiable.

This thread was about definitions of atheism and agnosticism...and that sounds like a very interesting topic.
Note that only in theory does agnosticism sit on a fence, for in everyday life one usually makes a choice that is shown in their actions, but for those who can act totally for or against God one day and not the next, 50/50. It sounds tough to have God there and not there at the same time, but I suppose some are reserving judgment, pending proof, but 'faith' is even admittedly a belief in the unknown invisible realm.