Definition of God - one thread to rule them all

:) Beware the double negative it an't no good

I know I know but half the fun is breaking the rules..I know how precious some folk are with their gramma (spell check fort hard on dat one wrongly insisted on adding an "m" but I got tit right in da end.
I know what I will go for triple negative which will be wrong and right all at once.
Not never gonna say nuttin bout nuffin ever again..can you count them up I think I one upped it...would adding an udder never fix it?
Still suffering OS I guess?
Just like a radiator is part of a car, all things can be part of God without encompassing everything it is to be God.
He didn't say all things are parts of God. He said God is all things.

No, a car is also a radiator, wheels, etc.. Saying "car and radiator" is not superfluous. You can readily say that a radiator, wheels, etc. are part of a car without implying that they are somehow separate from a car. Please, try to use everyday reasoning, instead of atheistic defensiveness.
There are parts of a car that are not the radiator.

The same reasoning does not apply to his God, as defined. There are no things that are not God, according to his definition.


You forgot to post your own definition of God, by the way. Or are you adopting Bowser's?
The car exists obviously. God is an unsupported myth obviously.
Again, who said God could be verified at all?

Yes I asked for... what it is ...not ...what is it like.... the implication being I don't want solid examples that detract from the fact you are explaining something not solid in the least.

And you jump to conclusions for I am not an atheist or a theist but a realist, you know someone who expects before proceeding some reasonable confirmation that the subject matter has some basis in reality. However if your arrogance prevents you from using anything than metaphor, that one selects to make a mist seem solid, then I will not trouble you again and content myself in the knowledge that you ain't got nuttin...
Who said God was "solid"?

Get busy contenting yourself, mate.

You are kidding right???
Well perhaps we will have a difficult job pinning down anyone here specifically in this thread but to answer your question with a general observation ... every theist who mentions god and will argue until the cows come home that their god is absolutely verifiable with reference to various miracles and even frequent conversations with their god.

Nevertheless you car example is useless...try harder.
Yes, and those people probably have no clue what you mean by "verifiable". If you're satisfied playing "lost in translation" to feel good about shooting fish in a barrel, that's on you.

The OP asked for a definition of what people believe, not verification.
And here I thought I was the only one full of it. Need I resurrect Einstein?

Take it to a separate thread if you want to discuss your misunderstanding of physics further. This one is about definitions of God.
Take it to a separate thread if you want to discuss your misunderstanding of physics further. This one is about definitions of God.
If God is everything, then Energy would be one of them--as I told Alex earlier.

What is the best definition of energy?
In general, the word energy refers to a concept that can be paraphrased as "the potential for causing changes", and therefore one can say that energy is the cause of any change. The most common definition of energy is the work that a certain force (gravitational, electromagnetic, etc) can do.
He didn't say all things are parts of God. He said God is all things.
Please explain the difference. If all things are not part of God, wouldn't the only alternative be some nonsensical state where each individual thing is wholly God? Do you really think that's what he meant? If God is all things and each thing is not wholly God, the only reasonable take is that each thing is part of God.
Please, exercise a skosh of reason.

There are parts of a car that are not the radiator.
That's a non sequitur. Since no one said all car parts were radiators (I did also mention "wheels, etc."), you may be confused about the metaphor. Car = God. Parts = things. Pretty simple.

The same reasoning does not apply to his God, as defined. There are no things that are not God, according to his definition.

Seems you don't understand. Having no things that are not a part or manifestation of God doesn't make whatever point you may be attempting.

You forgot to post your own definition of God, by the way. Or are you adopting Bowser's?
God is a large topic. The definition depends on the context. For now, I'm satisfied to discuss the current context.
Again, who said God could be verified at all?

I thought I commented earlier...I did please read what I wrote.

Who said God was "solid"?

I thought you did but I guess you didnt and why would you?

Get busy contenting yourself, mate.

Well I will but I am disappointed that you rolled over so easily.

Yes, and those people probably have no clue what you mean by "verifiable".

I bet you are right on the money...making stuff up is not what we mean when we ask for something verifiable.

If you're satisfied playing "lost in translation" to feel good about shooting fish in a barrel, that's on you.

What on Earth are you talking about now?
If someone shot your fish don't blame me..I didn't even know you had many were shot? Any survivors? Check the security cam and you we see it was not me.

Probably Christians they are obsessed with fish.

OK we have played hide and seek and very enjoyable it was, you are rather good at hiding if I may say so, but no more games why don't you at least try to outline your thoughts and just see if you can talk normally about whatever it was when you became obsessed with the car thing.

I once thought metaphor was the height of expression until someone pointed out that it was similar to Well when you swear you become lazy grabbing an F..k or the like..often folk end up with just one swear word so that word substitutes for every noun, adverb and adjective etc so they forget how to use real words and now here you are in a similar position so comfortable with metaphor that you can not find the real words see the problem I expect..It comes from the cults propensity to use silly stories to con the kids you know.

The OP asked for a definition of what people believe, not verification.

Sure but that gives you no licience to talk rubbish...try again...don't listen to those claims that you are unworthy.

And to you also may I wish you happy Easter holidays and hope you remain safe from the virus. Nice chatting as always. I hope you are around when Jan gets back but don't tell him that photo to the left of your posts is your great ancestor as he gets a bit thingy about that sort of stuff.

I thought I commented earlier...I did please read what I wrote.
Go read that post again. That was a response to paddoboy, unless that's a sockpuppet of yours.

Well I will but I am disappointed that you rolled over so easily.
What happened to your "I will not trouble you again"?

Yes, and those people probably have no clue what you mean by "verifiable".
I bet you are right on the money...
Then why pretend like you're making any point at all to such people? Superficial ego?

What on Earth are you talking about now?
See, still playing "lost in translation". Does that do anything for you?
If you think you make any point by telling off people who don't know what you mean by "verify", well, that's just rather sad.

Sure but that gives you no licience to talk rubbish...try again...don't listen to those claims that you are unworthy.
Keep quelling your cognitive dissonance, mate.
I know I know but half the fun is breaking the rules..I know how precious some folk are with their gramma (spell check fort hard on dat one wrongly insisted on adding an "m" but I got tit right in da end.
I know what I will go for triple negative which will be wrong and right all at once.
Not never gonna say nuttin bout nuffin ever again..can you count them up I think I one upped it...would adding an udder never fix it?
Still suffering OS I guess?
My auto correct finally figured out god has lower case g :)

Need to train technology otherwise it will start to think it is smart than you

unless that's a sockpuppet of yours.

That tells me so much you just don't know.;););)

Go read that post again

Don't want to don't have to.

What happened to your "I will not trouble you again"?

I was on my way out and near tripped over your carcass with your legs in the air.

Then why pretend like you're making any point at all to such people?

I don't pretend ( well I was pretending being a stock trader ) you are reading between the lines like someone else I know.

Superficial ego?

As I said I hope you are around when Jan gets back... he is best to comment on ego given his unfortunate first hand experience.

well, that's just rather sad.

I thought I was just confused.

Keep quelling your cognitive dissonance, mate

You too...what is cognitive dissonance?...just joking..and this tells me a little more...even Jan says this about me so I guess the both of you can't be wrong.

My auto correct finally figured out god has lower case g :)

Need to train technology otherwise it will start to think it is smart than you


My spell checker is controlled by the devil I swear...really I should post something unedited and what I actually will substitute words that don't even have the same letters...And the simplest of corrections it will miss. It will not go with puts he'll...I typed h e l l and again he'll.
It can go to help..that was typing h e l l in capitals. It not don't ( that was wont do) it now but Binos the other day it gave bible...which was funny cause that was what I was taking to use in the dark.

My spell checker is controlled by the devil I swear...really I should post something unedited and what I actually will substitute words that don't even have the same letters...And the simplest of corrections it will miss. It will not go with puts he'll...I typed h e l l and again he'll.
It can go to help..that was typing h e l l in capitals. It not don't ( that was wont do) it now but Binos the other day it gave bible...which was funny cause that was what I was taking to use in the dark.

You my poor soul are lost

The devil is truely smarter than you

But you are at least one up on J:)

That tells me so much you just don't know.
What, that you don't bother to read who a response was meant for? Obviously.

You too...what is cognitive dissonance?...just joking..and this tells me a little more...even Jan says this about me so I guess the both of you can't be wrong.
I get the impression you think things tell you a lot more than they actually do.