Defining what is God.

Infinity is not the issue.
It is a mere red herring you thought answered the question but did no such thing.

Now answer the actual question... not the red-herring.
the conception of infinity and eternity are quite similar in that they innvolve elements that do not end - which seems to be the issue you are struggling with
the conception of infinity and eternity are quite similar in that they innvolve elements that do not end - which seems to be the issue you are struggling with

They are quite different, why do you find it so difficult to answer questions about your faith?
They are quite different, why do you find it so difficult to answer questions about your faith?

Because he knows that he would be ridiculed and proved wrong on the tenets,"facts" of his religion. That's why he is trying to argue on the larger, philosophical ground, instead of the nitty-gritty specifics...
Because he knows that he would be ridiculed and proved wrong on the tenets,"facts" of his religion. That's why he is trying to argue on the larger, philosophical ground, instead of the nitty-gritty specifics...

So, if we were playing a game of "Chicken" with him, we would have to look in the ditch already?
Because he knows that he would be ridiculed and proved wrong on the tenets,"facts" of his religion. That's why he is trying to argue on the larger, philosophical ground, instead of the nitty-gritty specifics...

Actually I am curious what your take on infinity is - since that is as inconceivable as something eternal (an eternal article has been in existence for an infinite time)
the conception of infinity and eternity are quite similar in that they innvolve elements that do not end - which seems to be the issue you are struggling with
I am asking you to explain how you conceptualise the existence of something that has no cause.
Please explain.

Merely saying "Infinity" or "Eternal" is not enough - as it does not answer the question.
I am asking you to explain how you conceptualise the existence of something that has no cause.
Please explain.

Merely saying "Infinity" or "Eternal" is not enough - as it does not answer the question.
and I am saying that I conceive of eternity much in the same way that I conceive of infinity - therefore I am asking you how do you conceive of infinity ....
great - then we have no contention

Sure we have. I say my Greek gods are the only true and existing gods and everything else is fake. So what is your god?

P.S.: Not that I expect an answer to my question. I am done with this thread...
Tele tubbies were able to actually demonstrate their qualities, unlike your god. That is superior.
true - a god that can demonstrate their qualities is superior to one who cannot - how the tele tubbies have the monoply on this display (and also what in fact they are actually displaying in the way of god like qualties) you are yet to elaborate upon

Sure we have. I say my Greek gods are the only true and existing gods and everything else is fake. So what is your god?

P.S.: Not that I expect an answer to my question. I am done with this thread...
Now you have to give the qualities that the greek gods have that make them superior to any other form of god mentionable.
God is the only person who is the cause of His own existence.
ok - so here is a quality of god that cannot be conceived of as being possessed by anyone other sentient entity - otherwise it becomes difficult to elaborate on how a cause of all causes could be subject to illusion (illusion being the common experiece of other sentient living entities such as ourselves)
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true - a god that can demonstrate their qualities is superior to one who cannot - how the tele tubbies have the monoply on this display (and also what in fact they are actually displaying in the way of god like qualties) you are yet to elaborate upon

If you ignore the possability that the teletubbies are men in suits and that the whole thing is a set up for a tv show, watch an episode again and then your question will be answered as to why they are god-like. It also beats your square circle god which you claim to conceive of.
true - a god that can demonstrate their qualities is superior to one who cannot - how the tele tubbies have the monoply on this display (and also what in fact they are actually displaying in the way of god like qualties) you are yet to elaborate upon

Since a single god is yet to demonstrate anything, elaboration is unnecessary.
Now you have to give the qualities that the greek gods have that make them superior to any other form of god mentionable.

I wanted to mention YOUR gods specificly, but you don't dare to state them... :confused:

Anyway, why am I still here? :rolleyes:
A quote from Babylon 5, season 5, ep. 14 "Mediations on the Abyss"
What is truth and what is god?

If I take a lamp and shine it towards the wall, a bright spot will appear on the wall. The lamp is our search for truth, for understanding. Too often we assume that the light on the wall is god, but the light is not the goal of the search. It is the result of the search. The more intense the search, the brighter the light on the wall. The brighter the light on the wall, the greater the sense of revelation of what is seen.

Similarly someone who does not search, someone who does not bring a lantern with him sees nothing.

What we perceive as god is the by-product of our search for god. It may simply be an appreciation of the light - pure and unblemished - not understanding that it comes from us.
Sometimes we spend time in front of the light and assume that we are the center of the universe, god looks astonishingly like we do, or we turn to look at our shadow and assume that all is darkness.

If we allow ourselves to get in the way, we defeat the purpose, which is to use the light of the search to illuminate the wall in all its beauty and in all its flaws, and in so doing better understand the world around us.

edit: this is my post no 13000
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