Define true Intelligence

I know what is NOT:

Religious fanatics...people like Jose Padilla and his American comrades...
Intelligence can be defined by the alcholoics prayer.

Grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference

Mental strength, mental courage, acceptance and wisdom. You will find that most people classed or judged unintelligent will be missing one or all of the above.

Of course the sign of true intelligence is to send me lots of money, in fact all your money plus all the money fom your family and friends and if you could sell your cars and houses and send me that money too that would be fine.

I thank you:D
there has never been a remotely common consensus on intelligence and probably will never be.
I think actual intelligence is a 'sese of being'. I have said this before but it is the realisation that you are a 'thing' that cant interact with the environment. Any animal who learns that when it does something there is a result then it is intelligent. eg's a dog gives you its paw and recievs food. It will do this again and again. Dogs have some form of intelligence. Monkeys will poke sticks into a hole that they cant get their arm into to get honey. Dolphins- think of your own examples. I think this sums up intelligence.
Un-intelligent creatures.....- A worm. U cannot teach a worm (i dont think) to lift up its head to receive some kind of reward. Anybody else got any suggestions for intelligent/ unintelligent creatures?
I think true intellegence is bein able to handle people, meaning to be truely intellegent you need to be able to cultured, compassionate and understanding. Anyone can piss about with numbers, symbols and letters, following formula is easy in comparison to relating to people who have infinatly many eccentricities and ways.

Ink x
In order to define what turly is Intelligence one must fist ask the question: To what standard are we going by? That question can be answered in many ways depending on what type of Intelligence one is talking about. Someone could be a musical genius for example Mozart, Beethoveen, Rachmaninoff etc... We could also define someone as being Intelligent mathamaticaly or Scientificly, such as Einstien. There has been something that has always stayed with me for some time now: "The people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the people that do" that to me is Intelligence.


S. Dalal
Which intelligence ?

Intelligence required to run the US ?
Itelligence required to tie a shoe lace ?
Intelligence required to eat algie ?
Intelligence required to be polite ?
Intelligence required to shoot the pizza delivery guy ?
The ability to adapt
But isnt adaptation natural!? It occurs withing a species over time (if it is the same type of adaptation that im thinking of) and therefore isnt really a sign of intelligence. I mean, species of worms may adapt but they arent actually intelligent are they?
Whoever invented pizza is the paragon of true intelligence. :p
Raphael Esposito made the first pizza it was called the margarita pizza named after queen margarita well find out everything else for your self ....well anyways true intelligence is about adapting being versitile, universal ,elevation higher level of conciousness
the margarita pizza has the colours of the italian flag in it,
green - basil
white - mozzarella
red - tomatoes.

another completely useless fact for you.
Originally posted by Adam
Whoever invented pizza is the paragon of true intelligence. :p it is the egg roll my friend...:D

Or could be the anchovies with the pizza and a Tsingtao beer....:D
I'll have to disagree with both of you on that. :D It is, truly, the Chinese who are the culinary geniuses. Who else could have decided that testicle soup could help you "perform" better? Who else decided that "Hey, those bear claws look mighty delicious", and taken them for medicine? Where else can you find a larger larder of herbs, insects, and animal parts? :D Kudos to the Chinese!
:D! Like the spaghetti of the Italians - Chinese origins. It's kind of sad...China used to be the most powerful of countries, advanced in technology, medicines, and the arts. Until they became the underdog... :(