Define Telepathy

Thanks read. Anyway. I know what I know, and you haven't changed my perspective, not a bit... Also it seems sort of weird and obvious that no , not even you are understanding what I'm writing... because that is NOT what I had meant ...

First of all, I don't need ANY clues from you.

Second off... oh . Yeah. Second... Uh, well, I don't just accept what "people" say, no not at all. I am not a weird believer of telepathy. I do not claim to have psychic powers, ... uh,

I believe "telepathy" probably exists, because, uh, I have experienced (although this is why I am ASKING FOR THE DEFINATION TO)..
let me just say this:

If telepathy has destroyed a person, does this mean that telepathy exists?
Of course this is kind of strange sounding. I myself claim to have been destroyed by people, and no, not by them beating me or anything like that.

I say that instead I have been destroyed by people, PSYCHICALLY, or something. I have before wrote, actually in my documents on microsoft, that "i know that telepathy exists" or something like that, right?

Anyway, like I am saying.............. I have been destroyed telepathically or something. I don't care how bizare what i'm saying may or may not sound. I do not really care for any power that you had over me in the past, because I know what I have gone through, I know that I am a very strong person, and even a little bit special in my own right. But we are not talking about me. No, we are not.....................................

Ok. As leopold said. ... let me scroll up.

Oh. What you and, no i mean what you said to leopold???

That just makes me want to laugh, it makes me feel so right. I don't see how you could possibly touch this feeling, even if I am not really able to express myself correctly.

It is brain activity outside the skull that has destroyed me.
I didn't really finish this sentence so well, but it is, very true, that brain activity outside the skull, that has destroyed me all of my life. Nietzsche who I am sure that you have read, very well actually, .......... hah, has mentionend of the psychic. Lol

I am cracking myself up and talking partly nonsence. But you know, even nonsence makes sence, right Read Only? I am sure you know.

If you actually take the time to respond to me you are going to have a field day. Put yourself in my shoes. Sit back from your so high perspective and ask yourself what is the defination to telepathy, what does telepathy explain, sit back from your shit perspective for a moment.

I am sure you are going to have a simple response or no response at all.

But do you knwo what? I dont give a shit. I am looking for a response comming from my shoes. I am looking.

And you are NOT.
Thanks read. Anyway. I know what I know, and you haven't changed my perspective, not a bit... Also it seems sort of weird and obvious that no , not even you are understanding what I'm writing... because that is NOT what I had meant ...

First of all, I don't need ANY clues from you.

Second off... oh . Yeah. Second... Uh, well, I don't just accept what "people" say, no not at all. I am not a weird believer of telepathy. I do not claim to have psychic powers, ... uh,

I believe "telepathy" probably exists, because, uh, I have experienced (although this is why I am ASKING FOR THE DEFINATION TO)..
let me just say this:

If telepathy has destroyed a person, does this mean that telepathy exists?
Of course this is kind of strange sounding. I myself claim to have been destroyed by people, and no, not by them beating me or anything like that.

I say that instead I have been destroyed by people, PSYCHICALLY, or something. I have before wrote, actually in my documents on microsoft, that "i know that telepathy exists" or something like that, right?

Anyway, like I am saying.............. I have been destroyed telepathically or something. I don't care how bizare what i'm saying may or may not sound. I do not really care for any power that you had over me in the past, because I know what I have gone through, I know that I am a very strong person, and even a little bit special in my own right. But we are not talking about me. No, we are not.....................................

Ok. As leopold said. ... let me scroll up.

Oh. What you and, no i mean what you said to leopold???

That just makes me want to laugh, it makes me feel so right. I don't see how you could possibly touch this feeling, even if I am not really able to express myself correctly.

It is brain activity outside the skull that has destroyed me.
I didn't really finish this sentence so well, but it is, very true, that brain activity outside the skull, that has destroyed me all of my life. Nietzsche who I am sure that you have read, very well actually, .......... hah, has mentionend of the psychic. Lol

I am cracking myself up and talking partly nonsence. But you know, even nonsence makes sence, right Read Only? I am sure you know.

If you actually take the time to respond to me you are going to have a field day. Put yourself in my shoes. Sit back from your so high perspective and ask yourself what is the defination to telepathy, what does telepathy explain, sit back from your shit perspective for a moment.

I am sure you are going to have a simple response or no response at all.

But do you knwo what? I dont give a shit. I am looking for a response comming from my shoes. I am looking.

And you are NOT.

Brent, you have such a habit of just rambling around that's it's difficult to make much sense of what you write half the time. And this is one of those times.

It's perfectly fine for you to believe anything you wish to, just don't expect people who want higher standards of proof to accept a lot of things that you do. It's not a matter of "high perspective", it's things like not believing in machines that don't exist and human powers that don't exist either. You can't even come close to proving either of those is true.
Here you are, still entirely wrong....

I can come close to proving anything that I want to. That is where you are wrong...

Let me tell you one thing. Quantum Quack can read your thoughts right now if he wanted to. I will have you wresteling with this thought, which you can neither disprove or prove. So sit back thinking all you want about how goofy I am. Hah!
Here you are, still entirely wrong....

I can come close to proving anything that I want to. That is where you are wrong...

Let me tell you one thing. Quantum Quack can read your thoughts right now if he wanted to. I will have you wresteling with this thought, which you can neither disprove or prove. So sit back thinking all you want about how goofy I am. Hah!

If you can, then do so.

Oh, I'm SO scared to death of someone invading my thoughts! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here you are, still entirely wrong....

I can come close to proving anything that I want to. That is where you are wrong...

Let me tell you one thing. Quantum Quack can read your thoughts right now if he wanted to. I will have you wresteling with this thought, which you can neither disprove or prove. So sit back thinking all you want about how goofy I am. Hah!

read-only and others [ yes incuding you Brent ]
it is at times like these I can only quote a famous wisdom.
"The truth requires no defense...."

Brent: I won't be baited into posting again.
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If you can, then do so.

Oh, I'm SO scared to death of someone invading my thoughts! NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

read only , even if I could "invade " your thoughts, what ever that means I wouldn't in the same way I wouldn't invade your home.....
read only , even if I could "invade " your thoughts, what ever that means I wouldn't in the same way I wouldn't invade your home.....

I've read enough of your posts to know that. :) And the operative word there is "could." I was simply poking fun at his childish ideas. (Not him personally, of course - again, the operative word being "ideas.")
The term "Telepathy" can be defined, once it has been confirmed as to what mechanism transmits and receives thoughts.

The term "Telepathy" can be defined, once it has been confirmed as to what mechanism transmits and receives thoughts.


Agreed. Now, confirming it is an altogether different matter. :D There's been millions of dollars (and other currency) and probably hundreds of thousands of hours spent on the efforts of simply trying to prove it's existence - much less determining what the "underlying mechanism: is. ;)

Bottom line: how can anyone understand how it works when apparently no one can even show it exists in the first place!?!?
Like pheromones? neural circuits? hearing yourself think?

Nope. Again, the first involve normal sensory detection (smell). The second is a perfectly normal autonomous process. As to the last one the last one, sane people don't "hear" themselves think, they merely form words in their mind to aid in thinking.
Speaking, Listening, Writing, Reading?

Telepathy: Apparent communication from one mind to another without using sensory perceptions.

Just so that you understand the current definition.
Telepathy: Apparent communication from one mind to another without using sensory perceptions.

Just so that you understand the current definition.

Like when I know what I am thinking?