Define faith

I trust the laws of physics. It requires no faith.

I have faith in my wife's intentions but I don't trust her for a second to change the oil in my car. Woof.
There's a big difference between faith and trust....

Trust is merely the placing of reliance on someone/thing.

Faith is to believe as true with no logical proof or evidence.

In religion the two often go hand in hand, but they are not the same.

Also, when people talk of "faith" in non-religious terms, they are usually talking of nothing more than an acceptable level of probability....

"I have faith in my friend's ability to perform X" - is based on a plethora of directly observed evidence from which you can draw a conclusion of their probability to perform the action X.

"If I go to sleep I have faith that I will wake up" (Dalahar's example) - is really just probability based on the number of times that the person has gone to sleep and subsequently woken up the next day.
Sarkus said:
Also, when people talk of "faith" in non-religious terms, they are usually talking of nothing more than an acceptable level of probability....

"I have faith in my friend's ability to perform X" - is based on a plethora of directly observed evidence from which you can draw a conclusion of their probability to perform the action X.

"If I go to sleep I have faith that I will wake up" (Dalahar's example) - is really just probability based on the number of times that the person has gone to sleep and subsequently woken up the next day.

That's exactly what I'm talking about in "religious" terms as well...more specifically, in relation to God Himself. "I have faith in God...that He is who He says He is" - based upon a plethora of directly observed evidence that I can draw a conclusion of His probablility to perform whatever Godly function...that comes from me interacting with Him and knowing Him for years now. I trust Him.