Define Evil.


  • No such thing as evil. It's just a concept of mind.

    Votes: 15 71.4%
  • There are various degrees of evil.

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Evil is evil. There are no degrees of evil.

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Really, I don't know.

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Asguard
"evil" is in the intentions of the person comiting the act
so if the person knows its "wrong" then its evil...
Oversimplified, I think. Consider: While a guest in someone's home during a party, I slosh coffee onto their nice carpet. At the time, there is nobody else in the room, so I quickly exit, and say nothing to my host. Wrong? Absolutely. Evil?

Well, the more I think on this the more I see "evil" as a natural law rather than just a human concept. Everything in nature seems to have an opposite. Our physical universe is defined by many opposites. Why then would we accept "evil" as being just a concept of mind?
Originally posted by Bowser
Everything in nature seems to have an opposite. Our physical universe is defined by many opposites. Why then would we accept "evil" as being just a concept of mind?
Perhaps because you can accept "good" as just a concept of the mind?

*Everything in nature seems to have an opposite.*

Can you tell me the opposite of a tree? I can't find an opposite there. Or you must look at the trees and plants that grow over others and while doing so, choke the other trees and plants to death.

Guess humans do have a choice in this, most of the time. If you look at the world and how humans act on eachother, than there is a lot hurt done to other humans feelings. Take only the 'holy' wars, for instance. It is ridiculous...

Humans who are hurt by others, react on this by doing the same. I don't know if you can call it really 'evil'. I think 'evil' is a too strong word...

first thing, i hate the people who say, this should be at the other forum, or this dont belong here, its ****ing free thoughts moron.


evil only exists because good does, they are balanced.

to destroy evil, you will need to destroy good.
<i>"to destroy evil, you will need to destroy good."</i>

Hmm, and where would we be without the two?


You seem to be looking for the grey area. I wonder if there is such a thing where evil is concerned. Also, the opposite of a tree would be a stump.
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like the paint thingy, we all know it.

black paint 1 side of pallete, white the other, and a large mass of grey mix in the middle. som people are more to the black paint, therefore darker grey hence more evilk and viceversa. no get rid of the evil, including the grey will have to wash the whole pallete clean, destroying both good and evil.
Hmmmphhhh... Who dares to disturb my long sleep???
Ahhh... Define Evil.
Well here I am perfect materialized Evil, tadaa!
Evil is something we created, through our minds. Evil is our judgement, our distorted perception of reality. You don't call "evil" a banana if you don't like its taste, do you? It's just the meaning you give to it.

Everything have a true common meaning, but we are used to look to things only superficially by judging them through logic and reason. That's the origin of all "evil" - judgement.
can someone give me a recipy for demon pizza

it sounds YUMMY

maybe i start selling it when i run a restrant:D

Open a pizzeria called "Hell Forge" or something like that...:D:D:D
You know what I dont get.... Coz, im not a black and white person, nothing is binary for me as things are always left open for debate.. well I dont get why so many things are left up to right or wrong, this or that... its seems quite a habit for humans. I mean there are things nevitably this or that, ie dead or alive, but arnt things more of a spectrum of ideas than clearly definable logic?

if this dosnt make sense, i think im nuts.


That's exactly what I've been saying.

Look to my quote:
Everything have a true common meaning, but we are used to look to things only superficially by judging them through logic and reason. That's the origin of all "evil" - judgement.

It's just the way we judge it. Things are neutral. We give them a meaning, but that doesn't mean that it's for everyone. When we transcend our judgement, our habit of looking at things with logic and reason, we find a highter reality, a Truth that is inherent of all things. :)
I say demons are evil, you ridicule me with demon pizza. Why?

Demons are evil.
Anything involving demons is evil
Pizza made with demons is evil.
Hmm ...

Following along with the thought of good balancing evil ...

Were evil to vanish, would half of what was good become evil?


Take care ;)
Good and evil are concepts. They are formed by judgement and personal perspective. They don't even exist...

Of course the concept of evil can't exist without the concept of good. In the same way, the concept of good cannot exist without the concept of evil. They co-create each other. If you stop your judgement, you stop your wn perception and concepts like good and evil become past and now inexistant.