Define evidence


Registered Member
It seems like religious discussions boil down to a demand for evidence.

But how do you define evidence? I mean...there is factual, historical, logical, anecdotal, and testimonial. All are, by definition, considered evidence.

Why is the definition of evidence, when it comes to God, different from the definition of evidence in, for instance, a court of law?
Religions rely on faith. The evidence of personal intuition or private experience is not the same as physical evidence - the kind admissible in court, or the kind accepted by scientists.

All kinds of things are taken as evidence by religious people. Scientists and lawyers have somewhat different standards of proof.
Evidence, proof?

Even evidence may deceive people`s fragile thinking.

But to define evidence is to know what evidence is. Maybe a simple word can show some explications - `vide`. Maybe vide helps you define evidence (vide + ence = evidence, meaning see and know).
well for instance historical evidence. why can't archaeological evidence be found that prooves divine ispiration of the Bible? Some sort of artifact, or proof of a fulfilled prophecy, ect.
water said:
The crux with evidence is that ANY evidence can be discarded.
only if it's wrong, if it is factually true it must be believed, hence the statement "beyond a shadow of a doubt" in court.
There are a bunch of prophecies that were fulfilled, but of course since the bible can be read any number of ways, one can always "disprove" the fulfillment.

The law is held to a more universally accepted standard - proof beyond reasonable doubt - but not many smart people would assert that the court's system is infallible, nor would they make that assertion about any particular scientific theory as theories are realized to be incomplete or wrong when the next (better) one comes out.

Also, personal testimony is accepted in a court of law, why shouldn't it be accepted in spiritual matters? It isn't like we are deciding other people's lives with religion anymore... at least we shouldn't be.
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audible said:
only if it's wrong, if it is factually true it must be believed, hence the statement "beyond a shadow of a doubt" in court.

What is beyond the shadow of a doubt is merely arbitrary, the doing of haughty men too old to play in the sand. Not all evidence can be discarded outside whimsical pursuit - the kind where it is said, 'This evidence does not conform to mine own arbitrary standard; I refuse!' These evidences, a man can only lie to himself and fashion absurdities to shield himself from.

Evidence may be used to prove anything. And yet we know this, nothing can be proved for nothing needs proving.

How to go about proving nothing.
justice is talked abotu on this thread, does justice actually exist?

can anyone provide scientific evidence of justice?
can any one prove that justice exists objectively i.e. not simply subejective appreciations of justice, but justice that is an objective entity that is scientifically quantifiable.
so you agree with me, you cannot provide scientific evidence of justice as it exists objectively.
ellion said:
so you agree with me, you cannot provide scientific evidence of justice as it exists objectively.
I have'nt actually replied to your post, I just posted up a link, I could not possibly agree with you that would be absurd, I come back later when you heads screwed on correctly.

justice is talked abotu on this thread, does justice actually exist?

can anyone provide scientific evidence of justice?
can any one prove that justice exists objectively i.e. not simply subejective appreciations of justice, but justice that is an objective entity that is scientifically quantifiable.

God<sup>&reg;</sup> damn, some of you theists really are dumb as a plug. Human mental constructs like justice, love, hate, god, etc. are SUBJECTIVE. They have no physical reality.They are not OBJECTIVE things. In the absence of an intellect they would have no existence. The weak nuclear force is objective. The power of god<sup>&reg;</sup> is subjective.

Objective: Testable. Demonstrable without reliance on opinion or belief. Measurable, as physically effective phenomena.

Get a hammer, write this on a big nail, and pound it into your head.
super: if he did that he would'nt feel the nail penetrate, as it would hit an empty space.
Maybe. I'm not trying to be nasty (he'd know it if I was), but damn, this debate about what is objectively real and what is not is getting very fucknig old.